
Chapter 2: Bella's Back

"I'm all done," said Bella

I looked up from the couch and laid eyes on my sister. She had an awkward way about her. It was as if the very presence of this house was uncomfortable to her. I understood, despite me calling Charlie dad, we weren't much of a family to Bella. Rather strangers with blood ties. It hurt though knowing how excited dad got when he heard Bella would be moving to Forks. It was weird seeing the solitary father getting a giddy, with a small smile on his face.

"Been a while, Bells," said Alex with a small smile on his face.

"Yea, it has been," replied Bells

"Alright let's go," said Charlie

My dad got up and turned off the game. I soon followed him and walked out of the house. The car ride was silent. It seemed when it came to personality, Bella took after dad more than me. I just sat in the back while neither my dad or Bella spoke.

"So guess you took after dad more than I thought," said Alex

"Huh?" said Bella, with a weird expression on her face.

Alex replied with a small chuckle," nothing."

We soon arrived at the diner or a cafe. Dad always called it a diner despite the name being Carver Cafe. As the Swan family got out of the car, Bella tripped over.

"Seems like your still a clutz," said Alex

"Yea, still am," replied Bella

I walked over to give Bella a hand. Once she got up and was fine, we walked into the diner. As we walked in we saw Angela.

"Table for three, hun," said Angela

"Yup, Bella's back in town," said Charlie with a small smile on his

"Really, let me see," said Angela

She soon walked up to Bella and gave her a hug. Bella being the awkward person she is gave an awkward hug back. After the awkward greeting from Bella, Angela's attention shifted to me.

"Welcome back, missed you so much," said Angela

"Missed you to Angela," said Alex

Once Angela gave me a hug, she led us to the usual booth seat Dad and would get. We all got situated and looked over the menus. Quickly Angela came over and asked us what we would all like to drink.

"The usual, please," said Dad

"Same for me," said Alex

"A coke, please," replied Bella

"Alrighty Hun, Be right back with your drinks," replied Angela

Once Angela left, a silence fell to the table. It seemed like Bella was uncomfortable with our presence. It was understandable. We knew nothing about her, and she knew nothing about us. The silence didn't seem to bother anyone at the table.

'It seems like we're both Charlie's kids after all,' thought Alex

Soon enough Angela came back with the drinks.

"One black coffee, one sprite, and one coke. Did you guys all decide on what to eat?" asked Angela

"Steak and fries for me," said Charlie

"Same, please," said Alex

"The garden burger," said Bella

"Alright, be out in a jiffy," said Angela

"So you guys come here often?" asked Bella

"Yea, neither of us knows how to cook. So we end coming her at least once a week," said Charlie

"Please, dad. More like three times a week. At least before I moved out to go to college. Still come down to Forks to go fishing with Dad though," said Alex

Bella looked at us with a hint of disbelief.

"You guys don't order steak and fries every time right?" asked Bella

"No of course not. Sometimes burgers, or if I'm feeling dangerous. An omelet." replied Alex

I looked at my little sister with a smile. She looked at me as if I was the biggest idiot in the world.

"You guys should order some salads. Watch your health," replied Bella

My dad and I looked at each, then at Bella. We stared at her as if she was asking for our souls. Charlie soon replied with, "We're both healthy as a horse." Right after our brief conversation, Angela came back with our food.

"two steak and fries, and one garden burger," said Angela

"Thank you," said Alex and Bella at the same time.

When we said thank you at the same time, Bella and I made eye contact. I laughed a little, and said, "Guess we are siblings after all." Once Angela sat down the food on the table, she promptly let us eat. The table became silent once again, but not one out of awkwardness, but rather peace. I understood that Bella was more like dad than mom. She was the quiet type, rather than the loud outgoing type I was. Despite me looking like dad while having brunette hair that matched my sisters. My height also standing at six feet two. My personality more or less resembled that of my mom. At least from what I can remember of her personality. The bubbly light-hearted, person. Sometimes I wondered if she would have turned around if I asked her to. In the end, it all worked out, from what few things I could remember from my old life.

Once we all finished our food, Angela came over to our table with three Cherry Cobblers.

"Three cherry cobblers, on the house. Don't know if you remember but you used to love these when you were a little girl. Your brother and dad still get these every time," said Angela

"Wow, yeah. I remember these. I'm surprised you remember though. Thank you," said Bella

Once we all finished with our food, and the delicious cherry cobbler. We walked out of the diner. We made our to dad's car, and headed back to the house. Just as we arrive back, I heard the roar of a loud truck. I turn around and see Billy, and Jacob sitting in the car. Jacob hopped out of the driver's seat, while my dad gave Billy a look. I headed over to help Jake get the wheelchair for his dad. My dad headed over to the passenger side and opened the door for Billy.

"It's been a while, man," said Jacob

"Yea it has. You know how it is. College girls." said Alex

Jacob laughed at my little joke. He pulled down the door to the truck door, and I pulled out the wheelchair from the back. I quickly unfurled it and passed it over once Jake was finished closing the door. He brought the wheelchair over to his dad. Billy quickly hopped out of the passenger seat into the wheelchair. Jake, Billy, and I walked up to Bella. Jake leaned against the truck.

"I know she's beautiful, but she's a tank," said Jake

Bella gave Jake a look of confusion. Billy tossed her the keys. Bella being the clutz she is dropped the keys on the ground. I laughed a little until my dad gave me a stern look.

"I thought you might need a car to get around, so I bought it off Billy," said Charlie

Bella looked at Jake, and Billy before she turned to my dad and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you so much," said Bella

"Well, before this gets all mushy, I should probably head back now," said Alex

"You sure you don't want to stay for the game?" asked Charlie

"Nah I'm good," said Alex

"Okay drive safe," said Charlie

I zip up the jacket I'm wearing and pull out the keys from my pocket. I head inside real quick to grab my helmet. I hop on my beautiful Harley, before I wave everyone goodbye. I rev up the engine to get the engine going before I started to wipe the mirrors. I slowly drive down to the street and take off for Seattle.

Just wanted to give a fair warning to everyone. I do have two other fanfics I'm writing. I'll try to daily, or every other day at the least.

Juwon_Ohcreators' thoughts