
Chapter 7.

After trying and failing multiple times over the night, Revan comes to the next morning, thankful that the meditation facilitated the energy required for rest. There were also the presence of a few extra bumps on his head, plus the fact that his meditation ended on the ground rather than the bed without his knowledge.

"Still needs work to sort out the kinks." He chuckles and glances at the time. "Guess I better get too it. First things first is the one technique that I definitely cannot practice in the open, lest I attract the attention of the wrong kind."

Setting up a block of wood at the center of his bedroom floor he sits cross legged a short distance away. Holding his left hand out he closes his eyes and begins to focus intently. Within a few minutes he can feel the Force reacting to his will and drawing towards his hand. In his ears he can hear the small sound of electricity sparking, so he opens his eyes and smiles as he notices small sparks of lightning arching around his opened hand.

(Sorry Kakashi, Revan isn't imitating Chidor.)


"Gathering it is complete, now to launch it without burning my apartment down."

He aims his hand towards the wooden block and by his will the lightning fires from the tips of his fingers and starts to zap into the wooden log. After a few seconds, with the log turning crispier, it explodes sending burning chunks in all directions.

"OH SHIT!!!" Revan shouts out as he runs around the room putting out the burning bits of wood that threaten to burn his home down. After putting out the last of the lingering flames he plops back on the bed and sighs, drenched in cold sweat.

"I think I might have put a little too much juice in that one." He chuckles embarrassingly. His first attempt nearly made him and a few other tenants homeless. If asked, Revan would deny all involvement. "I need to learn to control the power of the technique. I definitely do not want my lightning to explode someone inside out. Now that I think about, never once did I see a Sith kill someone like that in the series. Games, movies, or novels. I'll be damned if I'm the first."

He spent the next hour working the kinks out of the technique. Many innocent logs were sacrificed during Revan's attempts at control the power of his Force Lightning, however by the end of the hour no more exploded into chunks. Ignoring the scorch marks around his room, Revan was quite glad to have achieved that feat.

"Phew! This technique is a complete fire hazard for beginners!" He says. "I need to learn a few more seals to fortify my room with before I try that stunt again!"

He checks the time before rushing off to cook his breakfast. Practicing Force Lightning was what he considered morning exercise, so now he needs to nourish his body. After eating a scrumptious meal, courtesy of the unfortunate business owning councilmen who owned the grocery store he robbed, he takes a quick shower and leaves after locking up.

The thing about Force Concealment and Cloak is that no one would hardly notice it being used in the crowds moving about in the morning. Starting with cloaking, he turns into a semi-transparent ripple that the most observant people could see. But that is only when it comes to physical sight. Revan is also practicing Concealment as well. It works most of the time, but due to his experience he is often seen walking out of both techniques occasionally.

Ahead of him, Revan sees a familiar face. The very son of piggy councilmen, trying his damndest to appear charming and put the moves on an annoyed looking civilian beauty, who like a good employee, is trying to sweep the front of the shop clean.

"Piggy Jr. is harassing an innocent young lady." Revan says before adopting a mischievous grin, "Not if I can help it!"

Sneaking up behind the girl who turned away from the begging Piggy Jr. Revan playfully slaps her on the ass and retreats to watch the results.

"Y-Y-YOU PERVERT!!!" The girl shouts before furiously driving her knee into his crotch. Revan crosses his legs and cringes, for he could have sworn he heard the sound of eggs cracking.

"OOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!" Piggy Jr. wails mournfully as he nurses his family jewels.

'My condolences.' Revan bows respectably at the fallen back of lard, 'But you deserved every bit of it.'

Piggy Jr. struggles and finally gets back to his feet. His face red with anger and shame, for he can hear the laughter and mock coming from all around him. Both shinobi and civilians laughing at his misfortune. Pointing to the young woman he attempts to yell out at her in fury.

"LISTEN HERE YOU BITCH! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW MY FATH...." Before he could finish his pants drop to the ground revealing the most disappointing sight any man would not wish to reveal to the world should they possess it. In all it's glory, the tiniest cock anyone had ever seen appears for all to see, almost winking at the horrified looking young woman.

"I...." Before Piggy Jr. could explain he is swarmed and beaten to an inch of his life by the APA (Anti-Pervert Association).




While all of this is happening Revan is rolling on the ground laughing his ass off while Piggy Jr. is beaten by every woman on the street.

"Hahahaha! Sorry Piggy Jr." Revan says wiping the tears from his eyes, "Don't underestimate the APA!"

As Revan stands up he watches the aftermath of the beating and pales, "What is that woman doing with a senbon... OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!"

He turns around and shivers.

"Never would I wish that, even amongst my greatest enemies." Revan bows politely towards Piggy Jr. after he had been thrown in a dumpster. "May you and.... your mini you Rest In Peace."

He rushes off the scene still chuckling at the memory of Piggy Jr.'s punishment, well not the ending. At this point in time, Revan vows to never cross the APA, especially a specific purple haired she-demon who seems to be unnecessarily skillful uses of senbon.

##Revan's Training Ground.##

Revan showed up later than he expected, but to him it was worth it. Today only Saya showed up and looks at him questioningly.

"Why are you late?" She asks with a brow arched.

"I.... may have subjected a certain merchant's perverted son to a hell at the hands of the APA." Revan says scratching his cheek. The smile on his face showed Saya that he had been up to some sort of trouble.

She stares into his eyes before asking, "APA? What did you do?"

"That piggy that kept trying to get in your pants was kinda harassing a pretty civilian lady. I may have intentionally caused him to expose himself in public and watch as he was beaten within an inch of his life and thrown in a dumpster."

"PFT!" Saya covers her mouth to try and stifle the laughter trying to escape her mouth. After shivering for a few minutes she regains her composure and looks over to see Revan paling with sweat. "What?"

"I..... have seen a senbon go where it shouldn't have gone!" He says and shudders. "I may have developed a phobia of needles...."

"PFT!!... AHAHAHAHA!!" She loses her composure immediate after seeing his look of fear and starts laughing loudly. Tears forming at the corner of her eyes as she bends down, clutching her stomach. Now that he can hear her laughing, Revan finds it pretty cute and smiles. It takes a few minutes for her to end her giggling fit and straighten back up.

"Oh my!" She gasps before turning away with a deep blush. "Ahem! You saw nothing!" She says glaring at him trying to look scary, but to him it only looked adorable.

Revan shrugs with a chuckle, "Whatever you say Miss Giggles."

She stamps her feet and pouts cutely, "HMPH!"

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