
Reborn to be Queen of an Empire

Priscilla a world renowned scientist did her best to save the world by creating the ultimate support Robot Project PQW. Due to the greed of the other scientist she had no choice but to eliminate herself. To her surprise, instead of going to heaven, or hell, she reincarnates. The one question on her mind is where does her fate lie in this brand new world she finds herself in? Disclaimer- the image doesn't belong to me. It's simply a placeholder image before we get official art.

OnikunStudios · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 3: The Entertainment


[ You have received a message from God ]

Once again Qui looked like her soul was slowly leaving her body she almost forgot.

She tapped on the message as the whole world around her darkened. She walked forward as she saw a bright white light.

Before her was a huge old man up to a 100 metres tall sitting on a crystal throne. He stroked his long beard as he looked at the little human below.

"Hahahaha, it's good to see you again child," God laughed as you looked at the human girl.

"It's good to see you again, how was the show," Priscilla asked God as she smiled at him sweetly with a deep bow.

"As a human, you can be very vicious," God scoffed as he looked at Priscilla.

Priscilla looked at God as she remembered how she first met him. In her first past life, she was just a homeless child less than 14 years old but had to survive everyday on her own in the street.

Occasionally people had tried to bring her to their home or take her to the orphanage, but Priscilla could always tell that these people had no good intentions. Most of them were human traffickers who wanted to sell her for money so Priscilla had to escape for a lot of time. So as a child she couldn't trust anyone.

She remembered how she died by her body being gruesomely mutilated by someone she trusted. But they turned out to be a slave trader. Her body parts were cut off and sold off; the rest was thrown out in the cold winter not even with a proper burial.

Before Priscilla could go through judgment she couldn't accept her death and asked to see God.

For some reason God allowed her and before him, she made an agreement.

"You send me back to this same earth, same body, and I'll give you the greatest entertainment!" Priscilla said as she wanted to make a deal with God.

God laughed at the little girl as he accepted her request.

"If you fail to entertain me, you'll never reincarnate," God threatened as Priscilla felt her whole body shaking, but this was her chance to take revenge on the cruel world.

Priscilla woke up in her old body which was placed together and was strangely healthier than her formerly weak body, but she confirmed that it's her same old body.

Once confirming her body Priscilla began her show. She first found a very nice family and got adopted by them since they pitied her. However, Priscilla had other motives. She knew that the husband of that family works in a scientific research lab.

She'll pretend to be innocent for her father to take her to the lab to look around, but Priscilla would secretly steal some scientific syrups little by little until she had enough for her test.

For 10 years she investigated various ways to cause soil corruption and ways to make air toxic and ways to increase the destruction of the ozone layer. Unlike other children Priscilla had somehow become much smarter and could utilize anything she held in her hands.

Finally, she found her solution and she named it D41 a poisonous substance that won't affect humans in its earlier ages but would immediately kill all life and make the air toxic for anything to survive in it. She had got the most valuable ingredient from a toxic space rock that was discovered by her adopted father's research lab and she managed to take some few samples, before it got destroyed since her father believed it was too dangerous for it to be kept around.

She made sure to pour her solution on the land as she was traveling before getting rid of the evidence. She then made sure to excel excellently in school, because very soon in the future the government would need her help.

As time went on more plants began to die and no scientist could tell the source of the pollution. They closed factories that produced harmful substances but still, it changed nothing. Animals also began to die since the air was too poisonous.

So the government had to build infrastructures to protect many from the dying world.

Millions of people died due to the poisonous air not sparing anyone.

Luckily Priscilla and her family were some of the lucky ones to make it into the infrastructure. Life still went on but it was not as normal as before.

People couldn't even go out due to the weather becoming overly hot so the infrastructure had to be covered by metal to protect people from the sun's UV rays.

Technology growth also accelerated and that's what led Priscilla to enter the research team to save the world.

The one who wanted to save the world was actually the person who caused the destruction.

God laughed as he looked at Priscilla and calmed down.

"Since I was deeply entertained I gave you some few presents," God smiled as he looked at Priscilla.

'Few, more like an entire country,' Priscilla thought as she couldn't understand God's sense of humor.

"After a few years the toxicity would clear and the earth would return to its natural form. Also, don't worry your family in that world is safe," God assured her as he smiled in amusement.

Priscilla sighed in relief as she looked at God again.

"Why didn't you stop me from killing all those people?" Priscilla asked as she looked at God.

"You of all people should know how humanity had become too vicious, greedy, and cruel so it didn't bother me much. I didn't create them to kill each other and use each other."

"You are still God, so why didn't you show yourself than to let them suffer? Why didn't you answer their prayers and cries for help?" Priscilla asked again with a determined look.

"Insolence!!" A loud bang could be heard as Priscilla was in shock by the figure that appeared before her.

"How dare you challenge God's doing you human?!!" A bright figure appeared before Priscilla as it held its spear close to her neck.

His handsome features were majestic but could not compare with God who was better. His dark skin glowed brightly as his golden eyes looked down on her.

"That's enough Reuss. I don't mind," God said nonchalantly.

Ruess retracted his spear as he moved back to God's side but he kept on glaring at the human.

Priscilla's entire body was shaking. She could have surely died if not for God.

God looked at the child as he smiled and said, "What do you think would happen if every time someone prays to me I answer them?"

Priscilla's heart shook as she understood what God said. Even as a child what she wished for was money. Money, money, money, and power to crumple down those who looked down on her. And she wasn't the only human who would think of this.

God sighed as he looked at Priscilla, "It would go like this if I always answered people's prayers without them doing an ounce of hard work to earn it."

Then a wisp of clouds formed around Priscilla and God as they looked at the human shaped clouds who walked to God and knelt before his throne.

"God can you heal me, God can you give me food, God can you save my dying wife," Priscilla heard the plees of these people and could understand them. But all of the sudden the smoke turned black as a new group of people walked up to God and didn't even kneel.

"God can you make me rich, God can you give me power, God can you kill my enemy, God can you make me immortal."

Priscilla watched disdainfully as she clearly knew this is how people would have actually acted. There was no such thing as a fully pure soul.

"Now you know. Since I was satisfied with your entertainment, I've made you reincarnate in a new world. You should be grateful and I think you'll also see PQW in your gifts."


"You're in another world totally different from your old one, so I've created a guidebook for you to help you know about the new world. But that one is much more annoying than your former world now bye-bye."

God finished as Priscilla disappeared from the void and reappeared in her room.