
REBORN: Marriage Of Hell

Roxana!!" A man in mask said as he danced with her in the palace, Roxana why are you doing this to me huh?? Roxana gritted her teeth and looked deep in his beautiful eyes!" Lord Adrienne I fell in love with you but you killed it Although it was my tribulation, Am aware you knew my tribulation didn't complete and our fate was predestined!". Adrienne I can never Love you again' surely not in this life! Not in this life!" Everywhere went quite for Roxana and Adrienne' Her soft word pierced his soul and cut through him!" The amount of pain he felt was nothing compared to the punishment given to him by his father Lucifer, Roxana said it to him but she felt immense pain and was choking up with tears but gained her poisture. Roxana you can't marry my best friend Ramiel!! I will and be his wife!" I won't let such happen while am alive!" He said looking into her eyes and breathing on her neck. Adrienne I'll fight you to the end" Either way one of us must die". He held her hands to the chest and grabbing her waistline ". Hook line do you really hate me this much???That you can't stand me by your side " he said sadly and felt his inner burn as a tear droplet escaped his eyes. Adrienne I hate you to the core of my being!! Even though am your Dragon and beast.

AuthoressChioma · ファンタジー
61 Chs

Chapter Fifty seven: The girl in the veil!

That's the one I'm seeking revenge on" Roxana???Adrienne asked dryly, Yes and tomorrow is her veil ceremony!" It is said to be coronated as a leader to the kingdom" one must keep their self pure and hide their face from the visitors to prevent bad luck and omens in the ongoing rituals.

So she's the one I have to kill? She seems friendly and I didn't sense bad intentions nor threat from her rather she seems to be worried for you that why she came here!". My Lord I don't mean to be disrespectful nor arrogant but our deal is for you to do what I wish"


Auntie please bless me so my rituals go smoothly' I don't know why but I feel uneasy today!" Don't worry my dear, it's going to go well" just remember a clean hands and pure heart has nothing to fear And you my dear is the purest of all!"said Aunt Lily as she helped Roxy put on he5 white veil since in the kingdom outsiders attending the event can't see the new ruler face".

Edit dressed up in a Red hanfu dress and put on a golden Phoenix hair pin" her bun were beautifully made and her light make up were simply breath taking!.


Mother are you really not going to do something about Roxana coronation or I have to watch my dreams shattered???Said one of Roxana sisters!" Calm down I have everything all planned up" Said Roxy step mother who smiled at the evil deeds she got up her sleeves!".

Mother Theresa really gratified this place!" I could feel life assent in the palace and a new reign of terror when I rule this kingdom"she smiled at Adrienne!". Where is your prey?I don't see her around" He asked as he tried sending her but for some reason he sensed nothing!".she's probably decking up for her rituals anyway have you made the pill? Yes! He said opening his palm and brought a red round pill! Susan stared at it deeply"the more she stared at it the more her inside and her soul were burning hot' she felt so weak at her knees!. Susan take your eyes away unless you wish to die! Oh sorry I just felt raw pain within why did I feel so?.

The hell pill is made with two things which is part of my father accent and sacred fire from Hell!" So how is it been used? I will confront her and insert it into her heart and she's dead, In that case let's do it now!.

Roxana came downstairs with aunt Lily by her side' she walked slowly yet majestically" Every man drooled over her body although she wore a veil, strangers from other kingdoms could guess she was beautiful". She sat at her father chair as they brought peach water,knife and a golden mantle with the head of a dragon!" My lady wash your hands in this peach water" One of the maiden said to her. Roxy washed her hands and dried her hands and was given a red knife' What's this for? My lady you need to cut your finger a bit and rub your blood on the mantle!". Meanwhile """" Adrienne if she put her blood on the mantle she will be declared ruler if the dragon spirit appears!you need to do something now and give her the pill! Susan yelled at Adrienne who enjoyed the so called rituals performed by Roxana"Edhi".

I know when to do so! Am not some lowly demon you command Susan"watch you tongue or I'll slit it" he said getting annoyed by this little girl tantrums". He changed into a black cat and jumped on Roxana body" awwwn what a cute kitten she said patting it when she felt something burn her chest and rubbed her chest slightly". The black cat jumped to the floor and went back to Susan who was giggling at the job Well done by Adrienne". I've done so and our contract is invalid so after ruling the kingdom I'll take your soul!". Um why haven't it taken effect?it's because her shine is strong so it'll take a while but she will die.

Roxana dropped her blood on the dragon head and a fire golden dragon came out of the mantle and flew around". Wow it's the legendary dragon" Congratulations queen of the dragon dynasty kingdom! They said kneeling down and bowing to her!, rise up.

Everyone congested her and left to get ready for the ball.

Roxana wore a red gown that displayed her waist and her nice boobs" her silky black hair was freed down and was laying flawlessly on her shoulder...her mascara and lip stick was beautifully done by Lily!.

She walked down stairs and this time without a veil" Every man and woman both young and old were drooling at her while some were jealous of her!.Wow her highness is blessed with beauty,I wish I can he like her said the maids and guest.

She cleared her throat and called for her attention" welcome humble guest of dragon clan!'Thank you all for being a part of my coronation and for supporting me through this!. Let's all dance and enjoy tonight . Well said Roxana said Theresa who was plotting and conspiring against Roxy. Everyone went to their prospective partners and danced to the song" Roxana why don't you dance with the young man in black at the other end " he seems quite good looking!.said Lily

Roxana walked to the man whom was drinking and sulking over Edhi!. Mister can I have a dance with you ?Roxy said.

No go away I don't feel like dancing he said without batting an eye on Roxana " Sir let's have some fun and dance we both are the only ones left! I said go away' don't you get that""he angrily yelled as he turned and looked at her .

His heart stopped for a while and started beating fast" Edhi??? My eyes is probably deceiving me!Am sorry mister, I just wanted to Lit up the atmosphere. Mister are you listening to me? She said to Adrienne who seemed to be in some sort of trance!.

He stepped closer to her and held her chin,and looked into her eyes!Edhi is that really you? He asked.

Mr your probably mistake, I don't know anyone name Edhi, my name is Roxana and the fourth princess and now the queen of dragon clan! You any be mistaken.

So she's the one Susan hated and the one once again I harmed her with the hell pill!. Edhi don't you remember me? No sir I think your drunk" Does she really doesn't remember me!?

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