
Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16

Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16 follows the extraordinary journey of Clive Rosfield, a gamer who finds himself dissatisfied with the ending of Final Fantasy 16. When he is given a chance to be reincarnated as Clive Rosfield, the protagonist of the game, he embraces his newfound destiny. There Will be spoilers for Final Fantasy 16.

Quarette · ゲーム
11 Chs

Characters (Spoilers for latest Chapter)

1. Clive Rosfield - The MC, RIghtful Arch Duke of Rosaria and recently awakened dominant of Ifrit, the second Eikon of fire. Mythos and Logos, one who is unbound by fate and has unlimited potential. While he is not the dominant of Phoenix, everyone believes him to be so as no one knows of the existence of a second dominant of fire, a far more powerful one.

2. Anabella Rosfield - Queen of Rosaria and wife of Elwin Rosfield, Arch-Duke of Rosaria. The Marriage was an arranged marriage she entered into in order to birth the dominant of the Ikon of fire, the rightful Arch Duke of Rosari, her son Clive Rosfield. Loves her son beyond reason. Would happily watch the world burn if it was for her son. Wishes for her son to one day rule over the world. With recent events, she has lost trust in her husband, Elwin Rosfield, due to his failure to protect their son, and thus has decided to take things into her own hands.

3. Elwin Rosfield - The father of Clive Rosfield and the Arch-Duke of Rosaria. While his marriage with Anabella was an arranged one, he still greatly loves her. Due to recent events, he is deeply disappointed in himself and has won to win back the trust of Anabella.

4. Evelyn - The guardian of the eternal flame, has sworn her life to serve and guide Clive Rosfield. A skilled fighter is able to use magic while being an unparalleled healer. her aging had stopped many centuries ago. No one knows the true extent of her abilities..... yet.