
Entry Two

As the sun set on the first day I saw more of the dead so I grabbed one and used him as a battering club for the rest.....

Unfortunately, powered down from my new 27 Feet Tall Zombie Titan Form but luckily they were all dead.

I saw a log cabin estate and settled there for a bit eating what I could and sleeping a bit...

I then got up and left because I had a bad premonition..

That's when three Zombie Titans and a Zombie Titan King approached with Zombie Hounds that spit white flames.....

All 27 Feet Tall, even the Hounds...

The Zombie Titan King grew to 666 Feet Tall and ended my chance of attacking first..

The 27 Feet Tall Zombie Hounds ripped me apart but I reformed Learning what the first zombie titan taught me....

And I grew to 333 Feet Tall With Pink Rainbow Aura Wings and flew through his head growing to a Thousand Feet Tall on my way out his heads brain matter..

I lasered the rest of them with an eye laser and they were lacerated and burned then directed to burned chunks when I poured on the power.