
Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

The trembling Hyuga Kuroto finally got the treasure that he dreamed of! How exactly will the world of Naruto be perceived with his glowing Royal Blue Tenseigan .............................................................................. Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! ........................................................................................... For more chapters support me on Patreon! Patreon: p atreon.com/Milta_translations

Alex_Clive · アニメ·コミックス
856 Chs

Chapter – 640 Danzo’s Transformation Operation Part II

Suddenly, the pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in Tsukihi's eye sockets created a mild pulsing like a heartbeat without warning.

"This sensation..." She quietly extended out her hand to grip her brow and try to sense it.

This 'alive' aspect was probably the origin of the pulsation that occurred without warning just now.

The feeble power of 'Creation of All Things' emerging in Danzo's body was most likely the cause of this sensation.

When the feeble power of 'Creation of All Things' developed in Danzo's body as a result of the Yin and Yang Chakra's unification, the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan within Tsukihi's eyes most likely triggered an innate resonance.

"This is the typical effect after the Hashirama Cells truly unite with our body," Orochimaru declared triumphantly at this point.

When Danzo's Chief researcher and the two guards witnessed the alterations in Danzo's body, they screamed in excitement, "This... this... is wonderful!" The power and vitality of the elderly and sluggish bodies had returned. And no one could help but be amazed as they observed this event.

Other people in the operating room, unlike Tsukihi, can't genuinely feel the Yin-Yang or the 'Creation of All Things,' but they can see the amazing changes in Danzo's body with their naked eyes.

Tsukihi observed the various instruments on the side of the operating table, temporarily suppressing the restlessness of the pair of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in her eye sockets, and discovered that after the fusion of the Yin and Yang Chakra, in addition to the heartbeat, all other values such as pulse rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, cell division rate, and so on were returning to the normal range.

'Orochimaru's fusion fluid appears to be better than the fusion fluid I made!' Tsukihi muttered inwardly.

Danzo's physique is worse and more degraded than Shishui's, but even in this situation, the Yin and Yang Chakra in Danzo's body began to undergo preliminary Yin-Yang fusion as soon as the fusion fluid created by Orochimaru was put into his body. This fact alone demonstrates that the fusion fluid created by Orochimaru has a far superior effect than the one made by Kuroto.

"Cough..." Danzo on the operation table eventually regained consciousness amid a flurry of coughing.

"Hokage-sama, are you okay?" inquired Danzo's two guards as they hurriedly stood up.

Danzo braced himself to sit up, fully ignoring the two guards' concerns, and sought to feel the changes in his body for a long time before saying to Orochimaru, "Very well, Orochimaru, you did not disappoint me."

"How do you feel?" Orochimaru asked, chuckling.

Danzo's ugly face broke into a rare smile: "Better than ever, I feel like I've become 30 years younger!"

"Don't get too excited," Homusubi cautioned, "this is only the result of the preliminary fusion; everyone who has successfully transplanted Hashirama cells should experience the same result."

When Danzo heard Homusubi's comments, the joy on his face vanished instantly… Because Homusubi's words meant, 'Everyone who has successfully transplanted the Hashirama Cells would feel this effect, the reason you didn't is simply that you didn't correctly transplant the Hashirama Cells, and your technology isn't advanced enough,'

Danzo had truly wanted to turn his face away from Amatsukami and kill her right now if he hadn't remembered that he was still on the operation table and would still need Homusubi's help to keep Orochimaru in control.

While Danzo was deflated, Orochimaru went inside the surgery room's freezer and removed a pure white arm.

Kuroto hacked off one of those special Zetsu Clones' arms not long ago, and this pure white arm is surely the same arm.

Kuroto enlisted Naomi's assistance to ensure that this arm made its way into Danzo's hands.

Of course, Danzo was dubious when Naomi gave him this one-of-a-kind limb, but after his researchers conducted some tests on it, he was surprised to discover that it not only had the Hashiarama Cells implanted in it, but also that the cells were not reacting violently in it!

The particular effect surprised Danzo, undoubtedly the arm was created using cutting-edge biotechnology, but who has access to such cutting-edge biotechnology?

These facts increased his suspicions regarding this arm, but despite scanning Naomi's mind for memories and further research into the origins of this arm, he has not been able to locate any information that can assist him in this area.

With a pause, he looked at the severed limb in Orochimaru's hand.

He's a little hesitant right now.

"What Homusubi said just now is definitely correct," Orochimaru replied with a smile. "Only the first stages of fusion have been completed in your body. You have no choice but to replace that rotting arm with this one if you truly wish to exploit the powers of Shodaime Hokage-sama's cells and further enhance them! The Yin and Yang Chakra in your body will be partly balanced after you replace that arm with this one."

Hearing Orochimaru's explanation, Danzo paused for a moment, then stretched out his withered right hand studded with countless Sharingan and asked, "Can you make sure that Shodaime-sama's Cells don't get out of control during the transplantation process?"

Shin's arm must be amputated in order to transplant the Jozetsu clone's arm, but Shin's arm, which is studded with many Sharingan, is what suppresses the Hashirama Cells in Danzo's body. The suppression of Sharingan on the Hashirama Cells will be eliminated if that arm is removed, and if that happens, the Hashirama Cells in Danzo's body will become uncontrollable and totally engulf him.

"I understand your concerns, but you don't need to be concerned about that; Shodaime Hokage-cells sama's have achieved primary integration with your body, so even if you temporarily lose Sharingan's support, as long as you don't overdraw Chakra, there will be no problem... I can assure you of that." Orochimaru spoke in a calm and gentle manner.

"Orochimaru, as long as I succeed," Danzo stated after a moment's thought, "you will have all your wishes fulfilled in the future Shinobi World."

Orochimaru licked his lips and said, "I look forward to that day."

"Let's get this started!" Danzo said softly.

Orochimaru nodded, "Very well." and began removing the transplanted arm from Danzo's hand.

On the surface, this operation appears to be complex, yet it is actually quite simple.

Even an Iryo-nin from Konoha Hospital can perform it; there is no risk of rejection, and the success rate is extremely high because Danzo already has Hashirama Cells implanted in his body.

During the operation, Homusubi noticed that only seven of Shin's ten vacancies were filled with Sharingan from the Uchiha Clan, while the remaining three vacancies were left empty, most likely because Danzo lacked the necessary number of Sharingan after Obito stole many of his inventory, and the Uchiha Clan was not annihilated.

'If the Sharingan embedded in his eye is counted as well, he now has a total of eight Sharingan...' This means Danzo has a total of nine lives as he can use Izanagi a maximum of eight times.

Orochimaru just required roughly 30 minutes for the complete arm transplant operation, which apparently included implanting all of Danzo's Sharingan in his new arm.

The skill, speed, and ability are so impressive that it astounds everyone including Homusubi!

Orochimaru poured the fusion fluid into Danzo's body once again once the transplanting and implantation were completed, and Danzo's agonizing cries echoed throughout the operating room.


When his two guards saw Danzo rolling and shouting in anguish on the operation table, they wiped the cold sweat from their brows.

As his most trusted followers, they are too familiar with Shimura Danzo. Shimura Danzo, the previous Root commander and current acting leader of Konoha Village, is a precise, somber, and dark figure in their minds... He would never act in such a manner, and they never imagined seeing him in such a position one day.

'The fusion fluid made by Orochimaru doesn't seem to have any bad consequences that would cause Danzo to howl and roll in anguish...' Tsukihi, wearing the Homusubi mask, narrowed her eyes as she watched Danzo's condition. 'The pain he's in appears to be natural, and it's something that most people can't stand... Well, I suppose he can be commended for his endurance in the face of such adversity.'

After a long time, Danzo's roaring subsided and he reverted to his regular state.

Orochimaru strained to restrain his laugh and looked at Danzo, whose nose was red and tears were flowing down his face and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Damn it, why is the reaction so big this time?" Danzo grumbled. "Didn't you say the procedure would go off without a hitch?"

"Any subversive cell fusion will be accompanied by the degradation and death of numerous old cells," Orochimaru explained in a mournful tone of voice. "Your old cells, which were far weaker than the Shodaime Hokage-sama's cells, gradually died during the fusion process since the Shodaime Hokage-sama's cells have been transplanted in you and are fusing with you. This is a natural occurrence..."

"What does this mean?" Danzo inquired, frowning.

"In the last 45 minutes, 99 percent of the cells in your body have experienced violent disintegration and division," Orochimaru remarked. "In some ways, you're not the same person you were forty-five minutes ago. In other words, you've just finished a cellular replacement of yourself, replacing your original body with one closer to that of Shodaime Hokage-sama's."

Hearing this, Danzo became enraged. "All of my body's cells have been replaced in less than 45 minutes... There's a major risk here! Why didn't you properly explain this to me earlier?"

"If I had told you, the chances of getting beyond the fusion would have lessened," Orochimaru shrugged.

"I don't want such a thing to happen again...," Danzo said coldly to Orochimaru, his malicious purpose visible in his eyes. "Orochimaru… Do you get what I'm saying?"

"Do you feel the changes in your body?" Orochimaru asked, unconcerned about Danzo's intimidation as he ignored Danzo's question.

"My chakra reserves seemed to have increased," Danzo said, shaking his fist slowly to feel the changes, "And the growth isn't insignificant... however..."

With a serious face, Danzo shaded his right eye...

"But what?" Orochimaru inquired hopefully.

"Your visual prowess has also risen... right?" Homusubi, who was standing off to the side, whispered softly.

"How do you know?" Danzo inquired, suspiciously looking at Homusubi.

Homusubi grinned, uninterested in responding to Danzo's question.

Zetsu's cell tissues are without a doubt capable of boosting Sharingan's Visual Prowess. Obito, whose visual prowess had also increased significantly after he was discovered and saved by Madara using White Zetsu cells, is the best example of this condition... Homusubi is aware of all of this information, thus when Danzo covered his eye for a brief moment, she was able to deduce that the Sharingan in his eye had changed.

And the most likely possibility is that his Visual Prowess has improved, making it a little more difficult for him to adjust for a while.

Naturally, his visual prowess did not improve significantly, and the Sharingan in his eye is still a three-tomoe Sharingan.

After a moment of adjusting, Danzo restrained his excitement and murmured to Orochimaru: "Excellent. I am quite pleased with the outcome of this procedure."

"What makes you think the operation is already over?" Orochimaru licked his lips, then remarked with a peculiar smile.

"Is there still something else to do?" Danzo inquired, surprised.

"No! It's not that there aren't things to do; rather, I've only just started... The basic goal of this procedure is to change your body... It hasn't even gotten started yet!" Orochimaru responded, his visage becoming more and more fanatical and excited with each word.

Danzo's demeanor changed when he saw Orochimaru's madness: "Could it be that the prior procedures were all just preparations before body modification?"

Even Homusubi on the side shook when she saw Orochimaru's look, not to mention Danzo on the operation table.

Soon after, the core transformation operation began, making it difficult for people to look at it directly.

Orochimaru's methods directly influenced the minds and hearts of the bystanders in the room, not to mention others; even Homusubi, a biotechnology expert, felt her scalp tingling.

Nobody knew how long it took, but the nightmare operation was finally over, and when it was, Danzo was encased in layers of sutures and bandages and looked like a mummy on the operating table.

Homusubi exited the Root Base when the operation was completed.

She then returned to the Ninja Academy, changing her soul back into the main body.

Kuroto recorded everything and examined the alteration operation when he returned to the Principal's office.

Kuroto had to concede that he had underestimated Orochimaru's body modification and transformation abilities.

Shimura Danzo's body had two fundamental flaws... The first was his body's age and lack of cell vitality, making it difficult to integrate other people's cells into his body, and the second was the Yin and Yang Chakra's unstable balance due to the existence of Hashirama Cells and Sharingan from the Uchiha Clan.

But now that the Yang Chakra has nourished Danzo's body, his entire cellular activity has surged... The Yin and Yang balance has also been maintained as a result of the Hashirama Cells' absorption into his body. This signifies that both of his body's ailments have been resolved.

"Well, now that Danzo's body transformation operation is complete, all he needs is some rest before moving on to the next step, which is to execute the ritual..."

"I've put so much effort into this ritual," he grumbled, "I only hope Danzo can remain longer in the ritual so that I can get as much data as possible..."



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