
Reborn to be Queen of an Empire

Priscilla a world renowned scientist did her best to save the world by creating the ultimate support Robot Project PQW. Due to the greed of the other scientist she had no choice but to eliminate herself. To her surprise, instead of going to heaven, or hell, she reincarnates. The one question on her mind is where does her fate lie in this brand new world she finds herself in? Disclaimer- the image doesn't belong to me. It's simply a placeholder image before we get official art.

OnikunStudios · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 6: World Guide Book

But for Gu Feng…

'So yesterday was definitely not a dream. There is a dense amount of qi in the food but Qui doesn't seem to realize,' Gu Feng sighed as he realized that his daughter was not lying when she said she would make their lives better.

Their entire family got a new set of clothes which was given to them by the robots.


"Father, mother, Lil brother, I'll be in the study doing some research for a while. So it would be great if you can explore the community together," Qui suggested as this would greatly help them to get familiar with the community.

"That's so wonderful husband, let's go," Maria picked up Casel and tugged Gu's sleeve. Gu sighed and succumbed to his wife's pleading face. He'll save the question for later.

Qui escorted her family out the house and left to the study room as she sat down on her comfortable office chair.

"PQW please show me the World Guide Book," Qui commanded as she closed her eyes.

[ Yes Master. ] PQW responded as it immediately started to play like a movie in Qui's mind.

This world is called the Murixim world, but it's not the only world in their galaxy but rather the second biggest planet in their galaxy. Right now Qui is in the Jeule continent which is popular for the rich people that live around and the glorious sects that have established their positions here. In this place, the strong are glorified and the weak are despised. Basically where the strong rule the weak.

"So it's like those cultivation novels huh? Qui squeezed her brows as she rubbed her forehead due to the information she's receiving.

"Hah, things are going to be more troublesome than I thought." Qui chuckled in delight.

In the Ogats galaxy which holds the Murixim planet, not only humans but other races tend to cultivate a strange energy which people commonly call Qi but it's actually known as 'star energy.' And the people who also cultivate this energy are known as Star Cultivators. These people gather the star energy from the universe and cultivate it with the help of their meridians to increase their power. However, that's not the limit of star cultivators. Star cultivators could also choose the type of occupation they want according to their talents.

They could choose jobs such as Blacksmith, Physician, Mage, Martial Master, Beast Tamer, an Alchemist, a Weapon smith, or an artist.

For a person to become star cultivators they must first have star meridians located in their souls which channels the Star energy to a cultivator's core, which helps to increase their power. Every cultivator who has meridians could be affiliated with an elemental power which gives a significant boost to their power.

Now the last thing we should know about star cultivators is their cultivation levels.

In these levels are:

Beginner Stage

-Body cleansing removes impurities from the body.

-Body transformation state - {Training the body for cultivation.}

-Body Tempering stage 1-10- {Enhancing the body's strength.}

-Martial star- {Now able to use fighting techniques.}

-Qi gathering- {Awaken elemental powers.}

-Qi condensation- {100-120 years}

-Early star realm 1-10= Awakening of Star Weapon or beast - {200-350 years}

Middle star realm 1-10= {400-550 years}

Late star realm 1-10= {600-850 years}

Golden star stage 1-10= Tribulation- {1000-5000 years}

Nascent star stage 1-10= Star pool/ star intent- {10,000 years }

Void star stage 1-10= Internal world awakening-{100,000 years}

Supernova stage 1-10= Able to create a small world {1,000,000}

Nebulae stage 1-10= Able to create a small galaxy {100,000,000}

Immortal planetary Nebulae 1-10= Able to twist reality {age unknown}

"This is so cool!!" Qui squealed in amazement. "This world sounds more lively than I expected. Even though their technology was quite old, they fight with swords and magic which sounds amazing."

[ Is master interested in cultivation? ] PQW asked.

"Why should I cultivate when I can just live leisurely? Cultivation sounds so damn stressful."

"I will rather live this life for myself to the fullest and make some nice cash!" Qui declared standing up.

[ Master here are the rest of the gifts.]

[ Translucent Youth Dew ] [ Enchanting Water Dew ] [ Skill: Future Vision ] [ Tap to view The World Guide Book ] [ New Crystal form and upgraded version for PQW ] [ Martial Techniques ]

"Hah, God is too generous," Qui sighed as she watched the screen before her.

"I'm definitely sure he's at the Immortal Planetary Stage," Qui said as she nodded her head in satisfaction.

She then tapped the screen and two bottles of water appeared in her hands.

PQW then appeared out of thin air as a mechanical ball with cute robotic eyes. It spun around at a very fast rate and stopped. Its once metal body had been replaced with shiny grey and black crystals. And it formed a pair of crystal wings beside its body but kept its robotic eyes.

Qui looked at PQW in amazement and couldn't wait to try out the rest of the gifts. So she drank the full battle of Translucent Youth Dew and Enchanting Water Dew, not noticing the small instructions, "Drink once a month."

Once Qui gulped down the whole dew the bottles disappeared and were replaced with smaller versions. Qui suddenly felt her head ache tremendously and her body felt like it was being placed in fire. She tried to scream, but no words or sound came out. Due to her being unable to stand the pain she fainted.

After a while, Qui woke up in front of the mirror and screamed. Gu, Maria, and Casel entered Qui's room once they heard her scream but were shocked by the sight before them. Even though Qui's looks have changed they could still recognize her by her golden eyes.

Qui now had long white and pink hair which reached her butt and we're curled. Her dark skin became smoother and brighter. Her body proportions became the word perfect. Her face became more beautiful that Maria almost fainted. And all the scars and wounds on Qui's body had disappeared.

"Qui, what happened?" Gu Feng stuttered as he was unable to comprehend what happened to Qui.

"Just a little beauty gift from someone," Qui answered with a bright smile.

She then took the small bottles from the bed and gave them to Gu Feng.

"Please each of you should share the dew in these bottles, it would help you feel relaxed," Qui instructed as she smiled at them. After drinking the dew, Qui's thinking had become much more fluid. And could now easily understand things compared to before.

Gu Feng trusted Qui and drank a small amount of the two dews and gave it to Maria and Casel who did the same. All of a sudden their heads ached them and their body left like it was burning, but the pain soon stopped.

Once they opened their eye and watched their bodies they could see all the wounds and scars on their body disappear and be replaced by fresh new skin. Qui placed the mirror before them and they were stunned by their new looks.

Casel's dark skin became brighter and smooth, but not like Qui's own which was far smoother and looked delicate. Half of his hair became white and stripes of black. His purple eyes became brighter. He grew a little taller and became a very handsome boy even though he was just 6.

"Acckk," Casel gasped and realized he could hear his voice but couldn't talk fluently. Maria and Gu Feng were shocked as tears almost flowed down their faces. They immediately hugged Qui and thanked her.

Gu Feng's blue eyes become brighter. And his black hair became shinier as his body looked more muscular and vibrant. His face even became more handsome and he looked younger.

Maria's short black hair turned purple as her purple eyes became brighter. Her dark skin became smoother and her face and body made her look so young as a 25-year-old even though she's 35.

"Umm PQW what day is it today?" Qui asked looking at PQW.

[ It's the day you would meet all the people. ]

"Whaatt??!!" Qui gasped in shock.

"Dad, mum, Casel, we have to go to the hospital to meet the people. Or we would be late!" Qui informed them as she dashed to the bathroom to get ready.

The family just looked at each other and giggled.

"I can't believe I slept for 3 days," Qui grumbled as she walked to the hospital with her modern winter clothes. Well, she can only blame herself since she told her family not to bother her.

Once they reached the hospital 54 of the members of the community were seated at the waiting area of the hospital in addition to Qui and her family making 58. Qui had made sure to instruct the robots to bring them here and 40 hospital robots stood by them. All the people beamed with joy when the robots announced Qui's and her family's arrival and were shocked by the people they saw.

"Are you really the Feng family?" a young teenage boy asked as he looked at them and blushed when Qui turned in his direction.

"Yes it's us, I just used some few medicines to get our health better," Qui lied as she smiled at them.

She then settled down and a set of A acupuncture needles appeared on her hand. Qui then called Casel and asked him to remove his clothes left with his boxers.

"I'm going to do an acupuncture opening to make you all feel less stressed," Qui informed them. Back on earth, this helped people to relax and feel much more flexible and it also removed impurities in a person's body.

Qui closed her eyes and breathed in and out.

'A human body has 360 acupuncture points. So let's do this.'

Qui then immediately placed the 360 needles over Casel who was sitting in a lotus position and endured the pain but in less than a few minutes it was over. Qui's movements were so fast that she herself was quite surprised since it would normally take her a good 30 minutes to finish.

As Qui was about to get up she heard some strange cracking sounds from Casel's body and his body was mediately covered in a mass of black gunk which released an awful scent. The robots immediately cleared the area and led Casel to the bathroom to wash up.

"Since it would take a long time for me to do it for everyone and make the place dirty. Everyone would be escorted to various rooms as the robots would do the acupuncture for you. Don't worry they are as efficient as me," Qui informed them as the people calmed down.

"Casel broke through 3 stages at once!!" Gu Feng mumbled in shock. He then walked up to Qui and kowtowed.