
Investing In Nimbus

Rubin woke up in his bed in the morning while feeling a slight headache. He tried to remember what had happened last night when suddenly it all came rushing back to him. It was all because last night he had tried the stunning spell 'Stupefy' for the first time, and instead of getting a beam of red light all he had gotten for his effort was having all his magical reserve emptied and feeling the worst case of a hangover. It was the last experiment in a series of experiments and the conclusion was that he would only be able to do simple first-year magic wandlessly and that he would have to wait until having a wand to try any kind of magic that is taught in the upper years.

He went to the bathroom a little while later while thinking of how he had just turned 7-year-old last month and that it's been four years since Sirius's trial. In the last four years, he has continued his magical training without slacking off. And he had also tried to add new spells to his spell repertoire many times but until now had very little success and the only new spells that he had been able to do were the first year spells that he could remember like the unlocking spell "Alohamora" and a diagnostic spell "Reprehendo Basis".

The diagnostic spell was the only spell that he had been able to do of all the spells that he had read from his father's book. What it does is that it checks if there is anything wrong with the patient's magical core. It didn't sound very useful to me when I first read about it but when I used it on the babies and felt their magical core a wonderful coincidence happened.

For years I had been able to feel my magical core and tell how much magic I have left by feeling the pressure exerted by the core. And because I was so sensitive to magical pressure exerted by a magical core, when I used the diagnostic spell on the babies when they were about 3 years old, I was able to instinctively tell that Harry had about 5L magic while Neville had 1.5L. I was really ecstatic when I found out about it because this way I would be able to tell the amount of magic a person has. After I became more proficient in the diagnostic spell and was able to do it while murmuring and without pointing, I tried it on my parents and the results I got were that my mum had about 3500L magic while my father had 3800L magic. And when I tried it on Aunt Alice and Frank I found out that while my aunt had 4500L magic, Frank had a total of 5000L magic in his core. Over the years while roaming in Diagon alley and trying the spell on random people I had concluded that an average adult wizard had about 2500-4000L magic in them while more powerful wizards who work at a high-intensity job like being an Auror have about 4000-5000L magic in them.

I had also become proficient in levitating two objects at the same time, it took me some years of effort but I was finally able to do it. Now I could levitate two objects at the same time but the problem was that I could not move them in different directions instead if I tried to move a single object in one direction the other will also move in that direction.

Another new technique I had learned was being able to do spells from both hands. At first, I was only able to do magic from either the left or right hand at a time but after a year I was able to do magic from both of them at the same time. Now while still only being able to levitate two objects with one hand, if I point both of my hands I can levitate four objects. But when I do that it becomes really hard for me to make the objects perform any kind of difficult maneuver, instead I would only be able to just float them up and down.

I had also started learning ancient runes from my mother when I turned five and my dad also promised to start teaching me the basic theoretical knowledge of healing when I become about 8 years old.

Harry and Neville are both 5-year-old kids now, and harry had turned out to become a good-natured kid but shy and introverted kid because of losing his parents while he was very young, but he turns into a completely different person whenever any kind of adventure is involved and is a really adventurous kid. On the other hand, Neville had turned out to become a very boisterous kid who was very protective of harry like a big brother and he had also learned many different kinds of tricks from Sirius, as the kids spent most of their weekends either at Sirius's home.

Today is the day that I was going to Gringotts to make an investment in the future Nimbus Company. For the last two years, I've been going into Diagon alley in search of the enchanter who made the broom and I finally found him last month while roaming around there ( because Diagon alley is just a floo away it is like the market at the end of the street is for muggle kids). Since then I've been going to his store irregularly and I've become really good friends with him because he likes talking about his work and I keep asking him questions about his broom and what kind of investment he needs to be able to make it big. He told me that he will be searching for an investor to get the money to produce the starting line of brooms when he gets a working prototype.

The enchanter's name was John Barrister, and he had named the broom after his dead dog nimbus who was really close to his heart. He has a run down shop at the end of the alley where he does the patch-up job for any kind of magical objects and he has been working on the broom for 7 years and he is almost finished with the product. When I told him that I will be investing in his dream, he laughed at me and told me that where would a kid me get that kind of money, I just left the shop while smiling at him.

The money I wanted to invest in John came from the trust fund that I had found out about when I went to Gringotts with my father. While my father went to do some business with the account manager while leaving me in the manager's office, I asked a goblin nearby who was called gotruk if I have somekind of money that I have total autonomy over. He told me that I had the trust vault which contained about 10,000 galleons and was created for me when I was born by my grandfather and that I could do anything with it and no one would know. Since then I had been sneaking off to Gringotts to ask gotruk questions about my vault and how he could help me invest, for an advisory fee of course.

From there it took just one meeting with the goblin gotruk and he invested about 9000 galleons for about 20% percent of stocks of the nimbus company. Now I just have to wait two more months before the launch of the brooms and I will be raking in a lot of cash( oops! galleons) once it hits the market.

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