
University Day

Zen Pov

It has been a week since we have been back and Sara has assimilated into our group if you know what I mean wink wink nudge nudge Bobs your uncle. After we returned we also told Principle Stark about Hydra Academy. He seems very concerned. Kagura told him everything she knew which was not much. She was taken on a flying ship always moving around so you can never find it where she was shipped off to a private island. Since Hydra thinks they killed her she will now be under the protection of shield Academy. Well she is still a probationary student. Now that it is the end of second semester the Seniors are deciding on what university they are going to go to.

Zen: So why did we get out early today again.

Sei: Were you not paying attention today in class it is University day

Zen: What is University day again.

Sei: Hana you tell him

Hana: I was not paying attention either. I was up all night

Sara: I know you were boning Zen I could hear it through the walls. How could you not here them Sei you live in the same room.

Hana and Zen: She passed out first


Hana: We were going to invite you but. you had a history test and you were studying you did not even answer your phone.

Sara: Sorry some of us aren't geniuses and need to study.

Hana; It started as studying but then we took a break a long break

Zen: A fun break.

Sei: Were getting off topic here.

Zen: Oh yeah we tend do that a lot so what is University day

Sei: University Day is mostly for the Seniors. Around Junior year the Univesity start look at you. Choosing your university is like choosing what agency that you will want to work with for in the future.

Sara: You can also be a free lancer

Hana: My older brother Barret got into Fantastic University

Zen: hahahahahhaha

Hana: What is so funny

Zen: He goes to FU

They all roll their eyes at me. I can't help it when someone gives you a lob you have to throw. You can call me imuture I still think it is funny. I guess they did not think of the intiatials when they were naming that place ahahhahahah FU.

Sei: You should not make fun of them Fantastic University they have some of the most intelligent people on the earth. Reed and Susan Richards founded those schools after they retired from the Fantastic Four

Sara: Hana your brother must be smart to go there.

Hana: I guess Barret is smart when he wants to be. My parents were shocked when he got in. They thought he was a lazy bum that only sleeps., But I know Barret only gets moving when he is motivated.

Sei: Hey Hana how come you did not go to Fantastic High School of Technology. your pretty smart when it comes to your studies I am sure you could have gotten in.

Hana: Sure, I know it would have been more challenging but I can't stand the people over there. Most of them think they are smarter than everyone else. I just do not like those type of people. What about you Sara you could have gone to Xavier institute for the gifted. Mutants are the fewest type of people on the island.

Sara: My reason is not as profound as yours, It is just closer to home also this place has jets. I can see my dad whenever I want in a flash.

We all continue talking when the speakers turn on and tell us we are to head to the gymnasium. Sei said that there is assembly today. We head in and sit with Decklyn, Benny, Albertian Amy. I see a lot of people from different Universities here.

Zen: What is going on

Benny: Think of it as a Highschool football player commenting to a collage in Texas. This is a pretty big deal around here.

Decklyn: I am just glad I do not have to take my math test today old coot still wants to give us test even though it almost the end of the year

Alberto: Everybody is wondering where the Top Five students will go.

Principal Starks walks in and goes to the podium.

Tony: Students, Teachers, Parents, and Agencies I would first like to introduce the type 5 student of Avengers Academy Senior year. In no order. They the Prince of Wakanda Ochaka, Petra Parker, Illiya Romanov, Chase Kruger, and Logan Macalister

The crowd cheers and the five students walk on stage. I know them all except for this Chase Kruger never seen him before. Tony calms down the crowd.

Tony: The five of them will now tell us what University they will be attending next fall let starts off with Ochaka

Ochaka: Thanks Stark. My name is Ochaka it was very hard for my decision but I have deiced my choice will be Avengers University

Avenger Recruiters: YES, WE GOT HIM SUCK IT SHIELD!

He puts on a Red and Blue baseball cap with and A on it. Is that Jersey what is this the draft. The next person to come up is Illiya Romanov

Illiya: I known where I was going to go since I was a little girl. My mother and both my brothers have gone there it is a Romanov tradition I am going to Shield University.

Shield Recruiters: YES, WE GOT A ROMANOV!

Next comes is Benny Sister Petra.

Zen: Hey benny do you know where she is going.

Benny: Don't know where ever she is going I am not.

Petra: It was hard for decide which university to go to. I was offered several scholar ships but, I have always love science so I have chosen Fantastic University.

Benny: New it

Next is the mysterious Chase Kruger he walks up.

Chase: Howling University

I guess he is man of few words. Howling University is smaller than the other big university. It teaches you to become a Howling commando and they fight the Supernatural. Finally, it is Logan's turn every agency once to know which university he is going to because he is a powerhouse. Think of him as an all-star quarterback.

Logan: I also known what university I have wanted to go to for a long time now. I was not hasty on my decision the University that I chose will be Sword University.


Sword deal with aliens. I guess Logan want to travel in space when he gets older. The crowd claps and it is time to disperse. After that the girls and I decide to get something to eat. I barely get to finish my meal when men in black suits and shades come up.

Man, in Black: Are you Zentora Hyate Shade

Hana: Hyate?

Zen: Don't ask me about that. Yeah that is me do you need something from me.

Man, in Black: You are under arrest

Girls: WHAT!

Zen: Hah?

Next chapter