
Reborn to be Queen of an Empire

Priscilla a world renowned scientist did her best to save the world by creating the ultimate support Robot Project PQW. Due to the greed of the other scientist she had no choice but to eliminate herself. To her surprise, instead of going to heaven, or hell, she reincarnates. The one question on her mind is where does her fate lie in this brand new world she finds herself in? Disclaimer- the image doesn't belong to me. It's simply a placeholder image before we get official art.

OnikunStudios · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 1: Ruined World

"Hikari… you… traitor!" the woman with blood pouring out from the wound in her belly gritted her teeth in pain as cursed at the woman before.

Her white robes, originally a contrast to her dark skin now stained with an expanding colour of blood.

She looked at the ten people standing before her with the look of anger and resentment.

All of them wearing white robes identical to hers.

Just like her, they were all great researchers and scientists. Many would've called them the best in the world.

One of them, a fair-skinned woman with short bottle-purple hair and black eyes stepped forward with a smug grin. "There's nowhere to run now. Why don't you just hand over Project PQW? Who knows, maybe I'll even be nice and let you go."

The unflattering, loose white robe failed to hide her curvy figure.

"Kuh… you think… I would give it...? Knowing your intentions?" the dark-skinned woman snarled back at her. "The world is… dying… and you want… fight over this…?" the dark-skinned woman yelled in frustration.

"Only a fool couldn't see the potential of Project PQW. With it, we can control the world!" another scientist laughed as he stared at the young woman, his eyes filled to the brim with greed. His round figure perfectly reflecting his greedy mindset.

The dark-skinned girl with long black hair and dark blue eyes looked at the group in disbelief.

They were all supposed to work together to heal the dying earth, in turn saving humanity as well.


All this started in the year 2022 the world went through a huge change.

The atmosphere turned toxic and plant life began to die. The governments and human biologists and ecologists first thought that this was the cause of poisonous gas from factories, so they stopped all production in factories. As an attempt to slow down the pollution in the atmosphere, unfortunately it proved pointless. The pollution and toxicity continued on.

Not only that but small holes were created in the ozone layer which caused the weather to constantly change into terrible rain and wind storms. Sometimes the weather would turn so cold that it could freeze metal. Furthermore, some people would die due to being able to stand the radiation from the sun. Plantlife was also at risk since no matter how people took care of the plants there didn't grow well and did not provide as much nutrients as they needed to and some even turned poisonous.

The governments in each country were able to quickly build advanced technology cities which could sustain humanity for a while but living behind metal walls as the air outside became toxic was not the most pleasurable thing.

In the year 2040, the government announced that all those who believed themselves to be smart enough could have their try at a test. If they passed the would be allowed to enter the association of technology and research development, where the best scientists and reasearchers would search for a solution to the problem the whole planet found themselves in.

After passing the tests and joining the association, there was a promise of receiving a huge amount of money per each new discovery that would get them closer to finding a solution.

Many scientists, researchers, and some young people signed up for the tests, bringing the amount of participants to over 2000 people.

However on the day of the test only about 50 people passed as all the rest failed.

Priscilla was one of those who passed the test. In a short while after joining the association she showed off her intellectual genius. Her research eventually brought her to creating her masterpiece, called project PQW.

Project PQW was an Artificial Intelligence capable of finding the best solutions to adapt to terrible situations and help humanity survive.

While it's main mission was to find the solutions to the toxicity and ozone layer leakage, it also had a second mission. To find a way to also build their society on another planet, in case their predicament was impossible to improve on earth.

After spending 2 years of hard work Priscilla was finally able to perfect project PQW.

On the day of the presentation, the government officials sat before her as she held up a box with her discovery.

"Its name is Project PQW!" Priscilla announced. Reacting to her command, a cute robot ball flew out of the box and whizzed around the room. Everyone stared in doubt, along with gazes of unconcern.

The officials chuckled as they didn't believe that this small robot could help save the harsh world out there but Priscilla decided to prove them wrong.

She led the government officials to a room filled with bricks, cement, wood, and some water to show off Project PQW's prowess for the government officials to witness.

Project PQW formed about 20 robots from thin air with small nanobots which floated around and began to work on the building.

In less than an hour, the building was fully built perfectly which was quite unbelievable. This was so unbelievable because a normal building needs a foundation to be laid and the cement must dry, however, Project PQW found the best way to build the house faster and dry faster, using the nanomachines as a source of heat to speed up the drying process by 80%.

She also gave another display by showing off Project PQW building a plane.

A plane that would take a year to build, but with the help of Project PQW it was in a mere 5 hours. This display of power and efficiency shocked the scientists there.

In a video displayed to them about the construction, Project PQW formed the same 20 robots from thin air with small nanobots which began to work on the plane. It also gave the fastest and the best way to build a plane without errors.

After the construction was done it wasn't just any normal plane, it was a mini space warship better than the one's the government had.

Now, most of the government's current warship looked like scrap metal compared to the one created by Project PQW.

What was most shocking was that the scientist that made the invention was just an 18-year-old girl.

'Finally, my family can live well,' Priscilla thought to herself from time to time as she focused on making Project PQW better.


Priscilla received a lot of funds from the government to continue working in PQW. With an invention like this, it would make building closed in cities much easier since they can't live outside.

After another 5 years, she invested all her time in her work as she gave her family her funds. Even so, they were quite worried about her and would check up on her. Her family wasn't the type to care about money more than their daughter, which made Priscilla work even harder for them.

During those 5 years, Priscilla made new advances to Project PQW since it needed a human host to operate Priscilla decided to volunteer herself.

Priscilla tried to make extra copies of PQW, but they all failed so she decided to focus on her current one. At this point PQW could store any form of life in its internal space and could be kept fresh for a very long period of time.

Knowing the new power of Project PQW Priscilla requested all sorts of plants from all over the world and some from other inhabitable planets with the help of the mini space robots and ships she created.

Once the plants were brought the other researchers and scientists would investigate to see their special capabilities.

After a set time of experimenting it was quickly discovered that some plants from Mars, Pluto, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, B1257H2, etc had miraculous recovery abilities.

These plants were discovered by the space robots which found an abundance of these plants on the other planets.

This led more of these robots to be made to bring more plants back to earth. These plants also had a great impact in the field of medicine since now any disease could be healed.

However, Priscilla didn't stop there. She asked for a large house to be transported to the lab as she decided to test something new with Project PQW. As she focused well the house disappeared from the lab and was later reappeared in the massive space of PQW which she saw in her mind.

Priscilla was thrilled by the success of this experiment and thought about how humanity can choose to move to another planet. And to not waste any time the houses she could store in Project PQW would just be placed on the new land.

After explaining her ideas to the high official they congratulated her and increased her pay as they all agreed for her idea to be put in place.

So Priscilla and Project PQW's robots were very busy.

They could easily build beautiful and stable homes during these five years until they finished building an entire city that can hold up to 6 million people. This was totally worth it but it wasn't an easy task. A lot of money and manpower was placed into this but the results were satisfying.

A new sci-fi city. There were houses arranged in their perspective class from 1st to 4th class. And 1st for the high and privileged and 4th were homes for normal people.

There were also markets, hotels, and various businesses like the ones in modern society. So if they should go to another planet, work would be productive. They also added water reservoirs and a power plant, to provide water and electricity for the city.

After Priscilla's great accomplishment it was her final day before she would represent her work she had worked hard on.

But who would have thought some people had cruel and evil intentions against her. So before she could leave the lab to go headquarters she was stopped by the group of scientists who attacked her planning to use Project PQW for their own benefits.

"If you don't give us Project PQW, we'll kill your family," one of the scientists threatened as he showed a picture of her family, tied up and blindfolded in a room.

Priscilla scoffed knowing it to be a lie. She was able to check moments before the incident, seeing her family perfectly safe at her home.

"Project PQW self-destruct!!" Priscilla shouted suddenly as all the other scientists stood in shock, realizing what Priscilla was doing.

"Everyone run!!" They yelled as they dispersed in all directions but they couldn't escape the flaming explosion in time.

'If I did here these people would also die. At least I left 4 protective cities for the government, so my family would be safe and live well,' Priscilla thought as her last breath was taken away as she was engulfed in blue flames.

After that, a huge explosion could be seen from the lab section. Half of the building was engulfed in blue flames. It was a flashy exit for someone like Priscilla, who was often hailed as the savior of humanity.

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