
Reborn to be Queen of an Empire

Priscilla a world renowned scientist did her best to save the world by creating the ultimate support Robot Project PQW. Due to the greed of the other scientist she had no choice but to eliminate herself. To her surprise, instead of going to heaven, or hell, she reincarnates. The one question on her mind is where does her fate lie in this brand new world she finds herself in? Disclaimer- the image doesn't belong to me. It's simply a placeholder image before we get official art.

OnikunStudios · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 2: Reborn

"My daughter please wake up. Don't leave this father of yours alone," a deep voice cried out.

"Oh please wake up my daughter, your mother and little brother need you," a woman cried as she looked at the lifeless body on the haystack.

"Ahh," Priscilla grunted as she opened her eyes to see the couple crying their hearts out before her. Her entire body was aching madly.

She felt like she had been placed in a freezer and the ice seeped into her flesh.

"My daughter is alive! I knew she wasn't dead!" a dark-skinned, middle-aged man with black hair and blue eyes cried as she hugged Priscilla.

"Argh, that hurts," Priscilla shrieked as she felt she was being squeezed really hard.

"My daughter thank heavens that you're alright," a skinny fair woman with short black hair and purple eyes cried.

Behind the woman was a dark-skinned boy who coldly looked at Priscilla.

Priscilla first noticed that all of them were wearing tattered clothes and the room she stayed in was in a very poor condition, the windows were broken and the wood looked extremely old.

Priscilla managed to get up, but that didn't stop the horrible pain that was oozing throughout her body. Despite the immense pain she was in, her eyes focused on the family before her.

"I'm vert sorry for your loss, but I'm not your daughter. My name is Priscilla." The entire room was silent as she uttered those words, the people before her looked at her and then each other in confusion.

"Please my daughter don't say that I can clearly see you here," the woman cried.

"Maria, wait!!" The man held his wife holding a serious expression on his face.

"I didn't notice earlier but her eyes are different. They aren't blue like before but golden!" The man emphasized as she had a solemn look on his face.

There was another long silence. Everyone in the room were deep in thought, especially Priscilla.

She didn't know how to process what was happening at the moment. She didn't completely rule out the possibility of reincarnation being real but she still took the situation a little too well. She should've been worried about her past life, planet, and family but for some reason she wasn't.

At the very least she was sure her family would survive but she couldn't say the same thing for her planet. In the 7 years she worked as scientist she never taught anyone else how to use Project PQW. In some ways she had always been paranoid that she wouldn't be needed anymore if she did tell so she simply didn't.

The older man finally broke the silence. "Even if you're not our daughter, please live as her," the man pleaded as he knelt down. He didn't care about the new identity of the person using his daughter's body, all he wanted was his daughter to be beside him.

Priscilla looked at the man kneeling down, pleading with her.

She had a slight smirk on her face but it once seeing him in the state it disappeared, getting replaced with a sad look.

"I'm sorry, even though I'll be your daughter I cannot act like someone whom I'm not, so I had to tell you," Priscilla apologized as she helped the man get up.

These people seemingly accepted her which made made her feel a little relieved.

The woman cried as she hugged Priscilla, and Priscilla patted the woman gently without saying another word.

After they were done mourning they accepted Priscilla as their new daughter.


"Father, mother, Lil bro, could you please tell me your names?" Priscilla asked innocently with a kind voice.

Even though she was in the body of an unknown girl, in her heart, these people were pure strangers.

Only a fool would accept a complete stranger as their family, without getting to know them.

"I'm Gu Feng," the man introduced himself as he looked at Priscilla.

His wife spoke gently. "I'm Maria Feng and this is your little brother, Casel Feng. He's mute."

Priscilla looked at her new family, realizing they were not hostile against her, and what's more, they accepted the change real quick.

"I'm Priscilla, but you can call me the same way as you did for your former daughter," Priscilla addressed.

"Then Qui Feng," the man called out dried tears still on his face as he looked at Priscilla.

'Her eyes look so wise and profound,' he thought as he was captivated by them.

"Now could you tell me what happened, before I resurrected?" Priscilla asked.

She needed to know what happened with the original owner's body, not only hers but the rest of her family.

Their bodies were scrawny and horrible spots covered all over their arms. Their eyes were pale and they looked very sick.

Priscilla thought back to her past life, how she had once been weak and sick. No one tried to help her even though she was just a little girl. She would occasionally look for food in the trash to eat to satisfy her hunger and drink water from the rivers, streams and sewages to satisfy her thirst.

She then snapped out of her thoughts, looking on at her new family.

"It was due to the cold winter," Maria looked down with a sorrowful expression. out sorrowfully. "There wasn't enough food and warmth so over half of the villagers died. We were lucky to not be one of them, well until you or rather, our daughter... You make sure you stay warm and healthy okay? We would hate to lose you again." Maria started to say more but choked up, holding back tears and Gu put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. All the while Casel was giving Priscilla a blank stare.

Priscilla felt a little ache in her heart. She realized they weren't fine with the situation. Not at all. They just had to accept everything, these were the cards they were dealt.

She also felt saddened since the situation struck deeper with her due to the parallel like her last life. Especially with this being her 3rd time experiencing life.

"It's alright I'll just need some rest," Priscilla smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry Qui, you need as much rest as possible. When dinner is ready we'll call you," after that, they left the small room.

Priscilla who was now Qui laid there as she regretted so many things in her last life.

Especially how she wasted most of her years in the research lab instead of spending time with her family, however she had to complete her task.

She had walked up to her room and was now laying on her hay bed.

"If Project PQW was still here, things would be different in this world," Qui sighed feeling famished. 'I definitely don't miss the sense of hunger,' she thought to herself.

[ Good Afternoon Master ] a female robotic voice greeted Qui.

Qui almost fell off her hay bed, startled by the voice.

"PQW?" Priscilla asked as she looked around confusedly.

[ Yes Master it's me ]

"How? I witnessed you self-destruct!!" Priscilla exclaimed in shock, happiness and confusion all in one. Suddenly a great idea popped inside her head. She could now take care of any problem relating to her new body .

'But how is Project PQW running?' Priscilla thought as she no longer had the power source of PQW in this world.

[ Sorry Master this unit failed to do as master ordered, so I rather exploded the traitorous scientist and merged myself with your soul ]

"Is that even possible?" Priscilla asked Project PQW doubtful of that possibility.

[ Yes it is since you created me to be the ultimate support ]

"Hahaha, I guess I really was a genius in the past and now," Priscilla smirked full of pride. "Project PQW, are the buildings I placed in your space still intact," Priscilla asked, clenching her fists desperate for a positive answer.

[ Yes Master you have….. ]

Then a white screen appeared before her listing all the objects kept in PQW.

[ -4 Large cities (about the size of New York fully furnished )

-2 main headquarters (fully furnished)

-30 medium cities about the size of Shanghai fully furnished

-40 mini villages about the size of a fancy community fully furnished

-30 large electrical plants

-40 water reservoirs

-30 waste management

-100 large hospitals

-200 medium hospitals

-50 large fuel plants

Over 3000 recorded business facilities "Tap to view"

Over 4000 farmland involved in agriculture and animals ]

Qui looked like her soul had evaporated. She didn't remember stealing so much from the government.

She knew for a fact that she left most of the buildings for the government while only keeping 1 medium city. So what could've happened?