
Reborn in Westeros : The Tarly Twin's Tale

In the world of Westeros, where noble houses vie for power and honor, A man reborn into House Tarly as Edward Tarly, embarks on a journey to secure his place in this unforgiving realm. Gifted with extraordinary abilities, Edward navigates the intricate politics of the Reach and forms alliances, all while secretly harboring his own ambitious plans. He uncovers secrets, forge unbreakable bonds, and discovers that in the game of thrones, the most formidable weapon may be the mind. A tale of strategy, family, and destiny. follow Edward's quest to leave a lasting mark on the Seven Kingdoms. ---------------------------‐----------- English isn't my first language This is my first time writing a fanfiction

L0neking · テレビ
4 Chs

Chapter 4: Departure and Arrival

293 AC 

Horn Hill, The Reach

The early rays of dawn bathed Horn Hill in a soft, golden glow, heralding an important day for Edward Tarly. Today marked the beginning of his journey to Winterfell, where he would start a new chapter of his life as a ward of House Stark. Dressed in his finest attire, adorned with leather armor, and cloaked in the darkness of the early morning, Edward exuded an air of determination.

Horn Hill's courtyard buzzed with activity as Edward stood amidst a small gathering of men, chosen carefully to accompany him on this significant journey. A modest party was his preference, aimed at avoiding undue attention.

His family had assembled to bid him farewell.

At the heart of the gathering, Randyll Tarly, his father, loomed with his usual stern and imposing demeanor.

A firm grip on Edward's shoulder conveyed unspoken expectations as he spoke, "Remember the honor you carry, my son. House Tarly's reputation rests with you."

Edward nodded in acknowledgment, his resolve unwavering. "I won't forget, Father."

His mother, Melessa, was noticeably emotional, trying to hold back tears as she embraced him warmly. "Take care, my love," she whispered.

"I will, Mother," Edward replied, his voice filled with a tender affection.

Sam, his twin brother, couldn't hide his concern. "You will write to us, won't you? I'll miss you."

Edward offered a reassuring smile, "Of course, Sam. Expect letters from me regularly."

Desmond, his young brother, stood defiantly, emulating his father's teachings on composure. "Don't be away for too long, big brother. I expect you to train me when you return."

Edward playfully tousled his youngest brother's hair, promising, "I'll be back sooner than you think."

Talla, the youngest and her brother's favorite cute sister, craved her share of attention. She tugged at Edward's cloak, her innocence and charm making it impossible to resist with all the innocence of youth, squealed, "Up, up!"

Edward couldn't resist her charm. He scooped her up in his arms and started tickling her.

With the heartfelt farewells concluded, Edward turned to his small band of men. These seasoned soldiers were loyal to House Tarly, and they understood the importance of there mission. They had all mounted their horses, and as the massive gates of Horn Hill creaked open, they rode out into the unknown, leaving the familiar behind.

The journey to Winterfell was long and arduous. Edward and his loyal companions pushed hard through the picturesque landscapes of the Reach. Fields of golden wheat swayed in the breeze, and charming villages passed by their path. They navigated rivers, ventured through dense forests, and ascended rugged hills. Edward's sharp instincts, honed by years of training and his unique abilities, helped them avoid potential threats.

As they ventured further north, the scenery shifted, marking the transition from the lush Reach to the rugged North. The air grew cooler, and the leaves of the trees turned brilliant shades of autumn. The journey tested their endurance, but Edward was undeterred.

Every night, as they rested by the campfire, they shared stories and laughter. Edward's men admired not only his combat skills but also his leadership and unwavering dedication to House Tarly. He had earned their respect, and they were more than soldiers to him; they were loyal comrades on this journey.

As the journey continued, each day brought them closer to Winterfell. The imposing fortress of House Stark, situated in the North, was the next destination. Edward had heard tales of its grandeur, and now he would witness it with his own eyes.


293 AC

Winterfell, The North

Eddard Stark sat in Winterfell's solar, a letter held loosely in his hand. Ser Rodrik Cassel, his loyal castellan, was with him. Through the open window, they could hear the courtyard filled with the sounds of daily life at Winterfell.

Ser Rodrik leaned forward and inquired, "My lord, have there been any news of the Tarlys? They were meant to arrive today."

Eddard took a deep breath and replied, "Not yet, Ser Rodrik. We shall learn of their arrival when they arrive."

Ser Rodrik furrowed his brows, his curiosity getting the better of him. "It is unusual, my lord, that Lord Randyll Tarly would send his heir to Winterfell. Why not seek a more prominent house for such an arrangement? What does he hope to achieve by sending young Edward to squire for me?"

Eddard nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Ser Rodrik. I posed the same question to Lord Tarly when we met during the war."

Ser Rodrik leaned in with interest. "What was his response?"

Eddard leaned back in his chair, recalling the conversation he'd had with Randyll Tarly during the Greyjoy Rebellion.


" Lord Randyll, I am sure that you can provide your son with the best conditions for training, be it hiring sword masters or good equipment, your house can afford it all, so why do you want to sand him away to the North?"

Randyll Tarly responded, his voice filled with conviction. "You are right, Lord Stark, House Tarly can provide him with the finest training and resources. But there is something that my son needs, something that my house nor The Reach can provide him with. He needs the North. "

"The North?" Eddard asked, intrigued.

Randyll continued, "I don't want my heir to become a 'flower knight,' skilled in jousting and tourneys but lacking the true essence of battle-hardened strength. I want him to be more, to understand the harsh realities of the world, and for that he needs the North"

--------------------Flashback ends------------------

Ser Rodrik summed it up, "So, he wants his heir to be a knight of substance. He's looking for an environment that will forge his heir into a formidable warrior."

Eddard nodded "Ay, also the boy wasn't sent here just be your squire, Lord Randyll also asked me if i could..."

But before the conversation between Eddard and Ser Rodrik came to a close, a man entered the solar with a hurried step.

"My lord, my lord," the messenger said, his voice filled with urgency. " your awaited guest has arrived."

Eddard and Ser Rodrik exchanged a quick glance before rising from their seats, and they made their way to the courtyard.

Edward and his small party of men rode through the gates of Winterfell. The imposing structure of the castle loomed ahead, its stone walls standing tall against the backdrop of the northern sky. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the strength of House Stark.

The guards at the gate were alert, and when they saw the banner of House Tarly, they knew the young lord had arrived.

Edward was greeted by a stern-looking steward, who bowed respectfully. "Welcome to Winterfell. Lord Stark is awaiting your arrival."

With a nod, Edward followed the steward through the courtyard and into the heart of Winterfell. The castle was a labyrinth of halls and corridors, but the steward navigated it with ease, leading Edward to the courtyard where he is suppose to meet Lord Eddard Stark and Ser Rodrik Cassel .

Upon his arrival in the courtyard, Edward dismounted, and his men followed suit. As he looked around, he noticed the curious gazes of the Stark men-at-arms who were training or going about their business. Word of his arrival had spread quickly, and he could sense the anticipation in the air.

Lord Stark and Ser Rodrik Cassel arrived at the courtyard, Eddard extended a welcoming hand to the young heir. "Edward Tarly, welcome to Winterfell."

Edward took the offered hand and bowed respectfully. "Lord Stark, it is an honor to be here."

Ser Rodrik, known for his straightforward demeanor, couldn't help but inquire, "What brings the heir of Horn Hill all the way to Winterfell?"

Edward met Ser Rodrik's gaze with unwavering confidence. "I am here to learn the ways of the North, my lord. I intend to excel as a squire and as a student. I'm eager to prove my worth."

Before the conversation could continue, the courtyard grew silent as the gates opened once more. A procession of servants and Stark men-at-arms followed by Lady Catelyn Stark appeared, accompanied by her children.

Eddard Stark smiled as he saw his wife and children approach. "Allow me to introduce you to my family, Edward."

Edward bowed politely as Lady Catelyn curtsied. "My lady, it is an honor."

Lady Catelyn returned the courtesy with a nod. "The honor is ours."

Eddard introduced each of his children in turn,Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Bran.

Edward paid his respects with a nod and kind words..

The Stark children exchanged curious glances, their youthful eyes filled with intrigue. They had heard tales of the Reach and House Tarly, and the arrival of their new companion piqued their interest.

Eddard turned his attention to Edward. "You've had a long journey, Edward. I'm sure you and your men must be tired. We'll ensure you have comfortable accommodations."

Edward appreciated the offer but was quick to respond. "Thank you, Lord Stark, but I'm eager to start my training. A few hours of rest will suffice, and I would be grateful if I could join the training yard afterward."

Eddard's brows rose in approval. "Very well, Edward. We'll arrange for a place for you to rest. The training yard will be at your disposal when you're ready."

As Edward and his men were shown to their quarters, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Winterfell was a place of legends, and he was now a part of its history. His journey was just beginning, and he was determined to make the most of this unique opportunity.

While Edward made his way to the assigned quarters, Eddard Stark and Ser Rodrik Cassel returned to the solar. Ser Rodrik was the first to break the silence. "He seems confident, my lord. Do you think he'll adapt to the ways of the North?"

Eddard considered the question. "He has the spirit of a warrior, but his training in the Reach is different from the methods here. It will be a challenge for him to adapt. However, if his intentions are genuine, he may find his place."