
Redemption of Cosmic Pariahs - The Unlimited System

In a universe marred by their past, Deen Clost and Nova Clon, once formidable, now stand as mere echoes. Their actions obliterated 200 planets, claiming countless lives. United by a common purpose, they embark on a heart-rending journey to restore their lost powers and resurrect the destroyed worlds. Stripped of glory, they yearn for redemption, despised by gods, humans, and all races. Their quest is a poignant tale of remorse, sacrifice, and the enduring power of determination. Can they redeem themselves and rebuild, or remain cosmic outcasts forever?

Sun_burn · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Planning the next move - 11

"Is that system trinket so good? What does that thing want from you anyway. What is it getting from you?"

Nova Clon asked Deen as she poured a cup of tea for both of them. Gizmo was surprisingly having a comfy lifestyle as evident to all the food and fridges the two could see from the main room where they were.

The only thing about the room that was off was Gizmo taste in decoration and esthetics. Almost all the equipment in the room was made of glass. Table , spoons …Maybe Gizmo was environmental friendly?

Deen suddenly froze at . Deen had a bead of sweat escape him.

"It doesn't want anything. The system is like a sword, a sword doesn't need to have a purpose. Right Unlimited System?"

He asked the system audibly.


Deen saw a little prompt then nothing more. He gulped a mouthful of saliva almost choking on it.

"…wait do you want something from me system?"


Nova looked at Deen and almost laughed. She was barely holding on it.

"Come on Nova, are you jealous? Hey system why did you want me exactly?"

[ The system can't disclose that. Apologies for any inconvenience, rest assured. The system is permanently with you.]

"Can't?… I've really done it know, but as long as I complete my objectives I'm cool with that."

"Deen my beloved, you can sometimes be quite the intelligent person."

Nova looked at him with adoring eye making Deen flinch.

"Don't get all loving just to mock me." Deen said and took a big gulp of the tea hoping to wash away the situation.

"Taking a mysterious power you don't know nothing about. But you know, I think I've heard some like the system before."

Deen eyed her. He seemed surprised but not too much. Nova was a literal walking achieve of information, the information she had in her head was unthinkable. Nova was 3400 years old and she spent most of this time absorbing information using her ability -ACHIEVE-

"Yes… what?"

"Nothing more than you already know. Supposedly, these system things are so rare that it's believed you may only find 5 to 9 in a Galaxy Cluster. They are believed to make contracts with their owners and in return the owners receive great power."

Deen who had been listening just signed in confusion.

"System, what contract did we Make?"


"Well mine doesn't seem to have any contract. Arrg!! Forget about the system. What do we do know?"

The two continued drinking tea and snaking on Gizmo's food. The silence between the two lasted for over three hours.

Deen seemed to be the one thinking even harder that Nova.

"Deen my beloved, please use your brain. This isn't the time be thinking about food."

Deen stopped eating.

"So you noticed ha? I really hate thinking… but if I must. Let's see…Mmh. Got it… give me a sec with the system."

Deen decided to clarify some things with the system.

'I know I can exert dominance over space and teleport to a different places… but how far if I used 90% of my all my Cosmic Power?"

[ Alone would be 15 light years and with host companion 10 light years ]

'so you're saying 94.6 trillion kilometres travelling with Nova., That's sufficient enough. Sevex Five then Black Barnet, Sinthot and Man-di… mmmh not right.'

Deen did some more calculation places they might land on specified destinations then came up with a clear copy in his mind of a route. He also took into account any little bit of information he already had based of planet position, potential to inhibit cosmic Power and any dangerous planets. Doing the maths on how much Power he would need before entering specific planets.

It seemed long but it took a mere 10 seconds for him to do every single calculation.

"I think we should start with planet Noel. I'm not mentioning all the details, it's gonna take a whole week, here."

Deen stood and took Nova by his both hands and put her over his body as if hugging her.

He then kissed her. They stayed that way for a moment and Nova almost forgot why he was doing so.

However soon, all of Deen's calculative information flowed to her mind.

When the transfer ended she abruptly pushed him away.

"Warn me before doing something so embarrassing!"

Deen sighed as if she said something stupid.

"What's embarrassing about a kiss, we've been a couple for centuries and even did se.."

"No more! I clearly understand your plans." Nova quickly stopped Deen from saying the word.

"Okay okay, we'll be moving tomorrow. I've spent too much Cosmic Power. If it weren't for my concept ability I'd never recover it."

——Usable Cosmic Power [ 200/500]——

Seems memories transfer costed alot of cosmic Power but it was probably because Nova had mental defences.

Deen seemed to be stretching as if ready to go to bed.

"I'm gonna call it a night. A healthy body needs plenty of sleep."

He then stretched his arms channeling his dominion over creation and quickly a bed materialised inside the room.

Nova reaction was a bit of shock following an expression of disappointment.

Deen was about to jump right in but Nova blocked his way.

"What? I'm not taking a bath. I've already used my ability to clense myself."

Deen said looking annoyed like a child.

"I was gonna ask something else but since you brought it up… Take a real bath for once!!"

"No I won't! Now out of my way, I have a bed to deliver justice to."

Nova sighed giving up.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you could maybe make some simple spears but with good quality maybe imbued with a little cosmic Power to improve accuracy?"

Deen jumped to bed and caressed his face on the pillows. He seemed in glee at the moment. Quickly rolling around the large bed.

"Sure, I can do that. 100 is the maximum I can master and don't end up ruining our plans which might end up killing us… sleep is the bestest thing ever!!! I just wanna sleep forever…"

Deen continued mattering in the background as he quickly fell asleep. He created the spears before that so he could fully use his energy by the following day.

"Honestly, such a baby. Why does he even sleep."

Nova left sleeping Deen and was searching around Gizmo's home. She found a real bath and clensed herself the old fashioned way.She then visited the library belonging to him.

A big grand library deep inside the house. Just by looking, there were at least 1000 shelves of books.

She took some samples and most had similar titles following a chronological order of the earth respectively.

The history of Earth 9000BC - 9010BC.

The Earth Technology 4500BC - 4510BC.

And so on. Some books recorded to time before humans were even around.

"I know I shouldn't but all this knowledge!"

Nova loved to collect new knowledge whenever she could find. Even among her Achieve Race, she was obsessive.

"So much knowledge but I have to restrain myself. I can't take all of it. I'll stick to knowledge before humans existed no one is gonna complain right? The next Observer can refill the books."

And so she got to work.






She voraciously devoured one book after another, rapidly acquiring knowledge, and with each book Achieved, it appeared as though her insatiable thirst for learning only intensified, leading her down a path of unbridled enthusiasm and unstoppable curiosity, making her seem increasingly uncontrollable with every passing moment.

The act continued till morning when Deen came to pick her up to leave earth.