
Red Shadow

Hiatus until further notice!

BlackChaosNyx · その他
18 Chs

Chapter 6

During the next week in a half, Revan and Saya would continue to train together in his personal training spot, occasionally with a third person as Naruto would show up from time to time. Revan was happy to know that his good deed of helping Naruto would go rewarded, for when they were leaving the school one day Iruka approached them and taught Naruto the Shadow Clone Jutsu, which was also taught to Revan. Iruka stressed enough to the red head that it shouldn't be used until his chakra capacity had at least reach a minimum of high Chuunin level or early Jounin. He also got a nice big paycheck for his modifications on the two jutsu. His final year of inheritance money from his mother, plus what the village rewarded him, ensured that he could live comfortably for another year easily. Lets not forget that Revan has a few money making schemes to take advantage of that could make him a wealthy young man easily. A few books he read in his past life, some board games, a few recipes that the Akimichi would happily pay him for. His eyes sparkle at the thought of all of the money he could make quite easily.

At the rate of progress Revan is going, he should be able to safely cast the jutsu by graduation. After all he is still practicing the chakra control techniques in his spare time. During their training together, Revan had come to grow more fond of the ice queen, even going as far as teaching her the Tree Climbing exercise. A genius she is for mastering it in one afternoon. Sakura may be the top girl in academics, but when it comes to practicality Saya has her beat by a landslide. Hopefully the pinkette overcomes her fangirl tendencies before it gets her killed.

This afternoon Revan and Saya rest against a tree after a long session of sparring. Revan's skills may have improved, but the girl still has him beat by a mile.

'Sigh.... I always remembered that my specialties in those games I played with Gavin were always either stealth, or mages. Perhaps in reality it's still the same?' Revan thinks to himself and smiles wryly.

He glances over at Saya, drenched in sweat, her clothes sticking to her body tightly, further highlighting her still developing figure. Even at 12 her figure is fantastic. The beauty she will become as a fully grown woman. Revan looks away and slightly blushes at the thought, before recomposing himself immediately.

'Damn, going through the pre-to-early teenage years once again seem to have an effect on my more than I expected.' Revan thinks, 'Now that I think about it, I never really considered another relationship since my breakup with... Damnit! Why did I have to remember that moment?'

Saya looks at looks at him and speaks, "Anything on your mind?"

"No." Revan says shaking his head, "I'm just thinking about what I want to do in the future. I've dug up some stuff about the genin placement after exams and I'm wondering how I should proceed."

"What did you learn?" She asks.

"Hm..." He thinks momentarily before continuing, "For one, there is a sort of tradition set up that Team 7 will always consist of the Rookie of the Year, Kunoici of the Year, and the Deadlast in one team. Something about helping to bring up the skills of the last place with the help of the two best or something along that line. Your brother is a sure thing when it comes to RotY, and at this point Sakura has you beat since you've never focused too much on your education since.... You know?"

Saya nods in understanding. Quite frankly she doesn't have an interest in the top spot, for titles mean nothing in the presence of true skills and talent.

"Naruto is definitely going to place dead last thanks to all of the efforts the instructors went through to hinder him." She says in which Revan agrees with a nod.

Revan then continues, "There is also the traditional teaming of the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi team. That had always been a thing considering how close those clans are." He then thinks for a moment and says, "Plus there is a team that focuses on tracking and subduing, I have a feeling on who will join that team."

"Hyuga, Inuzuka, and Aburame." Saya murmurs and gets a nod from Revan.

"Correct! They are the most likely candidates to be on that team. Hinata may be a little reserved and lack confidence in herself, but I believe she will come through in the end."

"I agree."

They sit there and think for a bit in silence.

"Where would that put us?" Saya asks.

"Hm... I don't honestly know," Revan replies shaking his head, "Now that I think about it, our class is kinda uneven when it comes to the number of students."

"How so?"

Revan points at himself and her, "If you count all of the students in the class, there are exactly enough to form teams of 3 like all genin teams with the exception of two extra students. If you think about it logically, we are the odd ones out."

"What makes you say it is us and not another pair of students?" She asks and he just chuckles.

"I wouldn't want it to be anyone else, for I am much more comfortable working with you." He says with a smile, "After all this week of training together has made it easier for us to work in teams. Besides, as the last female Uchiha, the civilian council is weary of you growing stronger."

"Why would that be?"

Revan smiles slyly and speaks, "I may have been snooping around for the last 2 nights to test out a my stealth skills and overheard a certain piggy, or business owner mention something about a certain girl becoming far too strong for his liking."


"Yep... lets not go into the matter of me robbing him in spite after hearing him order his son to try and woo you." He says with a mischievous smirk.

She looks at Revan with a look of incredulity, "You seriously spied on and robbed a member of the civilian council?"

Revan shakes his head, "I didn't just rob a member of the civilian council, I planted products normally sold by a clan owned business in his shop to incriminate him of a false crime. Nothing serious."

"Why?" She asks.

"Gotta look out for my friends and family. Should have seen the shop owner that tried to sell Naruto expired milk yesterday. I replaced the contents of the milk cartons with sake." He says with a chuckle.

"PFT!" Saya nearly breaks out in laughter, but covers her mouth, cheeks tinted red, with her shoulders shivering. Revan shakes his head at her reaction. 'I will break through that ice yet.' He thinks.

Standing up, Revan offers a hand to Saya, who accepts it and gets pulled to her feet.

"This was quite the productive evening of training. Same time tomorrow?" Revan asks and she nods. The two go their separate ways shortly after leaving the woods and Revan returns home.

##Revan's Apartment.##

Revan sits at his desk and activates the Light tattoo and summons out a few training manuals. Since he had awaken his Force powers and memories, Revan had developed a habit of meditating every night before bed, but eventually he had come to find that once he was engrossed in it, he could meditate all night long and come to still feel fully refreshed when morning comes. Almost as if he had gotten a full nights sleep. With meditation, he could gradually build up his control over the Force, while also giving his body and mind the rest it needs to perform during the day.

With his increased focus and concentration, his performance with everything else improves in return. The mind's improvement will also benefit the body and spirit as well. So a perfect balance of mental, spiritual, and physical energy.

Unfortunately after a week, he could feel the gains from meditation diminishing greatly, which means Revan will need to upgrade to a higher ranking Force Meditation technique soon.

"Lets see here..." He takes out a journal he had bought and started scribbling notes in it. "Meditation no longer offers the benefits it used to, so I can essentially consider it mastered. I also feel as if my control over Telekinesis is at a satisfactory level. I have a feeling that if I wanted to I could perform a "Vader Force Choke" If I wanted to. Or better yet, crush an individual organ instead. Maybe I should study up on the human anatomy at some point..."

He scribbles a few notes about his progress of skills and it looks a little like this.


Core Skills:

Meditation - Mastered. The benefits I gained from further meditation has diminished greatly.

Telekinesis - Mastered. Lifting an adult isn't a problem, but should they possess the capabilities of escaping and using jutsu without the require hand seals, it may complicate things in combat.

Perfect Clone Jutsu - Mastered. After rewriting and improving the formula of the original technique, I went to perfect it, removing the flaws that plagues the original. Will probably be abandoned once I get a chance to use and master the Shadow Clones. Thank you Naruto for allowing me the opportunity to learn that. My good deed was rewarded.

Transformation Jutsu - Mastered. I can perfectly transform into a physical copy of my intended target. Certainly came in handy when I was able to sneak into a certain merchant's store to get a little pay back for trying to make my cousin's life more miserable. What kind of punishment could he get for selling alcohol to minors?

Substitution Jutsu - Mastered. When it comes to this skill I can easily swap myself with objects as large as an average human all the way down to an object as small as Kunai or Shuriken. Even when in extreme movements, I could swap with them if I can see them in my eyesight. I also learned that I could use the Force in a manner that acts similar to the Hyuga Clan's Byakugan and lock on to a kunai to swap with. This requires a little more practice to perfect and it also can potentially increase my range of movements from short-to-mid range all the way to short-to-long range. Being able to swap with my target without requiring the use of eye contact with improve my range of movements greatly. I also discovered I can swap different items with each other without having to add myself to the equation.

Kunai Dance - Semi Mastered. Still doing some tweaking to this technique of mine, but soon enough it should be perfect. I can already perform a variety of movements and attacks upon swapping with my intended target. From simple punches, kicks, grabs, or even strikes with another blade. If timed right, it could even be potentially fatal for the enemy even if the are of a higher rank. No one expects a little genin to swap himself with a recently deflected kunai after all.

Shadow Clone Jutsu - Learned but not capable of use yet. Not quite have the required chakra reserves to use this technique just yet. But I predict that in the next week or so, with constant use of the tree walking exercises, I should have the required chakra reserves built up to cast it once.

Revan closes his journal, places a single finger on the cover. With his other hand he performs a half seal and smiles as a simple seal activates.

"The wonders of fuinjutsu simply amaze me. Thanks to a simple modified low leveled seal, I can conceal the contents of my journal. If anyone else were to read it, they would just find me rambling about my day and progress of training when it comes to my average school life." Revan says with a chuckle and tosses it aside. His study of fuinjutsu is progressing fast enough, but he is still in the levels of novice seal masters, but modifying current ones could still be considered advanced in his case.

The current seals Revan can draw up are silencing seals, exploding tags, his own personal journal privacy seal, suppression seals that lock up the targets chakra system, gravity seals he intends to use during physical train later on. So far thats about it. He had been reading up on something particularly interesting about the Uzumaki Clan that he is hoping to manifest itself in him eventual, the Adamantine Sealing Chains. If the Uzumaki has something that would remotely be considered a bloodline limit for them, it would be the chakra chains. He read that they could be used to suppress a target or even be used as a form of attacking. This intrigued him quite a bit.

He glances at his selected Force Manuals and they are...

Force Concealment: With this technique, one could conceal presence to a minuscule if not completely at all. Rendering them difficult or even impossible to be sensed by others sensitive to the force or otherwise.

Force Speed: A very useful technique that augments an individual's speed, inevitably allowing the user to see the world around them in slow-motion.

Force Cloak: Using the Force, a user of this technique would bend the light around his body in order to conceal their physical presence.

Floating Meditation: The next level of meditation and a beneficial exercise that could enhance one's ability in many areas of the force. Most notably Levitation, which cannot be learned until this technique is mastered.

Force Lightning: An electric based attack that inflicts pain and death upon the enemy through the use of the Force.


With these 5 manuals, Revan can start training in some highly useful Force abilities that can aid him in any plans he may have in the future. Force Concealment and Cloak would make infiltration easily as he could not only conceal his physical presence, but also his chakra and life force just by coating himself with the force. Thus attaining true invisibility, becoming a true shadow for all to fear.

Looking at each techniques ranking he can identify the rank of each skill.

Meditation, Telekinesis, Force Speed, and Force concealment are considered Core Abilities.

Force Cloak, Floating Meditation, they are considered Universal Level 1 skills. That means both Light and Dark side users can learn it.

Force Lightning is considered a level 1 Dark Ability obviously.

Core Abilities are typically learned during a trainee's initial training, level 1 would be considered Padawan/Apprentices, Level 2 would be considered Knight or Lord status, level 3 would be considered Master, finally level 4 would be beyond a master, damn near beyond master status. Places a previous known force wielder had never been to before.

Revan understands that after he has learned all he can from these manuals, it would fall on him to push himself further and create things on his own. A difficult path, but one he would take joy in following in the end. Being average was never something he had ever considered. Why have the power to crush your enemies if your not prepared to use it? Right now he is physically weak, but that can be fixed with training and working out. The Force will supplement his other abilities just fine.

"Okay then... Lets start with my new meditation technique."

He takes reads through the manual a few times, memorizing every possible detail, even down to the most minuscule ones, and lays it aside. Getting on his head, Revan sits cross legged, takes a few deep breaths, and then closes his eyes and begins meditating. Nothing remarkable happens in the first 10 minutes, but after that his body slowly starts to rise off the bed. Little by little. After a minute like that he drops back to the bed and sighs.

"Much harder than I expected." He says shaking his head with a wryly smile. He never expected it to be that easy. Hell, if Revan masters this form of meditation then learning that Levitation technique should be much easier for him. "A walk of a thousand miles begins with but a single step." He chuckles and starts again. The time it took for him to rise off the bed shortened by a few seconds this time around. Before he could get too deeply a loud noise outside distracts him and he is launched head first into the ceiling.

"Fuck!" Revan curses as he rubs his head. "I forgot to place a silencing skill!"

Someone upstairs stomps their feet down on the floor, "Be quiet down there!" The aged voice yells in which Revan apologies.

"What the fuck is going on outside anyways." Revan asks and peeks out the window only to see a small group of ANBU chasing after a familiar giggling blonde.

Revan just shakes his head and sighs, "Seriously Naruto? How do you get into these situations. Are the ANBU wearing pink?" He curious glances at the ANBU who are chasing after Naruto.

"A prank gone right? How did he even get access to their uniforms without getting caught." Revan asks baffled, "Especially with that Kill-me-Now neon orange jumpsuit."

With a simple shrug Revan closes his window and places down the silencing tags and returns to his meditation. The Floating Meditation requires more focus than the original and is far more advanced. The potential gains are greater as well, plus it's a good substitute for sleeping.

Tomorrow Revan will practice the other techniques. It's a day off from the academy and he intentionally set the rendezvous time to a little later so that he could practice them in privacy. There is no way in hell Revan will be caught publicly practicing Force Lightning.

Too many questions will be asked.