
Reborn to be Queen of an Empire

Priscilla a world renowned scientist did her best to save the world by creating the ultimate support Robot Project PQW. Due to the greed of the other scientist she had no choice but to eliminate herself. To her surprise, instead of going to heaven, or hell, she reincarnates. The one question on her mind is where does her fate lie in this brand new world she finds herself in? Disclaimer- the image doesn't belong to me. It's simply a placeholder image before we get official art.

OnikunStudios · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 4: Suprise

[ Translucent Youth Dew ] [ Enchanting Water Dew ] [ Skill: Future Vision ] [ Tap to view The World Guide Book ] [ New Crystal form and upgraded version for PQW ] [ Martial Techniques ]

"Wow, God is so generous," Priscilla clasped her hands as she rolled her eyes. She almost felt like crying since she thought she almost failed her deal with God.

And also God has been too generous with his gifts. She definitely can't live on all the buildings in PQW which is enough to be a huge country.

Qui just sighed as she got up and left her room. Since she had all of this it's better to give her family a surprise.

As soon as Qui opened the door her family were sitting around a small brown table which looked quite exquisite, the only beautiful thing in their entire home.

"Qui have a seat and let's have dinner," Maria said calmly as she patted the seat by her. Priscilla had now accepted her new name as Qui.

Qui sat down as she looked at her skinny family and gritted her teeth. She then looked at the food on the table which was only a small pot of rice and water, which won't even satisfy a child.

"We have to eat like this once a day since there's not enough food. We couldn't sell vegetables because of the winter. All the crops have died or frozen," Gu Feng summarized as he gritted his teeth with a glint of sadness in his eyes. As a man, he couldn't even provide enough food for his family.

"At least we have an abundance of water because we have a lake," Maria said as she tried to ease the pain in their hearts.

"Father, Mother, lil bro can't we get jobs?" Qui asked as she looked at her family with sad eyes, but with a serious face.

"It's difficult for commoners like us to cultivate or practice martial arts. And without those qualifications no one is willing to hire us," Guy Feng answered as he felt his heartache.

"Do you still want to live like this?" Qui asked with a serious tone.

"No, we don't!" Guy Feng and Maria answered as their eyes were filled with determination.

"That's good," Qui smiled.

"How many people are left in the village?" Qui asked.

"Only 58 people are left after the winter, and the others left the village," Maria answered sadly.

"Mother father please tell everyone to come outside of the village. I have a surprise for them," Qui instructed as she left the room. Maria and Gu Feng looked at each other confused but they decided to trust the new Qui and made their move.

As the sun was almost down Qui stood outside of the village on the cold snow. Her short black hair swayed in the wind and her golden eyes looked at the small village.

After a while, people were gathering outside the village as they saw a young skinny girl around 13 standing there.

"Please Qui, why did you call us out here in this cold?" An old woman asked as she looked at Qui. She immediately noticed that her former blue eyes turned golden which caused her to hold onto what she wanted to say.

"I heard you have a surprise for us," a skinny little girl said with a big smile on her face.

"First off, is everyone here?" Qui asked as she looked at the crowd of adults and children.

"Yes," they all answered in harmony. They all came out of the village wanting to see the surprise. They were all weak, sick, and hungry so at least one last surprise could cheer them up.

"That's great," Qui smirked as she looked at the people.

"Do you all still want to live in poverty?" Qui asked as looked at the people's confused faces. They looked at each other nervously wondering why she's asking such a question. Of Course, they don't want to continue living like they're going to die anytime.

One fair skinny man with short orange hair and dark orange eyes looked at Qui and answered, "I don't want to continue living like this." He yelled as he gripped his hand.

"I don't want to live like this," another person yelled.

"Same for me, I want a change."

"I want to eat good food every day."

"That's good to hear," Qui smiled warmly, "It's time for a change."

"Project PQW,"

[ Yes Master ] PQW responded as a ball of light condensed around Qui and formed a mechanical-looking ball about the size of a person's head.

It blinked its video-looking eyes as it floated around Qui. Everyone looked at the robot in awe since they had never seen a strange being.

"Project PQW pls transport a mini-village beside the village," Qui instructed.

[ Yes Master ]

[ Fancy Mini Village shall be placed ]

All of a sudden, the place which the village was once there before began to blur and look foggy. The villagers were shocked by what was happening, but Qui stood there smiling. The fog immediately cleared after a few minutes a small community came into view. The walls were up to 20 feet tall so the villagers couldn't see what was inside.

"Follow me," Qui spoke softly as the people followed behind her quietly and her parents and brother by her side.

Once they reached the huge blue community gate a message popped up before her from PQW.

[ Master I have made some customizable features to the village which requires the people to be branded to use anything in the community. Those who don't have the mark would be unable to use anything within the community. And those with the mark can't attack anyone with a mark, people who try to kill someone with a mark would be severely punished. Those who try to betray someone with the mark would be severely punished. Smuggling of any technology would not be allowed unless you give them permission. ]