
Rebornin in the Marvel World

The story centers around a boy who has been reincarnated and as a result, can't remember who he is. The last thing he remembers before dying is fighting with his friend about which superhero franchise is better. The next thing he knows, he has been reborn as Zen Shade, a half- black, half- Japanese kid. Let’s just say as soon as he gets shot out of the womb, shit hits the fan. His new mom is not ordinary. She takes out ninjas with a magic sword right after giving birth. Zen thinks she is a badass and does not want to get on her bad side. After being born, he moves to New York and sees the Avengers’ Tower. He later realized he has been reincarnated in the Marvel world. The first fourteen years of his life were pretty chill. He learns a whole lot of shit from his mom from sword fighting to Qui control to martial arts even medicine and poisoning and he even gets a special sword that can cut through anything. One Day, he is at the bank that a super villain tries to rob. He lets it go; none of his business; he is not a hero. But, they piss him off. So, using his skills and his sword, Kurohime he beats the super villains. This gets the attention of the Principal of Avengers Academy, Old Man Tony Stark who recruits Zen to the academy. There, he meets the kids of super heroes such as Spiderman, the Hulk, and even Thor. He makes friends and enemies. Being a super hero is easy; surviving high school with a ton of super-powered, emotionally unstable teenagers, now that is the hard part.

Blackninja63 · その他
55 Chs

Mr. White and Root


I have been sitting in an interrogation room for several hours since these men in black took me away. It is complicated when dealing with police agencies. The best course of action is to not fight for now. I will say nothing and wait for my lawyer. It is best to gather information first like who are these people, what do they want and why have they brought me here. If worse comes to worse I can just make a break for it. Sara, Hana and Sei wanted to fight but I told them to back off for the moment. I hope they are not to worried. A man in Black suit comes in. He looks around 40 he is bald pale white skin and green eyes.

???: would you like a glass of water or a snack

Zen: Who are you?

???: You can call me Mr. White. I am from Root.

Zen: Root never heard of you

Mr.White: That is the point. If you could kill Hitler as a child knowing that he would starts wars and kill millions of people would you do it. Root is the people who would say yes kill one save many. Root job is to eliminate the threat before it become a threat and eliminate it before it spreads. We grab evil by the root and take it out of society.

Zen: Nice story what has that got to do with me. I am pretty sure illegal to take a minor. This is kidnapping

He ignores my complaints

Mr. White: You have Heard of Hydra Academy. Of course, you have. You were on mission and recruited one of them to your school. I want you to go there.

Zen: Pass

Mr. White: When I say I want you to go there. I will say I am making you go there.

Zen: hahahahahah that is funny joke very few people on this planet can make me do anything.

Mr. White: I know I read your file. Zentora Hyate Shade born in Okinawa Japan, to Daniel and Reiko Shade. Moved to New York when you were just a baby and move around the states. Later coming back to New York when you were 12 been there ever since. Father died before you were born. Raise by single mother who taught you the Martial Arts, Medicine, and the Art of Assassination. Stark recruited you and now attend Avengers Academy. You get into trouble every couple of months from fighting at a theme park, to raising and army to raid the girl's dorm. Not only that you are the first person to not only contract with a Demonic Beast, but a Celestial Beast as well. The Girls you are currently seeing are Hana Onizuka, Saraphine Lane, and Seiryu Yang. It also says you have a problem with authority and merciless to your enemies.

Zen: Next, you're going say the name of my puppy.

Mr. White: You did not have a puppy you had a Wolf cub that you name Silver Fang. You let him go into wild a couple of years ago and now he is an alpha of Wolf pack. You still visit him once a year in Yellow Stone.

Zen: Danm your thorough

Mr. White: Maybe I can give you a little incentive

He hands me a folder. Killing intent start to rise in me.

Mr. White: It a lot of information so I will summarize it for you, your uncle Eddy is a former Drug and Arms dealer. We have enough to lock him up for the rest of his life. Your Aunty Lupe, she is recently trying to apply for citizen ship and get her green card. Not only will she not get it, but she will be deported back to Argentina. Do you want poor little Diego and Elaina to be raised in foster care I hear it rough place anything could happen? Let's not forget dear old Mom, before she grew a conscious she did a lot of bad things. Several countries would love to lock her away. If you do this little favor for me. They will all be none the wiser. Hell, I will even wipe Reiko's and Eddy's record clean and speed up Lupe process to get a green card. So, what is your answer Zentora.

Zen: I hate being someone chess piece. I despise you the first person I have ever thought about killing in cold blood. I probably would not feel a thing.

Mr. White: But you love you family more than you hate me So what is our answer.

Zen: I will do it. If you do anything to my family I will hunt you down like a spirit of fucking vengeance and beat your ass like the Punisher.

Mr. White: Is that a threat.

Zen: Of course, it isn't. It is a promise.

Mr. White just smiles god I hate this asshole. I come out of the room and Mr. White shows me Roots Secret base. He takes me too a room and I just sit around bored with nothing to do. After a while A Root Agent comes and takes me to Mr. White. I sit down in the seat.

Mr. White: Right now, recruiters from Neo Hydra are recruiting teenagers for Hydra Academy. They are specifically looking at a Kid name Harlon Block. At age 17 he is the Champion of the underground fight matches. Because of his age and his strength Hydra is looking at him at the next tournament. If he wins. He will get an invitation. To take the entrance exam. All you must do is beat him and you will get the invitation.

Zen: Simple enough.

Mr. White: By the way we made a similar agreement with another individual that person has already gotten their invitation and will be taking the entrance exam.

Zen: Are you going to tell me who that person is.

Mr. White: You will know when the time is right. It is classified for now.

Zen: Fucking Red tape

After that Mr. Whit get into a car and we drive what seen like hours. We finally stop when we head into a classy Club for the rich. he knows I am under age right. He walks up to the bartender.

Mr. White: Where can find a good Bloody Mary

Bartender: Where do you think it is.

Mr. White: The bottom shelf

The Bartender nods his head and presses a button a secret room appear. We go down the stairs and walk into an arena. Than we go to the front desk to Register. Mr. White tells the clerk I am fighting.

Clerk: Aren't you a little young. You still smell of your mother's milk go home kid do not waste your life

Zen: Aren't you a little ugly to bee running an underground fight club. Age mean nothing on the battlefield the only thing that matters is who is still standing at the end.

Clerk: Shitty brat try to give the younger generation some advice and play it off see if I care you die.

When I register I get a number? I will be fighter number 9. To fight Harlon who is the champion I will have to fight my way through to the top. I go to the waiting room and see several fighters. All from different backgrounds. They all have one thing in common they are all older than I am.

Fighter: 1 check out number 9 this is not a playground kid.

Fighter 2: Yeah go back to your mommy.

Fighter 3: I hope I get number 9 I could use a good warm up exercise.

They all laugh I do not pay them any attention. The weakest dogs always bark the loudest. It looks like this is place were the rich come and bet watch fighter fight in a coliseum like the Romans for their amusement. A while late the MC comes out.

MC: Good evening Ladies and gentlemen I am your Host for tonight my name is Marcello today we have 16 fighters who will battle it out. The winner will face our Champion for a 1 million dollar cash prize and honor of saying that he is the best.

Crowd: YAY!

We start off with our first fight. The fighters will be chosen at random. In the red corner weighing in a 230-pound 6 foot 2 inches. They call him the mad Dog. Number 4 Nox Jones.

Crowd: Yay

Marcello: And in the Blue corner weighing in at 6 foot 5 inches and 250 pound. His amigos call him the Super Mex He is number 12 Carlos Rivera

Crowd: Yay

Marcello: The rules are simple you are only allowed to use Martial arts and Dou qui. Other than that, there are no rules. NOW LET'S GET READY TO SEE SOME BLOOD!

Crowd: Yay

The bell rings and the match starts. Nox's fighting style seem to be like a kickboxer while Carlos seems to be a master of Luche Libre. Nox lands several shots on Carlos with punches and kicks but Carlos does seem to be affected at all. He throws Nox into the ropes. When Nox comes back he uses and arm cross bar and hits Nox in throat.



Nox is stunned Than Carlos picks up Nox on his back.

Carlos: This Is why they call me The Super Mex. BACK BREAKER!

Carlos bends Nox and his spine snaps. He cannot move anymore let on alone fight, He will probably never be able to walk again.



The crowd cheers and Nox is carried off to god knows where. The second match begins and A man name Patrick Harris beets Ivan Andropov. That one is bloody. More fights happen and it turns out I am in the last match of the first round.

Marcello: In the red corner at 6 feet weighing in at 200 pounds even Number 13 Robert Lewis and in the Blue corner at 5 foot 10 inches weighing in at 172 pound. He is youngest person to fight in the tournament in history at 15 years old. He is number 9 Zentora Shade. I come in.

Crowd; What is this

Crowd member 2: Well that kid is dead.

Marcello: FIGHT!

Robert: Putting me up against a kid this will be to easy.

Zen: Can we get this over I am in a bad mood.

Robert: Who am I to question if the kid wants to meet his maker I will be happy to oblige. DON'T BLAME KID BUT DIE!

Robert puts qui into his fist and charge at me. He wants to attack me with that amount and think he can beat me. I snort at his attempt, I sprint in front of him fuse qui in my foot and do a round house kick to his face. He laid out like a stack of bricks. Not even moving. I wish I got a stronger guy I did not get to vent at all.



Other Fighters:....



I look up and see a kid a couple of years older than me in a box seat. He is a red head and has green eyes he big for his age. Dude has been taking his vitamins. He also has a Championship belt Around his waist. That must be Harlon.

Harlon: Looks like I got a little competition this time around.