
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · アニメ·コミックス
97 Chs

Chapter 6: Umbrella Company is hiring

  On the streets of Atlanta, a large number of abandoned cars are parked randomly, and wandering zombies gather in twos and threes, with their ears erect, fangs bared, and claws bared, always paying attention to any movement on the road.

  Any breath of life will cause them to become agitated.

  Garbage, corpses, debris, all kinds of things are hindering traffic, making the originally wide road become rugged and difficult to travel.

  The closer you get to the city center, the more serious this phenomenon becomes. In this city, it is already difficult to find a road suitable for vehicles.

  Driving a military truck found outside the CDC, Lyon held the steering wheel with one hand, with a cigar in his mouth, and kept marking on the map with the other hand.

  He made no attempt to go deeper into the city, where the roads were blocked and impassable.

  Instead, they chose to drive along Interstate 83 in the suburbs, close to the edge of the city and bypass the dangerous city center.

  Along the way, Lyon did not drive fast. He would record in detail the information along the way, where there were zombies, where were the shops, where there might be large amounts of supplies, and where could be used as a stronghold.

  This is a long-term task that cannot be accomplished overnight. There is still a long time to go, and sooner or later they will explore this place and plunder the resources inside.

  But that is a matter for the future. Lyon has only two targets this time: a quarry on the outskirts of South Atlanta and the St. Joe Nursing Home on the edge of South Atlanta.

  There may be gatherings of survivors in both places.

  The quarry is where Sean, Daryl, Rick's wife and others set up camp.

  The St. Joe Nursing Home is the location of the group that kidnapped Glenn at the beginning of the story.

  The group of people in the nursing home should be easier to find. They have been staying in the nursing home since the disaster began. We can find them as long as we look for them.

  At the quarry...

  There is still a month before the plot begins, and Leon is not sure whether Sean and others have already set up camp in the quarry. They may also be somewhere else.

  But it doesn't matter. He plans to go through them all and see for himself what the actual situation is.

  The quarry was about five kilometers away from the urban area. Referring to the map in his hand, Lyon quickly arrived nearby.

  This is a small valley surrounded by trees, with flat land, lakes, and woods. It is secluded and not far from the city, making it a good place for camping.

  But there are no buildings here, no protection, and no place to defend. Once attacked by zombies, we must use our bodies to form a line of defense, which is quite dangerous.

  Instead of rushing in rashly, Lyon chose a secluded high ground, looked down from above, and conducted a careful reconnaissance.

  We were surprised to find many traces of cars and tents by a lake surrounded by trees.

  There was no doubt that that must be the camp of Sean and the others.

  I am so lucky that I found it so easily. Could this be the protagonist's destiny?

  But this makes sense. Human survival is inseparable from water. Now that most buildings have been without water and electricity, such a natural reservoir must be the priority option for survivors.

  Having found the target, Leon no longer hesitated. He returned to the truck and connected the radio communicator to the nearest signal source.

  It's performance time again. Come to think of it, I do seem to have some talent as an actor.

  He acted very well when he was dealing with Dr. Melfa.

  He cleared his throat and spoke in a relaxed tone:


  "Is anyone here?"

  "This is Leon Custer."

  "Got it, please reply."

  After shouting three times, there was finally some movement from the other side.

  There was a lot of noise in the radio communicator. After seven or eight seconds, a female voice responded excitedly. I couldn't hear what she said. Then after a few seconds, a deep male voice with a clear accent replied:


  "This is Officer Sean Welsh."

  "Mr. Leon Custer, can you hear the voice over here?"

  The corners of Leon's mouth curled up slightly, and there was some pleasure in his voice.

  "I heard it very clearly, Mr. Officer."

  Sean's voice sounded a little excited when he got the response.

  "Yes, Mr. Custer."

  "Excuse me, where are you now?"

  "Is it safe there?"

  "I'm safe now, Officer Sean," Leon replied.

  "Besides, I'm in Atlanta."

  There was silence on the intercom for a few seconds, and then someone spoke in a strange tone:

  "You're in Atlanta too?"

  "Yes, Officer Sean."

  "Our Umbrella Corporation's base is here."

  "Umbrella Corporation, what is that?"

  "You own a base?"

  "Haha, that's a good question, Officer Sean, but it's a bit complicated to explain," said Leon.

  "You can think of it as a self-help organization."

  "Can we talk in person?"

  "I'm near the quarry."

  Sean's voice suddenly became alert.

  "you are here?"

  "How many of you are there and what is your purpose?"

  Leon laughed and replied:

  "Don't worry, Officer Sean, I'm alone."

  "It is precisely because I discovered your camp that I contacted you via radio."

  "Look towards twelve o'clock."

  "About a kilometer due north, that camouflage truck under the big tree, do you see it?"

  "That's my car and that's where I am."

  "Don't worry, I come here with good intentions and won't act rashly."

  From a distance, Leon saw that there seemed to be a small commotion in the camp. About two minutes later, Sean's low voice came from the walkie-talkie again.

  "Mr. Leon, don't come over yet."

  "We'll come find you ourselves."

  Lyon didn't mind. In this kind of world, it is right to act cautiously.

  "Okay, Officer Sean."

  "I'll wait for you here."

  Seeing that Leon was so easy to talk to, the voice on the other end also became much kinder.

  "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Leon. Please wait a few minutes, we will be there soon."

  About three minutes later, Leon saw two cars slowly moving towards his location from the quarry.

  It drove until it was about fifty meters away from Lyon's camouflage truck and stopped.

  Sean got out of the car first, holding a black shotgun in his hand.

  Behind him, five armed men got out of the car, surrounded him, and followed Sean.

  As soon as they got off the car, they heard a clear male voice coming from the other side. A tall and mighty man walked down from the camouflage truck.

  "Hey, Officer Sean, nice to see you again."

  "I'm Leon Custer, do you recognize me?"

  Hearing the voice, Sean looked up and saw a somewhat familiar figure, his pupils shrank slightly.

  The man had dazzling short blond hair, a strong and tall build, and was wearing a brand new high-end black suit with a military heavy bulletproof jacket over the suit.

  He was very handsome, with dark green eyes that were deep and mysterious, and he always seemed to have a calm, confident smile on his face.

  A shiny black fully automatic assault rifle was placed across the man's chest. Hanging on the camouflage combat belt were pistols, magazines, fragmentation grenades and other light weapons. He was well-equipped and possessed a very strong deterrent power.

  Sean's voice was a little hesitant, and he asked uncertainly: "Dr. Custer? Is that you?"

  Leon nodded, the smile on his face unchanged.

  "Yes, that's me."

  "But, Officer Sean, I'm no longer a doctor. I'm now the manager of Umbrella Corporation."

  Behind Sean, a man wearing a leather jacket, looking old and like a gangster, asked:

  "Umbrella Corporation, what is that, the military?"

  Leon recognized him, Moore Dixon, Daryl's brother, a scumbag, but also a good brother.

  "Hehe, the army?"

  A mocking smile appeared on Leon's handsome face. According to his memory, he had recognized the six people opposite him: former police officer Sean, old gangster Moore, Korean courier Glenn, good old man Dale, black man T, and good father Morales.

  He stared at Moore without any hesitation and said in a nonchalant tone:

  "Sir, there are no more troops. All the troops have been defeated by zombies."

  "In New York, Los Angeles, Washington, the town government, the military, the police, all official organizations have failed."

  He didn't care about the surprise of the six people opposite him, and continued:

  "No one will come to rescue us. If we want to survive, we can only rely on self-rescue."

  "Impossible, you are talking nonsense, how could you know this information?"

  Morales suddenly interrupted, his face livid. When he heard what Leon said, he subconsciously thought it was a lie.

  "Half a month ago, I heard on the radio that the military had set up a refugee camp in Alabama. They have troops and food and will take in refugees. It's impossible for them to fail so easily."

  Leon shrugged indifferently and said:

  "Believe it or not, the news I received is that ten days ago, all twelve shelters deployed by the military across the United States were breached by zombies."

  "The chain of command was destroyed, large numbers of soldiers and civilians were massacred, and only a few survivors escaped.

  "In the entire America, there are no troops that can fight zombies head-on."

  "How is this possible!" Morales' face turned from ashen to pale. He stood there in a daze, muttering to himself.

  The others were in a similar situation. They all had very grim expressions on their faces. They gathered together doubtfully and discussed in low voices the news that Leon had brought. Some believed it, some doubted it, and some were angry.

  Sean did not join their discussion. He had already guessed this in his heart. With a gloomy face and frowned brows, he growled and asked in an impatient tone:

  "So, you haven't told me yet, what exactly is the Umbrella Corporation?"


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