
Reborn In The MCU

A story about a guy reincarnated in the MCU with a cool power. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, so please excuse the choppiness or lack of good writing. Constructive criticism is appreciated. ***No Harem***

Slumbre · 映画
1 Chs

Death & Reincarnation

I awoke from my slumber with a yelp. It seemed I was having a nightmare. I looked around, to find nothing. People like me have to be careful after all.

My name is Derek, a 14-year old 'young master' to one of the most influential businesses in my century. Due to the stiff competition surrounding my mother's business, we've had no less than 12 assassins after our heads. They probably would've succeeded too, if it weren't for the fact that the business my mother owns is security-focused, one of the leading companies in home security.

My mom is currently my only living relative to my knowledge, but she doesn't treat me like one. She became distant after dad died, I think. I wasn't around to see him, because he died a couple of months before I was born, but my mom said he had brain cancer. It all fell apart before I had the chance to see when it was put together. My whole life I'd been told what to do and how to do things. I've been homeschooled my entire life, and making dinner myself was commonplace. I know others have it worse though, so I try my best not to complain.

I was sweating buckets though, and my throat felt dry after that nightmare, so I wanted some water. As I sat up, I looked at the time. 4:37, only 53 minutes 'till I had to wake up for good. I reached for the glass of water next to my nightstand and took a swig. As the cold water slid down my throat refreshingly, I wondered if I should stay awake. While I only had an hour left to sleep, I wanted to sleep as long as I could.

Wait, I drank cold water? As I realized what had happened, I started convulsing wildly. The damn assassins had got us. I pressed a red button on the side of my bed, signalling a butler that an emergency had occurred, but no one came. I guess they died too. It had just come to me; I wasn't the main target, my mother was. My mother was probably about to die, if not already dead, and I had nothing I could do about it. Even so, I wasn't angry. No, I felt sort of calm. Like nothingness. I don't know why; maybe that's what death feels like.

As my consciousness slowly drifted, I felt a pinching sensation on the back of my neck, and like a snap, I was in a completely white room with some Morgan Freeman lookin' dude across from me.

???: Hello Derek.

Derek: Who are you? Where am I?

???: Right to the point I see. I am an angel, but you can call me Zee. You're in an ethereal plane, as a sort of interlude to the new life you're about to enter.

Derek: Okay....? Where am I going?

Zee: You seem awfully calm. Aren't you the least bit suspicious that this is a prank?

I stared at him with a blank face.

Derek: Who would prank me in my own home? And It felt too real to be a prank, anyways.

Zee: I guess so. Onto business. Like everyone else in this type of situation, as recompense for dying early, you get three wishes for your next life.

Derek: Really?! Where will I be going in my next life?

Zee: Normally, you'd just go back to Earth, but if you choose to use a wish, you can go anywhere.

Derek: Anywhere!? Like in movies or books?

Zee: That's correct.

Zee showed a light smile hearing the excitement in my voice.

Derek: If so, can I go to the MCU? I always liked the thought of having superpowers and fighting alongside the Avengers.

Zee: Sure. What else do you want? You have 2 more wishes.

Derek thought for a moment before saying

Derek: If I reincarnate, will I keep my current memories?

Zee chuckled slightly before saying

Zee: No, but you can wish for it if that's what you want.

Derek: Ok, then I'd like that to be my next wish

Zee: Consider it granted.

Derek: Thanks!

Zee: No problem.

Derek then thought about his last wish.

Derek: Hmm... Can I have a random powerful ability?

Zee: Why random? You can choose any power.

Derek: Yes, but my imagination only goes so far. I want a unique power, but I can't really think of one I'd want right now. By asking for a random powerful superpower, I'll be guaranteed to be at least somewhat useful and creative.

Zee: Sure. You have no more wishes now. I hope you do well in this life.

Zee snapped his fingers, and I disappeared. As I vanished, I suddenly remembered.

'I don't know where I'm headed!'

Derek: Agghhh!!!

As Derek left, Zee was alone in a white room. He suddenly turned to you.

Zee: And now for you...

He snapped his fingers.

Hello! This is my first novel! Constructive criticism appreciated!

Slumbrecreators' thoughts