

" You would be correct i guessing that Other worlder."

" Where am I ?"

" Don't be alarmed. I have brought you here to talk."

" And you expect me to stay calm after hearing that?"

" Not at all. But I know that you are smart enough to do the right thing in this situation."

" I will repeat again. Where am I ?"

" Impatient brat. Very well. Physically you are still where you last were. I have summoned your Astral body to this realm. My realm. I have a proposition for you. So I wished to talk to you, Face to face."

'What!! He has pulled my astral body out of my physical being. Damm it.' Looking at him I said, " From the Information I had on you, you have been sealed in some place by someone. And you should not have the power to interact with the outer world. So how are you able to do this."

" Your information is wrong. I am not sealed. Neither can I not interact with the other world. I can access the outer world as you say it anytime I want. But there are certain conditions that I have to fulfill achieve that."

" I see. Why have you brought me here? If what you say is true then there is nothing in the world that you yourself can't do. So why am I here?"

" Hmm. Well let's say I require your assistance in accomplishing something."

" What?" I said intrigued by his statement." 

" I want you to kill Shibai Otsutsuki."

'That is not something I was expecting from someone like him. I know Otsutsukis are quite vicious but to want to kill the strongest Otsutsuki out there? What is his motive though?'

" Why do you want me to kill Shibai?"

" Hmm. I know that you are preparing an army to kill off the entire Otsutsuki Clan but let me tell you something. It will not be Sufficient. Shibai alone can destroy everything. Every member of your army. Even you with your outer world powers do not stand a chance in front of Shibai as you are now. And you will not stand a chance even in a hundred years. Shibai is on a whole new level."

' well that made me a little speechless.' " How can you be so sure?"

" Let me give you a bit of knowledge that the other world out there doesn't know about our Clan. The position of Otsutsuki God is a Heritable one. Otsutsukis go from planet to planet, cultivating chakra fruits and gaining strength. When you reach a certain point the strength you gain increases so much that the will of the universe forces you out of the universe. That is what happened to me. I gained so much strength that I was Forced out of the universe. If I enter that universe , my mere presence can cause it to explode. I now stay in a different Dimension and can only see into the universe trough my powers. Shibai is also on the verge of a break through and will soon be forced out of the universe. If that happens his next target will be me. and Although I am strong, battles between beings of that level doesn't end well. and I cannot kill Shibai myself since I am forbidden to enter the lower world. That is why I want you to kill Shibai."

" That is a lot of new information. So Shibai is the currently eyeing your position and you want me to kill him to ensure that your position is safe? Am I correct?"

" Yes"

" And What do I get in return?"

" I will give you my assistance in killing the Otsutsuki clan?"

" You want to kill off your own clan?"

The huge being was silent for a few minutes. Looking at me he looked as if in deep contemplation as if wondering if he should say what he wants to say. Finally after a full five minutes he opened his mouth and began speaking, " Well the otsutsuki clan is not my clan." 

Confused I looked at him, " What the hell are you taking about?"

Breathing a deep sigh he continued, " I was once a human. A plain boring man in a busy city, with no special traits to stand out. I thought that I would live my mundane life and in a few years die and that will be the end of my story. Until one day when I died in a road accident." 

My eyes were getting wide as I began to comprehend what he was saying. But before I could speak he spoke again, " As I can see from your expression you have already guessed it. Yes I am just Like you. I am an other worlder. I met with a guy calling himself god and was given the choice to be reborn in this universe with a few perks. I was born as an Otsutsuki and that in itself was a cheat code. But I was born hundreds of thousand years ago. I conquered planet after planet gaining strength and ascending to the title of OTSUTSUKI GOD. I was waiting for the main story of the elemental nations to begin to set my plans in motion."

After getting over the shock of seeing another reincarnated person and hearing his story I was quite speechless for a while. Regaining my composure I asked, " What plans?"

" I initially planned to bring Naruto Uzumaki in here and train him to be of the level where he can kill Shibai. So imagine my thought when I peer into the ninja world to check its progress and witness that the entire history of the world has changed. and all the changes revolve around one person." Looking at me with his eyes he said, " You." 

" You managed to change the course of history and the plans of fate. Something never seen before. Your actions have prevented from the child of prophecy to be born. Naruto will still be born if all things go accordingly but he will not be the child of prophecy anymore."

"Really? Well Hashirama is still alive so Ashura chakra doesn't need to reincarnate I guess. But does it not make Hashirama the so called child of prophecy?" I asked perplexed.

" No. The child of prophecy has nothing to do with Ashura's chakra. It is a unique thing granted by the will of the universe itself. And when it saw that the original Child will not be born it changed It's prophecy. The blessed son of the Universe was supposed to bring peace to the Universe in this cycle before the rebirth of the universe began and and the child of prophecy was born again. It is a never ending cycle of birth life peace and at the end Destruction. But in this cycle the prophesied child will not be born so the universe chose a new candidate. "

He paused and I made a guess, " Shibai Otsutsuki"

" Yes. The universe's golden boy will be the one to bring about its destruction so that It can start over. The endless cycle of life and death."

" Wait wait wait. This is so confusing. Simplify what you want to say will you."

" Okay let's start from the beginning. Every thing follows a certain rule. Birth Life and death. And after death comes Rebirth. This is true even for the Universe itself. In each cycle of death and rebirth the universe grows and shrinks , again and again, endlessly. 

In every cycle the universe bestows it's blessing on an Individual. Those who are blessed by this is called the Children of prophecy. In this cycle, Naruto, the actual child of prophecy will not be born and brought up the way he is supposed to. Naruto is a unique personality. His pain and suffering is what makes him into the person he is. So if there is no pain in Naruto's life he will never grow to achieve what he is destined to achieve. Therefore making the blessing of the universe null and void. Naruto is supposed to be a messiah. One who shall bring Joy and happiness to everyone's lives. but since in this cycle of the universe Naruto will not grow up pain and suffering he will not be bestowed with the blessing of the universe. 

Thus the universe chose a new champion. Shibai Otsutsuki. He is destined to bring ruin and end this cycle of the universe thus giving it a chance of rebirth and starting anew. So if you want to survive and not let everything you hold dear to be destroyed, Shibai needs to die. Also if not stopped Shibai will eventually ascend to the position of Otsutsuki God and challenge me. 

I reside out of this universe and hence know these secrets that other people don't. I have seen the universe be born and be destroyed countless times. I have met other otherworlders but none showed the potential that you have. That is why I called you here. If Shibai finds the secret of the universe then Everything will be over. The universe will be destroyed completely. With Shibai's potential and his growth in power it is a daunting possibility. It took me 3 universal cycles to achieve the strength I possess. Shibai has achieved half of my strength in one Life time. He is indeed currently qualified to become the new Otsutsuki God but the universe is not letting him ascend. Preventing him and making him complete the prophecy. So you need to kill Shibai before that since only you have the potential to do so."

" This is quite overwhelming information. So there were other reincarnates before me huh. Well Shibai was already on my kill list, so this doesn't change much." Looking up at the God before me I spoke, " Very well. I will kill Shibai. But how will you kill the other Otsutsukis? "

" I will simply summon them here and consume them. Like Momoshiki did to Kinshiki. Shibai is the only one I cannot kill." 

" How much Time will it take for you to do that?"

" Dependes. How much time will it take for you to prepare to fight against Shibai?"

" Give me a year."

" Very well. Then all the other Otutsukis will be gone within an year."

Looking at the being in front of me I asked, " What is your name?"

" My name huh. my name is Ubuyashiki Otsutsuki. But you can call me Adam Smith." He said with a smile before I was back standing in the middle of my office. 

Going around the Table and sitting down I thought, ' Well that was a new experience.' Closing my eyes and relaxing for a few seconds I opened them again with a burning determination in them, 

" Should I inform the rest about this development? No . Let them train. If I am defeated they will atleast be able to put up a fight. No need to disrupt their training. "

Sitting up straight I said out loud," System!"


'open up the shop. I need to but a lot of things.'.....