
Entry Three


Upon lasering the 'Zombie Titan Kings,' Ambush into burned chunks in my one thousand feet tall Zombie Titan Pink Winged, Rainbow Aura form I flew west...

When I glt to a city I imploded it because it was corrupted..

I went on like that until I found Zombie Blood Humanoids...

They were nothing to my one thousand foot form but eventually I met my match to a country wide army of them...

I fell from my One thousand Feet Tall Pink Titan Form and hit the ground from unknown heights.

I bled out being eaten alive for my blood and clawed but I eventually blacked out and saw a black room with 3-D white lightning pathway designs and I imagined absorbing the virus and it worked...

The civilians returned to normal and I took off in my 27 Feet Tall Zombie Titan King Form with Six Pink Wings and a rainbow outline Aura that trailed behind me as I broke the sound barrier....