
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 7 The First Batch of Employees

  Atlanta, Quarry Camp.

  Lyon stood next to the camouflage truck, with a dozen survivors surrounding him, each holding a recruitment book in their hands, listening to his speech with a strange expression.

  "Our Umbrella Corporation was founded by the top talents who survived the disaster. It is an organization created to eliminate the virus, protect humanity, and rebuild civilization."

  "We have the most professional virus experts, the safest refuge base, and the most suitable living environment for ordinary people."

  "We have doctors, food, equipment, and a complete water and electricity system for life."

  "However, we are not a charity organization and will not help survivors for free. Everyone must create enough value."

  "We can only accept warriors who are worthy, capable, and willing to dedicate themselves to the service of all mankind."

  "As long as you join our umbrella company and become a member of us, not only you, but you and your family will be protected by the company, live in our shelter, and live a safe and stable life from now on."

  "In this apocalyptic world, this is the best option."

  Listening to Leon's speech, most of the survivors who were watching felt confused, depressed, and at a loss.

  After the news that Lyon brought about the army and the town government spread, everyone's minds were impacted to varying degrees, whether they believed it or not.

  If even the most powerful official organization is defeated by zombies, what should these helpless survivors do to survive in this horrible doomsday world?

  Leon cleared his throat, took out a recruitment letter he had written from his pocket, looked at the contents, and said:

  "Look at the recruitment letter in your hands."

  "Just as described above."

  "All employees who join our umbrella company will be divided into three different departments."

  "Security, Engineering, and Logistics."

  "The Security Department is responsible for all combat missions of the company. It has the best treatment, a low threshold, and a very high ceiling. We only recruit combatants who dare to fight and are not afraid of sacrifice."

  "The Engineering Department is the core department of our company and is responsible for all technical work. The threshold is high and we only recruit technical talents with real practical skills."

  "The Logistics Department is responsible for the normal operation of our Umbrella Corporation. The threshold is the lowest and the upper limit is the highest. Anyone who is hardworking, loyal, and willing to contribute to the future of mankind can join."

  "The employees in each department are divided into five levels: A, B, C, D, and E. Different employee levels will determine your salary and your status in the umbrella company."

  "Everyone's employee level is not fixed, it will be promoted according to your contribution to the organization."

  "The higher the employee level, the better the benefits you will enjoy."

  "As long as you contribute enough to the organization, you can even live a better life than before the disaster."

  "Now is the apocalypse. We are all survivors of the apocalypse. We can no longer uphold the noble ideals of equality, freedom and peace for all."

  "In this doomsday world, in our Umbrella Company, there is no racial discrimination, no distinction between noble and humble bloodlines. No matter who you are, as long as you are capable and dare to fight, you will be reused."

  "Of course, as a positive organization that takes protecting all of humanity as its spiritual benchmark, we will severely punish any behavior that violates basic human moral standards, firmly uphold the bottom line of being a human being, and safeguard everyone's basic rights as a human being."

  This long speech made Lyon dry-mouthed, but fortunately, as a senior executive in his previous life, he was best at making big promises.

  What the survivors lack most now is confidence in the future.

  The end of the world destroyed their faith.

  As long as you describe a bright future to them, they will be willing to fight for it.

  "I know it's a difficult choice."

  "You don't completely believe me."

  "But think about it, even if you risk your life and leave here to find other shelters, even if you overcome all difficulties and are saved by the army."

  "Can you really live a better life than joining our Umbrella Corporation?"

  Lyon looked at the survivors in front of him who were shocked by his speech, suppressed his somewhat high emotions, folded the recruitment book in his hand, and put it in his pocket.

  After drawing the pie, Leon decided not to add fuel to the fire. He wanted to leave some room for these people to think, so that their ideas could collide and get better results.

  "I will stay until tomorrow morning."

  "Everyone, please think about this carefully."

  "Would you like to make a bet with me?"

  "If you are interested, please contact me before I leave."

  After saying that, he left a chic smile and got into his camouflage truck neatly.

  Under the complicated gazes of the survivors, they left the quarry camp.

  Lyon didn't go far. He drove to a flat woodland and stopped about seven or eight hundred meters away from the quarry camp.

  He then took out a set of tables and chairs and a large insulated box from the back of the truck, placed them where both sides could vaguely see each other, and brought out various delicacies one by one.

  The table was filled with canned food, cold dishes, grilled meat, and cold drinks, more than a dozen plates.

  This was the food he had prepared last night. Ever since he became a big eater, his demand for delicious food had increased several times.

  As a time traveler, even if he was in a zombie apocalypse, he would not give up enjoying himself as long as the conditions allowed.

  It is now early summer and the weather is starting to get hot. Eating high-energy food and drinking iced cold drinks, Lyon's body and mind are becoming happy.

  He had already guessed the outcome of this recruitment and was not worried.

  The survivors of the quarry camp, after all, were just a group of strangers who had just met each other, and were not as united as when the protagonist Rick arrived a month later.

  Some of them are independent families, some are brothers and sisters who depend on each other, and some are just lonely people who huddle together for warmth.

  They are not a whole. Everyone has his or her own interests. As long as what they get exceeds their bottom line, they will seek change.

  Leon was not sure about the others, but at least Glenn, T, Jim and other lone people without family ties would definitely want to join a group that does not exclude outsiders and has common interests.

  Only in this way will they be valued by others and not easily abandoned by others.

  However, to Leon's surprise, the first people to make the decision were not the ones he had guessed.

  He had just eaten about 30% full when a pair of young blond sisters came over.

  It was Andrea and Amy.


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