
Reborn In Marvel as Grant Ward

A boy Reborn in the Marvel world as Grant Ward after he cursed the guy for being stupid. How will he live the life different from the original Grant ward let's see. At first the power he gains isn't that good with regards to being in Marvel world but he will be gaining more power in the future so don't judge it based on that as my Grant Ward would become the strongest Human in the future.

shashank_bhatt · テレビ
75 Chs

20. Brain Scan

"Daniel Whitehall uses this a lot so when I was researching him, I found out about it," Grant replied

"Whitehall?" asked Skye in surprise then turned her head to look towards Coulson who wasn't that much surprised by this information as he had already guessed it would be something like that.

"So Grant is the one who has been giving you information regarding Hydra," Skye said understanding the situation, "But how? Didn't he said that he won't talk to anyone else than me?"

"Yeah, I did but then after I bashed my head against a wall and Coulson still saved me. I thought I would apologize to the team since I really couldn't die, so as an apology to them I would answer one question each from them" Grant explained

Hearing his words Skye was surprised, Grant has been trying to kill himself and Coulson has been saving him but the fact that he decided to apologize to the team because he couldn't die.... wasn't sitting right in her stomach.

"So because Coulson won't let you kill yourself, you decided to act like you feel sorry, apologize to the team to get back into our lives. If you really wanted to die Ward you should have run fast" Skye said with venom in her voice.

"Let's make something clear here I am not acting like I feel sorry because I do know what I did was wrong but everything I did was for the man who had been everything to me for the last 15 years of my life, his death meant I didn't have anyone else so I decided to kill myself but Coulson made it clear that he won't let that happen so I did the only other thing I had wanted to do and that was to apologize to the team" Grant explained and neither Skye nor Coulson knew what to do with that confession of his, Fitz, on the other hand, was typing something on his tablet.

The moment Fitz entered the bus, he increased his walking speed leaving Ward behind as he headed to the med bay to prep the brain scanner, "You already know..... where the med bay is so... I-I will meet you there"

Grant remembered where the med bay was so he slowed down a little to look around the Bus. It was his first time on the Bus after getting transmigrated here and from the memories of previous Grant Ward and the show he knew how impressive the bus.

"Stop staring Ward lets go," said Skye

Grant didn't say anything and simply kept moving, as he entered the med bay he saw Fitz had already readied the brain scanner and all Ward had to do is follow the procedure.

Within 10 minutes his brain scan was done, Grant had seriously focused on the torturous memories of Grant Ward which included his brother Christian and Garret as well.

"So did you find anything," asked Grant as he looked at Fitz who was staring at his tablet going through his brain scans

"Maybe.... but I will tell you when you need to know" Fitz stated

"I don't think there is something wrong with my brain Fitz so you don't have to tell me," Grant said as he stood up from his seat then looked at Skye and Coulson who were standing right beside the door, "You know when you decided to bring me here I thought you were becoming emotional and not thinking straight but since you had two more agents following you it looks like you still are extremely vigilant Coulson"

Coulson narrowed his eyes when he heard Ward's words and turned his head to see if there was anyone outside the med bay but he didn't find anyone.

"They are not here Coulson, one is hiding downstairs while the other is right around the corner, Agent May why don't you bring your friend upstairs now that you are here," Grant said with a smirk on his face.

Yes, Grant knew that they were being followed by May and another guy the moment they started following him. May was following them from the moment Ward stepped out of Vault D, while the other guy started to follow them after they passed through the kitchen where May met that guy and the two started to follow them. Since it was the first time he was using his Observation Haki he didn't know who the guy was but he knew he will find out later on.

After getting caught by Ward, May didn't see any reason to hide so she signals the guy and the two came out of hiding.

Coulson was surprised to see that Ward was correct and May was really following and from the expression on Skye and Fitz's face they didn't know as well. 'But how did Ward found out about May? She is the best in Tailing and ambushing so how the hell did he found out about her and who is the other guy' thought Coulson as he looked behind May to see who the other person was.

The moment Coulson saw who it was, he was confused because it was Trip following May, and he is a good field agent but when it comes to tailing someone May is much better than Trip so how did Ward found her but not Trip.

May entered the med bay followed by Trip crowding it a little but it didn't matter to her what mattered was Ward caught her tailing him somehow and she wanted to know how he did that.

"How?" asked May

"What?" questioned Grant feigning as if he didn't understand the question.

"How did you found that I was following you?" asked May in annoyance,

"Ah, that would be when you met Trip in the kitchen, though you were silent until there but since you had to make him understand the situation or something I don't know but you spoke and I heard you" replied Grant with a smirk on his face.

"You heard me? We were at least 20 meters with me being in the kitchen and you in the hallway and you heard me?" questioned May

"Yeah, well I was in a soundproof room for 3 months so I picked this technique to focus on the smallest noise and forget the sound around you"