
Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16

Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16 follows the extraordinary journey of Clive Rosfield, a gamer who finds himself dissatisfied with the ending of Final Fantasy 16. When he is given a chance to be reincarnated as Clive Rosfield, the protagonist of the game, he embraces his newfound destiny. There Will be spoilers for Final Fantasy 16.

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Valethea -

Valisthea (ヴァリスゼア, Varisuzea?) is the setting of Final Fantasy XVI. A land home of the Mothercrystals, huge crystalline mountains that fill the surrounding lands with aether.

Valisthea is divided into two main continents: the continent of Ash in the east and the continent of Storm in the west. It is geographically and culturally isolated from the rest of the world. At least some, if not all Valistheans believe in a monotheistic God.

Valisthea's technological development has been stunted by its reliance on magic, which is used for everything from generating water to forging steel.


Long ago, a group of small independent provinces in western Valisthea found strength in unity, and formed the Grand Duchy of Rosaria. After years of relative prosperity, the duchy now finds itself threatened by the spread of the Blight—a threat that, left unchecked, would doubtless usher the realm to ruin. Rosaria draws its aether from Drake's Breath, a Mothercrystal situated on a volcanic island off the coast. The Dominant of the Phoenix, Eikon of Fire, is enthroned as Archduke when they come of age.


Sanbreque is the largest theocratic force in Valisthea. The Empire's holy capital Oriflamme is built around Drake's Head, the Mothercrystal that blesses the surrounding provinces with abundant aether. The people happily take advantage of this, living in comfort and security under the watchful gaze of the Holy Emperor, whom they worship as the living incarnation of the one true deity. The Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light, serves as the empire's champion, taking to the field in times of war to rout its enemies.

Dhalmekian Republic-

The Dhalmekian Republic is made up of five states, from which the members of its ruling parliament are drawn. Its Mothercrystal, Drake's Fang, is half-hidden in the heart of a mountain range—the republic's control over it, and its aether, securing the obedience of the large part of southern Valisthea. The Dominant of Titan, Eikon of Earth, is installed as a special advisor to parliament and has a significant say in its decision-making.

Crystalline Dominion-

The Crystalline Dominion sits at the heart of Valisthea, built around the tallest of all the Mothercrystals, Drake's Tail. Many bloody battles were fought for control of this small plot of land due to its strategic importance, till the warring realms finally agreed to an armistice. As part of the peace treaty, the islands around Drake's Tail became an autonomous dominion led by a council of representatives from the surrounding nations—each realm enjoying equal claim to the Mothercrystal's blessing. No Dominant makes their home there.

Iron Kingdom-

A small group of islands off the coast of Storm, the western half of Valisthea's twin realms. Here the Crystalline Orthodox, an extreme faith that worships crystals, reigns supreme. The Iron Kingdom controls Drake's Breath, the Mothercrystal that sits at the heart of one of their islands—long a source of contention with neighboring Rosaria. Isolated and aloof from the mainland nations, the Ironblood speak their own language. Orthodox doctrine judges Dominants to be unholy abominations, and any unlucky enough to be born on the islands are executed.


Waloed claims the entirety of Ash, the eastern half of Valisthea, as its dominion. The kingdom's control of the continent has oft been tested by the orcs and other beastmen who make their home there, but the current ruler of the realm—Dominant of Odin, Warden of Darkness—has succeeded in quelling their rebellions. Using the power of the kingdom's Mothercrystal, Drake's Spine, this new king has built up a mighty army, with which he now seeks to test the borders of his neighbors.