
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs


Three years have passed from the time of the third great ninja war. The world had entered an era of peace never seen before. Earlier , even if the conflicts were not big enough for war, skirmishes were always happening at the borders. But now, every thing was calm. I was in my base in the moon, primarily teaching the jinchurikis and kaguya. Although Kaguya is strong she has yet to learn to harness the power of natural energy which can help her to increase her strength. 

Currently I was in a training ground training Hayato ( one tails jinchuriki), Han, Utakata and Mikoto. In these three years they have made outstanding progress and all were now able to enter into the second form of the tailed beast state without loosing their sanity. Hayato had also gained magnet release and I have trained him to be proficient in it. Looking at them I stated, 

" You guys have made remarkable progress in your training. Hayato , you have perfected your tailed beast mode and are able to bring out Shukaku and maintain your conciousness. Plus you have trained well in your magnet release and have become quite proficient in it. From my evaluation you would be an Elite jonin to low Kage level shinobi in your base form. In tailed beast mode that goes upto Mid kage and high. Good job." I paused looking at Hayato

" Thank You Sir." He replied curtly.

" Next is Han. Similar to Hayato you have perfected your tailed beast training and have improved your steam release. From my evaluation you would be a low kage in base form and climbing upto a high Kage in tailed beast state."

Han nodded his head and remained quite.

" Utakata. You are the youngest of all the jinchurikis. You have successfully entered four tailed state and maintained that form in the age of 15. You have the strength to rival an Elite jonin if you go all out. There are still seven years left for training. I believe by that time you will be strong enough to fight by our sides."

" Yes sir. I promise to work hard." He replied

" Lastly Mikoto. You have improved quite well in these three years. You sharingan has evoved into the eternal and you can successfully enter tailed beast state and full beast transformation. Your training as a jinchuriki is successful and I will give you the strength evaluation of a mid tier Kage level. The next step in your training is to master your dojutsu and unlock the full body susano. I will recommend you go to Madara as he will be able to help you with that."

" I understand. I shall do my best."

Looking at all of them again I said," Well then. Continue your training. if you have any problems come and ask me."

" Yes sir" They all said in unison.

Returning to my home I made my way towards the training hall. There I saw Kaguya sitting in a meditative pose with her eyes closed and breathing relaxed. I could feel that she has successfully sensed and detected nature energy but was not being able to assimilate it with her chakra to stabilize it. 

Walking upto her I sat down opposite to her. Waiting for a few minutes she opened her eyes and looked at me. " I have failed, Again." She said dejected.

" Don't worry. Being able to sense nature energy within 3 days of starting your sage training is already quite the progress. If you rush it then you will fail. Have patience and keep at it. I am sure of your success."

" I hope so to." She replied.

" Has Hashirama contacted you to update on the training of the new shinobis?" I asked

" Yes he gave me a report this morning. I have kept it in your office for you to check later on." She replied

" Very well I shall get to it."

After practicing for another hour with Kaguya I finally took some rest and walked into my office. Seeing the report she mentioned I opened it up and started reading.

Report from Konoha:

I have trained Nawaki in sage jutsu and he has a natural talent for it. He is a sage just like me and can enter sage mode within 2 to 3 seconds. However he can only hold it on for about 20 minutes before needing to recharge. For his wood style I have taught him my entire arsenal of attacks and he is mastering them quite fast. He still has problems with the Sage Art Wood Style : True Several Thousand Hands, but has mastered the wood golem jutsu and other S ranked wood release techniques. 

I too have improved my sage mode and have gone into depth to study it. My wood release has become quite strong as I am now able to summon multiple wood golems and control them at the same time. Also I am able to last around one to two hours in sage mode before running out of senjutsu chakra. I feel that a breakthrough is coming but at the same time it feels that there is a long way to go.

Although I don't like him much the monkey too has improved his strength after you gave him and onoki that Anti aging potion. I still don't know why you did that though. Well anyways I would say that the monkey is around Peak High kage level and can take on around seven to eight low to mid kage ranked shinobi on his own. I think his next step should be to learn the monkey sage mode. I hope that in that process he turns into a monkey and never changes back.

There are many jonins who have improved their strength and continue to work harder but there still hasn't been an S ranked shinobi from konoha yet. 

Hiashi, The guy whom you gave the byakugan to is still developing. He is at best a top tier A rank. He need more time to grow. Apart from him there is the ino-shika-cho trio. Together they can take on multiple jonins but individually they are at best low to mid A ranked shinobi. But they do hold potential to grow.

Apart from that there is a guy who runs around in green spandex shouting something about youth. From the rate he trains and the improvement that he has done on himself he is also special jonin level. I still need to look into him for more detailed evaluation. 

Aburame, Inuzuka, and Kurama clans have good shinobi but they do not have the potential to be S class, unless they have a miracle among them. 

Among the civilian ninjas there is a person called Shinku Yuhi who has a talent for genjutsu and kenjutsu and is currently an elite jonin. That guy is on the verge of breaking through to low cage level but lacks that X factor to make him special.

That is all from the side of Konoha. I will meet you in the next meeting in two years.

'Hmm. This is acceptable for now. Lets wait for two years to observe them and if they don't improve then I will intervene.'


Next is the report from Tobirama. Let's see how Mizu is doing.

As you ordered I have trained the shinobi of the country of water in the arts of the ninja. For my initial report I will mention two people. First is Terumi Mei. This girl had two bloodlines and can use both of them without any difficulty. her blood lines are boil release and magma release. She has exceptional control over these two sub elements and had honed them to a near perfect degree. Her chakra reserves are a bit lacking which makes it difficult for her in a prolonged battle. But if I were to overlook her chakra and focus on her actual skills, She has potential to be the next mizukage. Her strength is already at a low kage level and will continue to grow in the upcoming years.

Next is an actual S ranked powerhouse. This guy is from the Hoshigaki clan and his name is Kisame. he has a chakra pool big enough to rival the four tails alone. Apart form that he has exceptional talent in water ninjutsu and is very good at it. Although not good as mine his affinity with water is astronomically greater than any other Kiri shinobi. Also he is a swordsman wielding Samehada after winning it from its previous owner Fuguki Suikazan. If I were to evaluate him I would say that Kisame is a mid to high Kage level shinobi.

The other six swordsmen are also quite good and capable of fully utilizing and wielding their blades but they are at best A ranked and still need time to improve. There is also a boy named Haku( not that one) from the Yuuki clan who shows potential with his Ice release.

The members of the kaguya clan are also strong but none of them are S ranked yet. 

There is one other interesting shinobi. Mangetsu Hozuki is his name if I am not wrong. He too has great potential and has mastered five out of the seven ninja swords. He too is currenty a A rank on the verge of a breakthrough.

That is all for this time. I will give a more detailed and through report in the upcoming summit in two years.

' Hmm not bad. 1 confirmed S rank and 10 High A rank on the verge of breaking through. Kiri has a lot more talents than konoha in this genration it seems.'


Moving on to Suna. Lets see how Tsunade and my clone did

Hello Lucifer. I have been busy with training myself and training the ninja of Suna. Firstly Suna already has 5 S ranked Shinobis. Those being The third Kazekage himself, Chiyo, Ebizo, Rasa, and Pakura. Pakura being the newest one to enter that level. Also Sasori has returned to the village so that makes it 6 S rankers. 

I ,myself, have been busy with creating new poison that could be used against out opponents and teaching medical jutsu to the shinobis. I have started my training in sage mode and am learning a lot from your clone. 

Amongst the new generation there is Baki who is a Jonin with the strength of an Elite jonin.

That is all I have for now. I will meet you in two years during the summit. Hopefully I will compplete my sage training by then. Bye bye.

' Hmm good enough I guess. Well with my clone there finding a few more talented guys would not pose a problem.'


Moving on to Iwa I opened Jiraiya's report. 

Hello I am the great Toad sage Jiraiya. There is no women who is spared from my charm. Be it east, west, north or south I have countless fans...........................................


Coming to the main topic of writing this report, the training of the Iwa shinobis are mainly handled by Onoki and your clone. I have personally made in my sage mode and Minato has too. Although I must admit his talent in mastering nature energy is greater than mine. Right now Minato is at a High kage level and using sage mode he is at peak kage level. And when you add the Hiraishn in the mix it is a sight to behold. Also with the use of seals he has developed new sealing formulas that I have sent with this report. Please have a look at it and see if it is applicable or not. 

Apart from that there are three definite S ranked shinobis in Iwa.

One is the tsuchikage Onoki himself. Other one is his own son Kitsuchi. He is quite well versed in earth release and has made great progress. And the next one is Deidara. That kid is an Art maniac. He has the kekei Genkai of Explosion release and can cause exactly that. Huge explosions. his evaluation would be High Jonin to low kage with a great potential.

There are a lot of jonins with good potential but I have yet to find one with the potential to fight an otsutsuki. But the search is on. 

' Quite low. I have to give more focus on developing the shinobi of Iwa.'


Next was Kumo. Sakumo wrote a very short and precise letter.

The raikage A has improved his strength and is now a Mid level Kage.

Then there is Dodai who was from the previous generation and possess great strength. His unique Lava Style and his quick thinking makes him a difficult opponent. High A rank shinobi.

A young boy named Darui with his strong Lightning release and unique Black lightning.

A young girl named Samui with good swordsmanship and lightning release.

these were all the people who I am currently training and they have good potential. 

Among the other Jonins there are few who have potential and will be nurtured by either me or the third raikage and thor.

' Hmm good enough for now I guess.'

All that is left is Hela's report. Although it would be difficult to find 10 S ranked samurai who can fight an otsutsuki but I have given Hela something that will help her in training the Samurais. Different Breathing techniques from the world of Demon Slayer. although not good enough for high level Otsutsukis but enough for the elite. Breathing techniques should not be underestimated. They have terrifying potential in the hands of a master. So I have to give Hela a few more years before she would provide results. 

" Hmm It seems that a lot of potential has been found. With the Addition of Hanzo, Konan, Yahiko and Nagato the lineup seems to evenly match. Even if Nagato is not as strong as in the original I still have ways to obtain RInnegan for him. Then there is Kakuzu, Orochimaru, and the young Lad Shisui. Terrifying potential if trained properly. 

Well lets see how training with Madara has fared for Kushina and Fugaku. Standing up I was about to make my way towards a training ground when I felt the world Around me shift and vanish. Everything was Black until the world regained its colour.

I saw myself currently floating and when I turned I was truly shocked for the first time in my second Life. It did not take me even a second to recognize the person ahead of me.

" So you are the Otsutsuki God, I presume?"

" You would be correct in guessing that, other worlder.....