
The Birth

After I had complete access to the library downstairs, I started reading books whenever I had the time and I was completely alone. I started to cram all kinds of knowledge inside my head like the different kinds of potion ingredients and recipes, various kinds of runes( and believe me when I say that there are a lot of them) and their meanings, Arithmancy formulas.

Even if I didn't understand it, I still tried to memorize it all because more knowledge never hurt anyone. Before I read the books I had thought that I would be able to completely understand all the subjects just by reading the books.

But after reading the books on ancient runes and arithmancy, I found out that I couldn't be more wrong. It's like if you read your Highschool mathematics book while you were in middle school most of the students wouldn't be able to understand a single thing because you will be missing some point that is required to be able to learn it.

These are the kind of subjects in which you just need some kind of teacher to teach you different kinds of concepts to help understand the things written in the book.

I didn't give up though, I just kept on reading the same kind of book again and again until I had them fully memorized. I figured that it would be a good foundation for when I am old enough to ask my mother to teach me the subjects.

On a rainy day in November while I was playing on my broom and my mother was watching me in the living room while knitting a sweater my Aunt Alice came bouncing into the room while squeaking happily and ran straight to my mum to tell her that she was pregnant and after that, she took me into her arms and started telling me how I would get a little baby cousin. I smiled happily on the outside while on the inside I was trying to comprehend the implication of this news because this meant that there were only 8-9 months left until Neville and Harry are to be born.

This put me in a dilemma of finding a way to save my aunt Alice and Frank from getting tortured into insanity. Before I was reborn into this world if someone had asked me If I would save them or not, I would have said no because saving them would mean giving up an advantage that I had as it would really change the timeline if I saved them as Alice is the godmother of harry and maybe criminals like Bellatrix would never be caught.

But now that I have come to know Alice as a person I just can't find it inside me to so callously leave her to her fate. So I've decided that I would make a plan to save them somehow either during their attack or to not let them get attacked at all.

After that day I redoubled my training, but I didn't learn any new spell or anything instead I just tried to perfect the already existing Lumos and levitation charm by increasing the velocity of the object that I made fly and increasing the brightness of the light.

A well-placed high speeding object to the head and a very high-intensity light that can burn your retinas were the best weapons that I had available at that time.

Winter came and went and as spring started to approach aunt Alice spent more and more time with us as her baby bump kept increasing day by day. Sometimes Lily would also come and all three ladies would just sit around in the living room and chat about things like their time at Hogwarts or the charms and potion mastery project that lily was working on or how my mother would take a desk job instead of a field job when I am older.

A week before the end of July both Lilly and Alice were hospitalized into St. Mungos. My mother and I went to see them once and that was also the first time I got to see the famous or rather infamous marauders in their full glory. All of them were there at St. Mungos, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter, the book didn't do them enough justice because when they were in the room they owned it, they were so funny that I spent half the time laughing and the other half trying not to glare at peter.

I really took a liking to Sirius, he kept trying to teach me different kinds of pranks while lily kept shouting at him to not corrupt me. In the books, Sirius was shown as a kind of man who was broody and anxious most of the time but looking at him laughing like that and seeing his childlike antics really puts things into perspective of how much losing his best friends and getting thrown into Azkaban had broken the man.

On 1 August as we were about to go to St. Mungos to check on aunt Alice and Lily and see the newborns for the first time because I had not been allowed to go near them for the last three days, tweaky came in while holding a letter to give to my mom. My mom opened the letter and as I watched her read it I could see the color drain from her face.

My mom took me into my room while telling me that we would not be able to go see the baby because something had come up. Later that night by listening to my mum talking to my dad I found out that Aunt Alice had written in her letter that they had to go into hiding immediately because they were being targeted by Voldemort.

I sat there frozen in my crib, panicking inside because I didn't take it into consideration that Alice and Frank will also use the Fidelus charm to hide. This means that I would not be able to help them like I thought I could because I only know that they were attacked sometime after Voldemort was gone but not the exact date and if the death eaters found them before they came here after coming out of hiding then I would not be able to do anything.

I need to think of something and find a way to help them because I will not let them be tortured into insanity.