
Redemption of Cosmic Pariahs - The Unlimited System

In a universe marred by their past, Deen Clost and Nova Clon, once formidable, now stand as mere echoes. Their actions obliterated 200 planets, claiming countless lives. United by a common purpose, they embark on a heart-rending journey to restore their lost powers and resurrect the destroyed worlds. Stripped of glory, they yearn for redemption, despised by gods, humans, and all races. Their quest is a poignant tale of remorse, sacrifice, and the enduring power of determination. Can they redeem themselves and rebuild, or remain cosmic outcasts forever?

Sun_burn · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Overcharge, the Unlimited System - 10

Servic had launched into the air.

"Host abilities and 70% of cosmic channels sacrificed for maximum output. Black Hole Channels Created." Deen female voice continued.

Servic landed a sword blow on Deen but Deen's body seemed to phrase out and into existence. Then Servic arm suddenly seemed to shrink then it was suddenly cut.

Servic quickly teleported away but he already lost his right arm. Before he could recollect himself a sudden pull of extreme gravity pulled him towards Deen.

Servic fired a beam of supercharged Energy beam towards Deen but as it made contact, it seemed to vanish into him.

"What is going on! I thought your power was diminished!"

He teleported back again but got pulled in again.

"Damn you!! Darn you!!"

This time, before Servic could get any further from the gravitational pull, the system controling Deen's body moved fast and gave a side kick at Servic. He tried paring the attack but that was a big mistake.

Deen leg suddenly turned pitch black as is landed a blow on Servic.

His left arm vanished and the half of his left side of his stomach also vanished leaving a large round wound. His left wing was also completely destroyed.

He staggered and fell to the ground. He tried to desperately crawl.

It seemed Deen was capable of cutting everything that made contact with his body and absorb it. Like a black hole.

"I have to get the hell of of here! Mind manipulation isn't working… all of my other abilities are no good!!"

Servic seemed like he was about to teleport but Deen vanished and appeared next to him.

He then grabbed the fallen Servic.

"Come one, can't we talk it out. I was just doing what the Galaxy Cluster Lords told me to." Servic pleaded. He seemed very afraid of death as his face quickly had turned horrified.

However Deen didn't respond.

Nova just stared without saying a word. She didn't seem to comprehend what was going on with Deen either.

Once Deen took a hold of Servic, Servic body started to slowly warp and distort.

"I can't teleport!! No wait! Aren't you worried what will happen to my planets! Think about all the dangers my people might face without my protection…!!"

"Activating Black Hole ability: Singularity!" The system Declared.

Servic body wrapped and in the blink of an eye and it shrunk into nothingness. A size so small it didn't truly exist.

Deen was left there standing. Nova who had been witnessing all the action slowly moved closer to Deen.

She seemed a bit hesitant to approach him but eventually ended up approaching.

Deen on the other hand also moved to her. Soon they made contact. Nova hugged him passionately breaking into little tears.

" You're alive.!!"

The system which was controling Deen's body didn't hug back and simply looked at Nova.

It seemed to notice Nova missing arm. It's gaze wondered around and spotted the other half of the arm.

Using a sudden gravitational pull, it attracted the arm to it's own and grabbed Nova.

It then reattached the arm and cut it's own body, which was Deen's.

It then used Deen blue glimmering blood as glue and when the drops of blood from Deen's body met with the region of cut, Nova arm attached themselves back to normal.

Deen naturally has regeneration ability due to his immortal body seemed it could be use as some sort of strong healing portion.

"Threats eliminated: Reverting back."

The black form in Deen's slowly desipated and Deen returned to normal too.

His eyes regained their blue nebula hue.

He then took a deep breath as wore a smile looking at Nova. He hugged back passionately.

"No need to worry my Nova. I'm back."

Nova slowly punched Deen as he hugged him complaining.

"What took you so long to wake up! I was… I was so worried and… and alone you know."

"I'm here now."

"What took you so long, it's been days!"

Deen seemed puzzled but decided to act like he expected to have slept so long.

"Why don't we make ourselves at home as I explain to you everything. I still currently in the process of assimilation of this new power."

Deen said as his vision was being quickly cluttered by messages from the system.

The two walked around finding a clean room inside the house that belonged to Gizmo.

[ Defense mechanism deactivated.]

The system seemed busy.

[You have lost 70% of your cosmic channels during overcharge. Your Cosmic Power capacity has dropped by 60%.]

[Host has lost all Intrinsic Species abilities. ]

Deen sighed seeing the backlash of using Defensive Mechanism.

[ Affirmed: Host has gained new skills.]

[ Skill: Black Hole Manipulation (ability locked) ]

[ Skill : Cosmic Power Derivation (Active.)]

Deen was aware what the system had done previously but since it was for the sake of his partner he didn't complain. He was certain his normal self wouldn't have been able to defeat Servic.

'Why is Black Hole Manipulation locked, I assume it's the ability you used against the Planet System lord?' He asked in his mind.

[Yes. Host however host has too little Cosmic Power capacity to use it. Locking prevents accident activation which could damage cosmic channels.]

[ Continuing…]

[Host has killed the enemy and gained 1 Divine Soul.]

[ Do you wish to use and extract it's abilities or increase cosmic Power capacity?]

'Wow, you can do that? In that case, Increase my capacity.'

He decided to go with increasing his capacity. He wasn't sure if he would be able to use Servic abilities with so little cosmic Power.

Deen was conversing with the system while they walked around the place with Nova. He also was explaining how he entered the tomb dungeon and gained the system to her.

[Understood:, Increasing capacity… 0% …45%…89%…100% Compete.]

[Capacity increased 12 times. You have gained 150% back of your lost Cosmic channels.]

Deen eyes suddenly burst in a glow then reverted back to they way they were when a sudden increase in cosmic Power occurred.

Nova who was clinging to him suddenly moved aside. She could clearly sense Deen Power rise fast.

"What's going on with you!? Your Power just increased to tremendously.!"

"Hahaha! I told you I was doing something very useful. And get this, it seems my Power will keep on increasing if we defeat more of those lords."

Deen said brushing his backhead not knowing how to start, but he explained it the best he could.

Lucky for him, the system came with an extremely brief manual on how to use it.

The system could one, create all types of skills as long as Deen collected a being's power core. For some it was their souls, to others maybe something completely different but as long as it was a core, the system could collect it.

Secondly and obviously, the system could work in voice commands and could also be used as a floating touch screen that only Deen could see.

Currently Deen was seeing his stats on a game like status bar.


[ Name: Deen Clon Claust.]

[Level 1]

[Species: Law-ein]

[Age: 5789 years.]

[Level Up Cosmic power: 009/100]

[Usable Cosmic power: 500/500]


[ Cosmic Power Derivation Level 2.]

-A 5th dimension ability.

- Allows.

…Drawing Power from the Power concept.

…Intuition/Encyclopedic Knowledge of the Power concept.

…Manipulation/Control of natural laws by exerting dominance using the power conceptual ability.

Limitation: Will not work on living Cosmic entities with more cosmic power than the host.

Derivation has a limit to the scale of laws even if Host has enough power to bend target laws.

[ Black hole Manipulation l level 1.](Locked. Level 6 required.)


[ Immortality. Level 60 ]

Host is forever youthful, immune to all permanent body alteration abilities, natural effects and illness.

Host won't died even if completely erased or any other means is used.

Limitation: User can still take damage and ran out of stamina.


Deen stared at his stats an a glimmer of smile escaped his lips.

"Is that system trinket so good? What does that thing want from you anyway." Nova asked seeing the look on his face.

Deen froze.

+++To my readers:+++++

Power Derivation Skill may be hard to understand but not to worry. It will be explained more as the story truly starts.

The ability can do almost anything as long as long as Deen has enough Power for it and doesn't surpass a certain scale of universal laws.

Also you should note that Deen now has encyclopedic knowledge of the Derivation ability, it's an intrinsic ability of the Cosmic Power Derivation .

Also, the reason why Deen's immortality is so high level is because he was already immortal.

Sun_burncreators' thoughts