
Good beginnings...

Do you remember what happened when you were a baby? What about when you were one? Two?

Well, I do.

As for how I remember? That would be because I am someone who has been reincarnated. What's more, it's not on earth. It's the world of Hunter x Hunter. Yes. Just like one of those fanfic isekai trash tales that litter the interwebs like algae in industrial runoff reserviors, pedophiles in the education system and incels in belle delphine's onlyfans.

Do you get that nihilistic tone? Great! Because I am nihilistic.

Being stuck in this flesh prison, without agency, lacking entertainment, being forced to be dependant on someone else for your very life. That'll do it to ya.

Oh the humiliation of someone shoving their tits right down your throat! Seems nice doesn't it. Not so much when your life depends on it being done to you every two hours at cost of great pain. And that's not all. There's also the helplessness of pooping yourself and lying there, stuck in your own stinking filth for what seems like an eternity until you have to beg your guardian to save you from the excesses of the human condition.

I hated it.

I HATED BEING A BABY! I say. I fucking hated it.

I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I am going to be traumatized for life. And I blame any and every single one of you beings that forced this on me.

What beings? I don't know, but it certainly had to be somebody! After all, its not everyday that you reincarnate into a world of fiction.

Now I might come off as very whiny but in truth, now that I have grown up well enough to be left out to play on my own, I am trying, with much effort to put it behind me.

Because now wasn't the time to whine and scream.

Now was the time to scheme.

I was born in Dolle harbor to a lower middle class family in the April of 1983. My father was a clerk at the town's only banking establishment, His Majesty's Royal Bank and my mother was a housewife.

Life was good here. Simple, but good. We had fresh fish for dinner, the crime rate was lower than most other cities and even then was only restricted to the shadier portions of the town's surprisingly vast bazaar.

This was better than I could have asked for really. At least I wasn't born in NGL or the Kakin empire or worst of all, Meteor city.

Now some might say that I shouldn't knock it till I try it, that Meteor city wasn't that bad. But this isn't some fantasy wish fulfillment fanfic. This is as real as it gets for me. And there is a universally acknowledged truth that those born into great beginnings tend to have a massive headstart over those not so fortunate. Sure, there are your Chrollo Lucilfers and Hisokas, who thrive in such circumstances but they do so not because of them but rather despite those circumstances. There is a massive difference in the destiny of the hero and the common foot soldier. The hero kills the demon lord and cements his legend into the annals of history while the common foot soldier dies of dysentery in chapter two. And most people are not heroes. Shocking, I know.

But consider this. I don't intend to be either.

Fuck destiny. Fuck predetermination. And fuck all y'all puppeteering dickwads playing dice with the lives of men.

No one plays poker on the chessboard of my life. NO ONE!

And while a clerk might not bring home the moolah, at least he puts enough food on the table to not let me starve. I can also go to school and learn the language and history of this world. After all, I am not some super genius tragically reborn after some self sacrifing truck kun initiation that can learn all languages with a single glance.

I need time and practice. Even for building a strong body and accessing Nen the same applies.

I had to make the best use of my future knowledge before the opportunity to profit from it expires.

And I had to do it without being noticed by any of the prominent powers of the world or affecting the lives of the main characters in any way. For that I needed to be absolutely stealthy and low lying. Like an ant. A very stealthy ant. The kind that only contributes the bare minimum to the hive while playing side characters in the grasshoppers tale. I realize the metaphor is breaking down here somewhat but that's that about that.

Now, first I needed money. That much was certain. And I couldn't just go to one the bigwigs like Battera or the mafia or even the hunter association with future knowledge. They'd turn me into a cash cow in their basement faster than I could say chickpeas. And I couldn't game the market because... well I was nine. Nine year olds don't get to fuck with market forces. 12 year old freakazoid hunters, maybe. But not nine year old small town boys. Especially so in Constitutional Monarchies like Kukanyu.

So the easiest way to earn money was to write a book. And get money from the royalties. Now what books to write? Fantasy series are right out the window. If Gon can turn Rock-Paper-Scissors into Chimera Ant killer 9000 then imagine what the phantom troupe could do with concepts mind magic or shardblades. Not to mention system novels. Imagine some asshole getting gamer abilities. Just imagining it sends chills down my spine.

No. No fantasy novels. That leaves me with romcoms and drama and of course mild scifi.

Then it clicked. Yes that's the one. I hate to expose this world to that abomination but I need that green baby. So I decided. My first novel would be...

[A/N : Guess which novel he's gonna write? The first person to guess right gets a like from me! Its not much but it's honest work. ;p]