
Reborn in Game of thrones with LOHP as Arya Stark (DROPPED)

This is my Third life but it is the first time being a girl. I woke up in this cold place surrounded by loving parents and kind people but i know the future of this family and it is a TRAGEDY. My name is Arya Stark

Schooldean · テレビ
14 Chs

Chapter 13

Ned moved quietly as his heart beat loud he is afraid someone would notice and he puts his hand on his chest. As soon as he gets inside the royal chamber he found his dear friend lying down like a large doe piece without movement. Ned is aware of how much pain his dear friend had been enduring which is why he would occasionally take out the strong pain medication his daughter gave to him and his friend would be thankful since they last an entire day.

It has been like this Ned trying to prolong his friend's life so every evening he would come to check on him and play board games or just tell stories before letting him sleep. The king is also slightly addicted to the pin medicine Ned provides. At this point they are both aware of the upcoming death of the king but they choose to ignore this fact.

"Your daughter was right, it would only take a year and look at me now. I hate this life Ned I'm glad to go. The gods made a mockery of me I prayed for my beloved but they gave me a cold empty throne. It is true they mock us with our punny desired and wishes. They raise a single hand and crash all of our dreams. These kids are not mine are they? I should have seen it earlier but I was drowning in my grief to care. Golden hair? Haha 'cough' cough' I am the biggest fool in all seven kingdoms." Robert says with a pained expression, Ned couldn't tell if it is because of the physical pain or from the shame.

"Thinking of your daughter, she did give me a hint when she compared Jeffrey to the mad king. I am relieved in fact. hahahah. I don't have children with that hateful woman, I'd hate to see what she will do with the children once no one is there to stop her.

Look at her first born. I should have known such a loathsome woman would only consider her womb precious and only those with pure Lannister blood shall come out of her kunt." The king says with his voice full of mockery. Ned slowly plays the board game without interrupting his monologue.

"Leave this place Ned take your daughter and leave the lion's den. I will die relieved if I know you are no where near the shit storm that is about to hit this place as soon as I close my eyes for good." Robert showing concern for his friend but is met with a hard glare from his friend.

"Don't worry about me and my daughter your grace, you just don't want me to see you shit yourself." The king laughs at this response ending up coughing blood.

"If you really cared for me, you should have left me when I first refused you. It is too late to turn back now." Ned says

"That is harsh, I admit I didn't want to die surrounded by blond shits, traitorous things these Lannisters and they are everywhere I look. As if ghosts haunting this place." He admits with an apologetic expression but is met with a hard Northern blank face.

"Tuff crowd." The king mummers to himself.

"I wish I was in the North too Ned. At the very least I can be closer to Lyanna when I die." The pills his friend had been giving him had halted the progression of poison and stopped the deterioration of his brain, making his mind clearer than it has been for many years. This is how he was able to realize many things including his wife's infidelity.

"I will write to my brothers now." Ned gives him a piece of empty parchment and a pen. He then gives him some space. Going to meethis daughter.

"When are we leaving?" Sansa asks her father straightforwardly as if she already knows.

"You will leave tonight with some of the shadow guards and I'll be behind to convey the kings last words to the world. I have a fast ship for myself so don't worry and leave with a piece of mind."

Sansa had changed over the year and her naivete has been replace with a decisive leader who doesn't waver. It makes Ned both proud and sad.

"Fine. But mother will not be happy about this." She won't argue with him because she understands he doesn't want his friend to die alone surrounded by traitors who are just waiting for his death to declare themselves king.

That night the shadows came for Sansa and she did not resist as she was knocked out so she doesn't make a sound when she sees things through the shadows. They took a fast normal ship which had been prepared sometime ago and boarded it. Soon she will be home.

The next morning riders were sent to the two brothers of the king with letters. Renly had gone to Stormlands with his entourage but was planning to regroup in the Reach his allies, while Stannis is in dragon stone. They both got the letters and they were both stunned by the contents. They can recognize the handwriting in the letters so there is no doubt who wrote them. Their reaction was as expected.

With in the week Ned took a break from his duties as Hand of the king to take care and keep his friend company while discreetly providing him strong painkillers from his numerous stash. The king passed peacefully in his sleep without feeling much pain. He also refused to see his wife, his children and most importantly he ordered Parcel to be executed for drugging him all these years. Now the entire kingdom is aware of what happened to the king as he came to the execution himself.

He was high on painkillers but he explained that the Measter has been poisoning him all these years killing him slowly and painfully. He also said he is sorry for being a bad king and that if someone wants to save themselves they should leave this city immediately. The future of the city I bleak he said.

The king is dead! Long live the king! This time Cersei Lannister is on her two feet standing next to her son looking down on the Northern savage who had her precious first born son disinherited and sent away. He is full of hatred for these Northerners she can not wait to kill all of them slowly and painfully. These thoughts bring a smile on her face as she looks at Ned Stark.

"Where is your daughter lord Stark? I heard she was your assistant when you were carrying your duties as hand of the king? Poor thing shouldn't be alone at this time." She looks at Ned with a smirk waiting for his reply. The air between the two has become thick with hostility between the two ever since the queen got kidnapped and brutalized in the foulest part of the city.

The hostility is obvious that other players were always hoping to capitalize on it to further their own agenda. However, the only responsive party had always been the least useful one, the queen. She doesn't have an army nor does she have real influence in the kingdoms while her husband live, now however is a different story. Her father may be busy but surely come to help when time comes.

The Lord of Winterfell on the other hand has an equally if not more powerful kingdom on his back. The North is too stable and its growth momentum is astonishing. Spider who is looking to distabilise the kingdoms is not even recieving any updates on the events in the North. All he has been able find out is the different types of products each Major house is producing and selling and the fact the North is increasingly becoming wealthy but they are spending it all just as fast buying everything from armor to food. It is as if the North is preparing for a long winter. First it was just the castle of Winterfell, now all the other houses have joined in this endeavor.

The Lord Paramount of the North looked at the queen who is wearing a truly magnificent dress. He has never seen someone look so beautiful and powerful at the same time. The vivid details of a majestic roaring lion and the sound waves maade from golden metal makes for a breathtaking sight.

Ned realizes he has been staring and coughs in his hand to cover the embarassment. He can not be staring at the vicious queen like this. He acknowledges he must rush home to his wife if he is starting to hallucinate. Cersei is proud to made the honorable savage gobsmacked by her beauty but she will not forgive nor forget. She looks at him coldly making the other men in the room shudder. Ned regained his bearings and answered unhurried.

"She has been feeling ill these few days, she had told me it is cramps of sorts. She has been going to the Sept to prey for the king's health Your grace so I gave her a break to rest her body." Ned says with a straight face. He and Sansa had made a plan many moons ago to make Sansa put a mask on her face so that she would not recognize when she is gone and some other girl with died red hair takes her place so the queen doesn't suspect she is long gone.

"That is not very lady like, her betrothed is a crown prince and she is not by his side. This won't do, which is why I had my guards bring her here to witness the glory of her father husband's reign." Cersei says with a smile, she is confident four big men will be able to bring that little bird here. She rather enjoys the change in Ned Stark's continence as his face show worry and slight panic. The smirk on her face grew wider as she feels elated at the results of her patience all this time.

The things she wants to do to these people. She had planned for so long and waited with every being of her body she waited to torture that red headed slut with the cruelest way possible. So many possibilities. She is lost in her mind as she hears a chuckle from the Northerner scum in front of her. She frowns at this.

"Is there something funny Lord hand?" She tried not to rush to him and got him with her own hands. How dare he laughs at her? She looks at him with her eyes covered in a fiery blaze if they could kill they would.

Tommen realizing the invisible fire smoke in the air looks at the two people with understanding. Sansa hasn't come to see him in many moons now, with this excuse or that excuse it is clear she has no intention of being his wife and queen and the likely reason is his mother. He sighs and calls the two men who have been as silent as night since the entry of the Hand.

"Lord Baelish how goes the preparations for the king's funeral?" Bealish was still immersed in his recent loss of wealth to bother with the bickering of the queen and Ned now he has to come up with something on the spot. He is quick witted and managed to not seen suspicious. Ned is amused at Little finger's plight since he made sure to sweep all his hidden wealth clean and sent it to the North with Sansa.

He will take it as compensation for having to deal with them this entire time. The "players of the game" have always seen him as a moron which is why he has always played his cards with an honest face making them underestimate him. Sansa had always told him what they think of him and she had given him council not to change their perception of him so he can beat them in their own game.

The men who had gone to find Sansa come back with empty hands and kneel in front of the queen. "Your grace, the room is empty and has not been used in the last few days. There is even dust collecting on the place." The soldier says with his face facing the floor he knows how vicious this woman is and his failure may earn him a death sentence.

The queen looks at Ned Stark who seems to me watching a show. After speaking up to here, the soldiers and all those guarding the door collapse on the cold floor. The Warden of the North looks at the queen and bows. "It seems it is my time to leave your grace. Long live the new king." He turns and leaves. The people inside the throne room are shaken by this scene of all the soldiers falling on the ground as if dead. The clever queen who knows these men are her only legs to stand and shout wisely keeps silent.

"The king had a few words for you. He said he was glad, that he had no children with you." Ned's voice comes right before he exit the throne room. Outside the doors a shadow comes and takes him to the docks where releases the boat and goes on board. With the last glance at the terrible place his boat disappears in the distance.

A long silence ensued inside the throne room and a high pitched screech sound is heard on all of Kingslanding. Cersei is shaking with anger at the blatant disrespect of the Northen fool. The rest of the people left her one after another seeing as her state of mind may get them beheaded.

Tommen is thinking hard on the last words of Ned Stark. "He is relieved he doesn't have children with the queen." Does this mean he is I'll born? A bastard? His mother had betrayed her husband which is why he did not want to see them on his death bed. He stands up wanting to be alone and walks towards his chambers in a fast pace.

Bealish start throwing things in his work place turning the place upside down as he vents his anger. He has spent all these years smiling and indulging the royal family just so he can be in a position to fuck them. But now, all his efforts, all his hard work and his plans have no t worked since day one. He first told Ned that the Lannisters had tried to kill his son the cripple. Instead of getting worked up he seemed calm as if he expected him to say such a thing.

Bealish knew that he had lost his chance when he tried to tell him about the bastard children of the queen but still got ignored. The most infuriating part is that he had taken a chance and just came out and said it straight but Ned told him to never come to him with such treasonous words. However when the queen got kidnapped and it became apparent she blames the Starks, he thought he didn't have to do anything after all.

The death of the king was supposed to spark a fight between the Lannisters and the Starks because the queen is truly a vicious character, he was just waiting for the show but did not expect that Northern fool to have so many cards to play. Now he is left with no wealth, and nothing to show for his many years of hard work. Lysa would have made for a good go to between himself and the Starks but now she is not returning any of his letters.

She is his play thing to discard not the other way around. What right does she has to refuse him?

The spider dispatches many birds to try and find Ned Stark inside the city since no one saw him leaving, it stands to reason that he is still crouching somewhere inside the city so he can leave at some point when they let their guards down. The spider is disappointed to fail at finding the wolf inside the city.

Varys is not just disappointed because of this, but he regrets not having pinned the two strong houses army against each other so when the dragons descend, they will have no choice but to bow and kneel as they should. He sighs and decides to adopt a wait and see attitude. The Western lands are having exciting days, he will assume the old lion has his hands full these days and will not come to the capital.

The Western lands.

Tywin hates to admits it but the retaliation of the Riverlands came swift and quiet. He was still musing on the anticipation for the news from the men he sent to the Riverlands. The crown has been borrowing large amounts of gold coins and the lion knew the chances of gaining it back is less likely so he opted to punish the enemies of his house while trying to earn as much coins as possible from this endeavor.

The missing young people from the Riverlands were sold into slavery and the coins did come in. While he was immersed in the outcome of his genius. A soldier came crying tears, his face was covered with sadness, so much of it he recognized it. It was how he felt when his wife died.

Apparently in the dead of the night the Western lands were covered in a layer of mystery. The soldiers who have families woke up in the morning to find out all the people in their families are gone. Everyone. The young, old and the infants. The most chilling fact is that no other families were affected. Those who do not have anyone in the lord's army were safe The soldiers are aware of the recent deeds of their lord.

They know this is a retaliation of what he did in the Riverlands. The old lion has always used their families as an incentive to follow his orders which is why he rarely accepts orphans into his army. Now he is without the tool he used the most. The question of whether his men will listen to him now or just gag him and hand him over to the Lord paramount of Riverlands. The old lion was still sweating from the new when a large parchment was delivered into his office.

The content is very simple. A name, age description of appearance. the names are a rough tens of hundreds. The letter on the side says "You have one week to bring every person in the list back safely, should you fail, you should be able to tell what will happen.

For every single person not returned, a hundred will die." The words end here. These people took thousands for only hundreds in return. They took the old the young, they took everyone. There is no choice but to comply. How can his med follow him if he is not able to get their families back. Tywin is a ruthless man this is why he is able to send his men on any orders and expect them to be followed because they know what happens if they defy him. He made an example of some soldiers long time ago to set an example by killing their families.

However, now without any legs to stand on how can he hope to send these people to battle like usual. The king will die soon and he is to assist hold the power firmly on his family's grasp, but without the loyalty of his men how is he supposed to trample on his enemies?

He clenched his fists tightly in rage. No one had had such a mockery of him in over a few decades and now if seems the realm has forgotten the sound of a Lion's roar. He takes wine and start drinking Then he sends people to the slavers bay to retrieve all those taken from the land of River. He will remember this insult. He says internally with anger and hatred.

The days went by and the slavers are not buying his act and want to return the slaves for four times the price they paid initially. The old lion grinds his teeth and hands over the money. The problem is that some of the women are gone into the system and tracking them down will cost more money.

The end of the week they have managed to find all the missing women although they haven't died, their eyes are hallow and dead. The life they have lived these past weeks is enough to make them want to kill themselves twice over. When they saw the place in the distant memory approaching as the boat nears the shores of Riverlands they cry out in pain and sorrow. The men accepting the people had faces full of sadness and rage as the look at the people bringing back the dead people.

They quietly take over the custody of these people back and then informs them their people will also be brought back in a few weeks time. There was protests from the boats but the number of men is three times theirs. They turned around with red eyes and went back.

The people who had been sold all told their stories of what happened to them one by one and the same events happened to the people of Western lands. By the time they were to be shipped to their homes their eyes were as dead and hallow as those from the Riverlands. Just as they agreed, everyone was returned but what really was returned when people want to die everyday?

Tywin tries to pacify his men by increase in benefits but he can see it, they all blame him. Had he not done what he did to the Western lands, their families would have not suffered such cruelty. Ruthless as he is, he became humbled by the approach of the Riverlands lord. He also understands this is not the results of that man which means someone else took over specifically to deal with him. But who?

By the time news about Robert's death find Tywin, his coffers are empty, his men are sad he cannot bring them away from their families. That is how Ned Stark was able to walk out of Kingslanding without any army stopping him. When news of what happened in the city reached Tywin he realized they have all been over looking the North too much.

The Lord of Riverlands sent riders to the North asking for assistance in building a wall to cover themselves from all sides. Arya got the message and sent her people over cutting their break short. She gave them only a year to complete the construction of this wall, she reminds them to be discreet and use the cover of a fog or the night to accelerate the progress.

They first got the materials which are mostly stone from the barran lands of across the ocean. They now have knowledge of molding the stone turning it hard and smooth. Though the wall will not have iron particles making it sturdier, it will rural the city of Qarth on sturdiness and thickness. As the middle child of Westeros this is already very good defense. This action will undoubtedly create conflict as it will bring obvious devide between the seven kingdoms.

When the Lord paramount of Riverlands saw the plans and the time table he was overjoyed as the people are still shaken by the recent events.

Meantime the queen of thorns calls a meeting with her grand children. She looks around the room to see the people who are paying any attention are the two children Margaery and Willas. These two had made her proud until she met the frost lily or is it a daisy? She can't tell for sure but she is at least certain that young lady is a major player but she just disdain the game. Tha Arya is aware of all their information even as she wilts in the snow.

She can never have that girl for a grand daughter in law she would give her a headache. "Did you all find out what is happening in the Western lands?" She asks. There is a silence before Margaery speaks.

"Lord Tywin sent mercenary army to rave and rape in the Riverlands. Lord Hoster Tully stole all the people of Western lands and demanded the return of every person sold to slavery or they will never see their people again." The queen of roses looks at the grandson.

The young man used to be crippled but is as healthy as a horse now that he was able to acquire the miracle medicine from the North. She paid a high price for that single pill but it was worth it to see her favorite grandson walking and running like all young people do. Willas looks at her with a thoughtful expression.

"I don't think it was the Riverlands Lord Paramount who orchestrated the kidnapping of all those people. The people taken were all from the families of the solders which means the person who did it knows the methods employed by Lord Tywin to ensure obedience from his solders. This is a person for more dangerous than Lord Tully. This person will do anything to win. Lord Tully would probably go straight to war in retaliation, but this person wanted to make Lord Tywin sorry."

Olenna Tyrell smiles genuinely at her grandson. "What else?" She asks.

"The Riverlands are related to the Arryns and the North but both these houses are not known for their political brains unless the new lord of Winterfell is more impressive than we all give him credit for."

Margaery asks. "Who else can it be If not these two?"

Willas smiles "Lady Arya. Grandmother said she is too powerful an opponent. She also seems to be the only one with all the information on each house. She is ruthless enough to close the entire North and move people into cities do they can be better controlled." Lord Ned Stark has been stuck in Kingslanding John Arryn is dead. The young Stak is not powerful enough but we shouldn't rule him out completely since we can't get sufficient information on the North these days."

"There's more. The people who suffered most from the few weeks of slavery are mostly the women as we understand. Whatever happened to a single person was done to ten of the Western lands. This is a clear messege that the person is petty and whatever you do to me I'll do to you ten times. The moral of the story is...." She looks to her grandson.

"There's a new player in the game." Olenna smiles happily at her grand son's words.

"The king is dead. What do you think will happen next?" She contusion to speak with her children.

In this meeting Margeary is being prepared to be the queen as the seven Kingdoms. They are aware of the slim chances but with their army and support, Renly stands a decent chance. The initiative is left with Loras Tyrell to boost the ego of the young would be king with sweet nothings. This much is of course implied not explicitly stated.


Arya looks at the men in a table surrounding a sumptuous buffet with all sorts of food. She is not very hungry right now and she still need to propose a deal with these men of wealth and status. Arya is glad she doesn't have to deal with these pampus rich folks since she deosn't like to mindless with deep thinkers, she sighs missing the North filled with ruff and straightforward people.

She is also glad there was no evidence of the massacre that she and her clones carried out that day, they just erased Xaro's memories of the bloody sight.

According to the man, the warlocks must have changed their minds, there was nothing Arya could do about the missing warlocks so everyone just pretended nothing happened Arya's little dragons are still playing bate. The warlocks are probably still licking their wounds with no time to spare. Arya proceeds to take out a pill, it is a beautifying pill. The effect will be obvious with in taking three of them.

Ofcourse Arya could make one pill have the full effect but the money will also be limited. The agreement was she will sell these pills for 10 000 gold coins each and then use the money to get ships and then Deanarys will owe me the coins. Since they are good friends Arya will only charge her 15% interest upon return. They obviously needed a gini pig so they used Xaro the fat pig. They made him take one pill that had full effect and he shed all the unnecessary fat and turned into a tall fairy will swimmer's body.

For dramatic effect the test subject hasn't entered the party. Arya and the rest agreed to let the Khalisi deal with the presentation. The way Deanarys carries herself she is so inspiring, no wonder she has licking dogs sniffing and following her around throughout the series. Such white tender skin people have ideas. Like a jolt Arya realizes she has justs been ogling Deanarys. She lowers her head to contemplate, it seems she is growing up and is having urges. Howeve, being in a noble young girl's body, she will have to be restrained.

"I may have your attention." She stood in a light yellow dress of the same make as the one the fat pig gave her. Arya had put a matching Cape that adds elegance and power. Making her look like a ruler instead of a pretty girl. She is so confident, looking at the host with bearings of a queen.

The Qartheen turn to look at her but upon resting their eyes on her they all give her their full attention even without meaning to. They all agree on the fact she is a has been princess looking for hand outs, but right now in this moment they are all looking at her with their utmost attention as if soldiers awaiting orders.

"When my Khalasar was knocking on your majestic doors we were turned away but one man put his faith on me on us and allowed us to come inside this great city. I do not want to be known as a woman without grace or gratitude. I have bestowed upon him the one thing a richest man of his stature would desire above all else. I bestowed him beauty. Ladies and leaders please welcome the new and reborn Xaro Xhoan Daxos!" She says clapping her hands looking at the door and we join clapping hands making as much fuss as possible.

The con man walked in with large strides, powerful aura of confidence and grace makes people subconsciously want to take a second look, only by carefully paying attention to the minuscule resemblance will one notice the identity of this strong handsome man.

Everyone including the Khalasar took a deep breath at the handsome man in front of them. The outfit is no longer the oversized ropes of golden trends but a light outfit able to show how fit and muscular he is. The slightly open parts show the well defined chest and athe strong arms making the women in the room have hot eyes the more they look at it. The Qartheen have all stood up at this point gawking at the different picture infront of them.

"This is the result of a very precious medicine that my friend had been working on and you can see the results. Mr Xaro, I can not give you wealth but I hope my gift to you is enough to Express my appreciation for allowing us to come inside the city." Deanarys says her part internally scoffing at the part where she says he is the richest man.

The following days Deanarys was getting gifts from most of the leaders hoping she will pick them to establish a partnership that will sell the pills and make lots of money. Deanarys suddenly announced that she is leaving the nest few days since she will not get any assistance from the city.

"What are you doing now?" Deanarys asks her friend who is playing with dirt.

"I am making a pit fighting ring."

"It doesn't have actual mud. They just call it the fighting pit." Jorah speaks with laughter.

"I want to go see it." Arya says

"We are going to look for an army."

"You lot are so boring." Arya says with a pout.

There's a nock on the door and upon opening there are raws of men in fine silk including Xaro. The thirteen has come knocking on her door. See how she ignores them now. Arya laughs happy to watch a show.

She has sent her clones home to assist with whatever fun things are happening at home. Liam went to supervise the construction of the wall in the Riverlands while Stefan went to be with the family. She has a mental connection with both clones so she has the ability to see what goes on around them as much as she can see her own surroundings. When moment Liam got to the site he took over with his strength he is able to increase the pace Liam is also the mastermind behind the theft of families of the soldiers of the Westhern army.

Liam's personality was the driving force behind the plan. He has always been a soldier so he understood what needed to be done. He executed the plan without the blessings of the Riverlands Lord paramount but upon seeing the results he relented but banished Liam to the construction site only. The people of Riverlands found out about the man who forced the Lion to relent and are very welcoming to him. The funny part is that he is always getting marriage proposals from parents.

Stefan has not had any specific problems since his arrival in Winterfell, he helps Robb with strategic planning and they converse on various matters. An obvious problem came from the Boltons. Robb had several reports of that man raping women on daily basis now that he is heir it has gotten worse.

Stefan came up with a solution that will be safe relatively to confronting the man. A medical solution that will have the young Bolton sterile. He will not be able to get an erection, and as a kicker his but whole will be very sensitive, he will feel empty and will start experimenting until he becomes addicted to dick in the butt. This will become the only way for him to ejaculate in the future.

This was obviously Arya's idea. Robb found himself scared by this new confidant of his but he approved the plan. The power in the North is in a delicate state at the moment. Like a single string holding everyone at bay. The Starks have all the lords nervous with the level of control they have in the North as a whole. They might use any disagreement to try and destabilize the balance.

Shadow guards and the people who are secret spies from Winterfell were given instructions on the administration of the drug. The process is not an overnight process. It will take a period of time first they will cut off his ability to get an erection. This is an emergency because young ladies are suffering. Next will be to replace his Male hormones with those of women. Third is the back door transition to feel like a woman's private part without changing it's appearance.

Like a woman he will have that time of the month but not the shedding part, just the feelings and the cravings including the occasional cramps. Ramsey Bolton is about to be in a world of pain. See how you still go around hurting people.

Beside that bit of problem the cities are doing well the money coming in is increasing exponentially and since they don't need to pay the crown taxes, the money is going towards feeding and clothing the North. The urgent business is still to buy all the food in the market including overseas and the other kingdoms in Westeros.

The training of the unsullied has been smooth they can now carry a normal conversation and half of them have regrown their Male parts. Speaking of male parts the eunuch in Kingslanding is not happy with the North for refusing to sell him the medicine.

Back to the Thirteen at the door.

"Mother of dragons, we heard you are leaving soon?" The first to speak is the one who refused her at the gate is the first to speak. Having changed his attitude. Deanarys doesn't want them to get inside and find out there are six dragons instead of three. She gets out and stand in front of them.

She has a straight back and a strong presence she might be shorter than these men but she has something they want now. A good minute passes by without anyone speaking. The grown men are seen to be squirming under Deanarys's gaze.

"Name your price Khalisi, we are business men after all. What other medicine do you have for sale?" Arya looks at this man who seems straightforward. She has no idea whom is who among these people.

"Just the one I'm afraid. There are three pills they must be takes three consecutive days and the results will show." Deanarys says not at all intimidated by the straightforward question.

"And the price?"

"15 000 gold coins for each pill. It is not just a beauty pill, it also cures those long term ailments the body harbors for decades. Each pill is adding a decade of health to your life."

"That is too much princess, you are simply robbing us blind." One said waving his hand which is decorated with rings imbued with rubies and emeralds.

"Im not the one in need of beauty. The price remains. Good evening gentlemen and ladies." She then left the people outside slack jawed.

Arya is laughing at this. Nothing like putting a person who is always above and beyond to their place which is actually not so high and mighty. Jorah looks at Arya with sparkling eyes. As if she can read his mind she started talking to him.

"Can you afford it? You are already a powerful man Ser Jorah don't let anybody tell you otherwise." Arya says with a serious tone.

"Why do I detect an underlying amusement in your tone?"

"Because if you do you get the pill, you might actually stand a chance to hold the woman of your dreams. Haha Haha.. .but you are broke and I don't sell on credit. Just think about it, your ex wife seeing you as a gorgeous strong warrior with protruding muscles and shining white skin. I'm getting exited just thinking about it." Arya laughs leaving Jorah dejected.

Deanarys follows her into the bedroom. "Must you do that? Does it bring you joy to see him hopeless?"

"Why is he hopeless? Isn't he your most trusted advisor. You should promise him the pills when you are on the iron throne or sooner." Arya says without mercy. It is obvious the lady does not care for the former lorg of the Northern Island's discomfort.

"What is it that you dislike about him?"

"He sold my countrymen into slavery. Do you know what happens to a young woman with pale Northern skin in slavers bay?" Arya looks at Deanarys with her back eyes that seem to be swallowing the darkness in the surroundings.

"You are still angry with him? even after putting a sword through his shoulder? What would it take for you to forgive him, to really let go of this hatred?"

"I am not angry Khalisi, if I was angry with him you'd know, you would feel it in the air, he will be reduced to dust even the ants will be unable to feast on his body, if I was angry at him. I am simply....disappointed. It is not my forgiveness he should seek." Arya says.

"Disappointed? He made a mistake. Can you really be so petty even after stabbing him?"

"And how is that wound now? Healing nicely I'd assume? Because it only a physical wound. Some wounds can never heal once inflicted. A North man means something. He was not just any Northerner either he was supposed to be a pillar the small folks look up to as a lord and a noble."

"He was supposed to be a father to hundreds of Northerners. His Silhouette was supposed to inspire loyalty and strength. Did you know how powerful the Mormont name was until he turned it into a nightmare?"

"It is done, it can not be undone."

"No! What is done is never done. The consequences will follow, they might not follow the perpetrator but someone suffers. What irks me is whether he will do it again. A man who can do that....what else is he capable of doing?"

"Just be more friendly please."

"I can consider it. But I am a petty Northern savage, so who knows?" She says frustrating the other girl to no end.

"I thought the people sold were brought back without any harm?"

"You are naive if you think there was no harm. But you are right, had they not been returned I would have found him and brought him back home. You can guess what would happen next." The smile on that face became cold.

"Do you really care for the North like you seem to?"

"I'm not a hypocrite, I obviously won't choose some innocent children over my own blood."

Deanarys widen her eyes at this answer, really too blunt.

"So you see? I am not giving him undeserved hardship. He is a big man he doesn't need you standing up for him." Deanarys nods knowing this girl is strong headed.

"What would have happened to him had you found him and brought him home?"

"Father would have cut his head off." Arya says while making a gesture of slicing off the head with a weird expression giving people an ominous feeling.

"Oh I see. What do you think I should do with the thirteen. Have a bidding war. Whomever offers highest price gets the pills. say you only have three sets of pills. That will make things interesting."

"You don't like them much do you?"

"I like them just fine. However they are people who value others based on wealth, let see how much wealth they have." Arya says with a smirk.

"Can I ask you something?" Deanarys says with a serious tone.

"You are not planning on giving me the North are you?"

"Hahaha. What makes you think I have a say in that?"

"Well, you have all that magic, the wall was built by your efforts and you now have three dragons."

"I am not the Warden of the North, Besides there is a long time between now and then. Who knows what would happen during this period of time?"

"You dislike 'Southerners' as you put it."

"That is not true. Southerners are very entertaining." Arya says with a smile. Deanarys looks at her with a blank face.

"What can you tell me about these entertaining people at the moment?"

"Are you fishing? I can tell you whatever you want but it can not be for free. Information is power you know." Arya says wriggling her eyebrows.

"You know I don't have coins." Deanarys defends.

"No. but I can use you as my model. I have been making powerful outfits but they can only be worn by people of status. I can never be so careful and waste all that time getting ready. But you are the would be queen of seven kingdoms whenever you go, you must make a statement."

"What do you say?"

"How are these outfits you speak of?" Deanarys intrigued because the last time Arya improved on her outfit she became both powerful and beautiful. Arya took out a dummy wearing what seems to be a royal gown light in texture, strong color and very long, the important part is that it is absolutely breathtaking.

"This is beautiful."

"The outfit is not complete without the shoes." Arya takes out a pair of heels, the designs match the royal gown but they have a slender heel making Deanarys frown.

"Don't worry only when you are entertaining would you wear them. Do you agree?"

"Fine but only for the information. I lack master of whispers." She says so but her eyes are fixed on the gown fit for a queen infront of her obviously fallen in love with it but Arya did not expose her.

"This light material I bought from lys. The color was a bit tricky I wanted something that will emphasize the pale skin in the neck. Although we don't show enough skin here but you are still a body of such strong beauty.

The purple color is to bring your eyes the chest area is purple with red metal flying dragons bringing the fabric together with the waste larger singe dragon breathing red flames which I made using metal, the fire covers the entire side. The picture as vivid as possible.

"I have never seen such art made fabric before. It this what women are wearing in Westeros?"

"Only the queen has slight metal work on her dresses. I can assure you mine are better." Arya puffs up her chest in pride. Deanarys chuckles at her.

"I forget how young you are."

"Yes. I am a young girl, full of life. I also sent one to Cersei. Hers has a roaring lion. She might hate me but she will love it." Deanarys frowns

"You made a dress for the woman who tried to destroy your sister?"

"It had a big lion on it. Are you suggesting I wear it? Besides, you can't blame a frog for jumping."

"What does that mean?"

"Cersei Lannister is not the sharpest tool in the box. She tries to be like her father, ruthless, but she just ends up being vicious instead. That has become her nature, just as the frog jumps, expect her to do something drastic and vicious."

"You seem to know her well."

"I don't. Don't try to work me, little girl if you want to ask something come out directly and ask, don't play me." Aryasays narrowing her eyes.

"I apologize. Can you tell me more about the Lannisters? They are my obvious enemy and between us there's no reconciliation."

"Because of what they did to the princess and her children?"

"That and what happened to my father and Kingslanding."

"Your father was about to set the entire city ablaze with wild fire. He had it stashed all over the city and was running out yelling "burn them all" Ser Jaime couldn't stop him as he was already a distance from him so he used his sword and stabbed him in his back so the alchemists wouldn't curry out that order." Deanarys looks at her with tears.

"You are lying!" Deanarys cries out in a shout.

"You don't have to believe me. You'll naturally know the truth when the time comes."

"What happened to the princess is unforgivable. Tywin should definitely repent for his sins. However, Dorne is already carrying that hatred so why are you angry at them? It is maybe for occupying the nest?"


"Tywin's hatred was personal. Your father got hysterical since he was doing such a good job as hand, he took his son and turned him into a guard dog so he can stand at the door and listen to him raping and abusing his wife, your mother every night."

"Did you know your father made a show of visiting villages and when he finds a pretty woman he would rape her in front of their husbands and them kill everyone in that family?"

"Sto...p Please stop."

"Fine. I'll tell you a story so you can sleep."

"Once upon a time there was a handsome prince. He was so handsome the people believed he was a gift from the gods. He grew up hearing how noble and handsome he is and how only the most beautiful things are worthy of his stature. As he grew he would fire all those he deemed ugly."

The previous miserable expression on Deanarys disappeared replaced by a disdainful look.

"Is this a children's story? Do I look like a child to you?" Deanarys throws a pillow at her, all her tears are gone.

"I told this story to my siblings, they didn't despise it."

"They are children."

"The only grown up stories I know are very steamy with lots of sex. I don't want to tell it.You don't want to hear it so just find another way to sleep then."

"What about a song?"

"They are for children. But I can pull something if I use my zinger." Arya took out a zinger and started playing. The sound is smooth and flows like a quiet lake. Clear and fresh. Deanarys fell asleep because Arya added a spell using her soul power. "Sleep well princess."

In the morning at breakfast Deanarys would pester Arya on gossip in the seven kingdoms. "Alright, pick a house and I'll tell you what I know. Be warned the information I have may be slightly out dated since i handed over the information network to the family when I left." Arya warned.

Deanarys eyes shone with brilliance and said "Iron Island's." This is obviously the attitude of testing whether there is anything substantial to report.

"The Lord Pramount Has three un official wives, one official and changing number of salt wives. Has a dangerous brother who hasn't been seen since the last rebellion over a decade ago. A son who recently returned home from being a paramount of Lord Stark and a capable daughter who has experience leading men to radings and pillaging which ever since the North built that wall has become difficult, the Western lands are not as vulnerable and open to attacks as the previous North."

"Recently they have taken to intercepting the slavers ships so an acquire the goods on board and the slaves. These people disdain any new skill except for fighting and piloting a boat. There's not much to tell about them except they are the most restless kingdom if afraid there is not enough chaos in the world." Arya says in conclusion.

"What threat would they pose for me?"

"Never meet them in open sea, I don't care if you have a dragon. You will loose. Knowing io your dragons the first thing Kingslanding will do is to build scopions powerful enough to shoot downa dragon. An open sea full of boats with scorpions on board, never risk it. Especially if your army isa group of unsullied used to meeting the enemy gead on."

Deanarys looks at Arya with a thoughtful expresion. "What if i have no choice but to meet them in open sea?"

"Two choices. One and this one comes highly recommended, Run. Two, Have better weaponry. The large weapons a group of people whose way of life is dstryoing other people's boats and stealing their goods, these weapons are the priority. It's llike having a bigger fist faster reflexes he enemy. Have overwhelming strength otherwise if you hope to win using numbers you will lose."

"I don't remember the Gre Joy's having such commendable strength." Jorah chips in.

"I'm not talking about them on their own. Do you know the golden company?" Jorah nods

"Do you understand the technology of their ships? What if they are paid by the crown to fight Deanarys and they share this technology with an navy army as powerful the greyjoy?"

"What you are saying is I don't just need simple traveling ships, I need warships." Deanarys stands up clenching her fists.

"What if I buy and bring the Golden company under my wings early on?"

"No good."


"There is someone claiming the same seat as you inside, under disguise for now but in time, they will use the golden company against you. Unless you marry them and the two of you will join hands. But if you do that, you will become a background figure. Remember how Westeros has treated women who wanted to seat on the iron throne."

"All your efforts, the pain and suffering you have gone through from living on the streets to whatever else you achieve from this point on will be meaningless because Lords of Westeros will only see the man. However, there is another way to look at it. You can rest as soon as you marry, get pregnant and raise your children let him take the full brunt of what is to come." Arya says astonishing the listening crowd.

"This person must have the blood of old Valaria."

"Yes. You have been pushed to the front to take the brunt of Robert's anger while they protected him well so he will spring up when his friends are done destabilizing the realm as a savior. They all probably expected you to perish long ago." Arya continued nonchalantly.

"Who are these people?" Jorah stands and pull his sword slightly.

"That it not the kind of information I can sprout easily." She lightly and encouragingly tap Jorah on his shoulder. "But it is good to see the blood of the bear coming out to play. Suddenly you became less irritating."

Arya says with thumbs up making Ser Jorah come down in slight embarrassment from bein called out just now.

"My report will end here for today." Arya says to a frowning Deanarys.

The next couple of days Deanarys took care of business managing to sell all three set of pills the first set sold at 10 000 a pill the next at 16 000 and the last one at 22 000 a pill. These leaders are broke now. The biggest winner is Xaro making all others be envious of his vision.

The Khalasar spent three weeks resting in the city before they bought a few ships and went ahead towards Astapor. Arya is so excited to see the one scene that made everyone recognize Deanarys. Unlike in the show their departure did not leave the city in shambles with all the leaders dead. The warlocks kept quiet the entire time as if they are now missing tens of soldiers.

Deanarys borrowed the money from Arya and they bought decent looking boats not many just three. They then sailed to Astapor where the khalisi will rain fire on the slavers. First the journey to the place is going to take a long time apparently.

Arya is never bored as she can change her perspective view to any of the two clones. She saw her brother Robb use most of the coins to purchase armor and weapons for the army, She saw him practice with his men every morning before the sun came out. The months went by and the world stood still with current events getting dull until the Riverlands were invaded and many small folks were stolen and sold into slavery.

The dragons are growing well especially since they play together like buddies. Deanarys's have seased climbing of Arya since they are always chased way by the females. They have understood that Arya is mama and those other guys are not their siblings so her magic belongs to them. There are always fights and small competitions they try to fly higher than the other group and all other things. These dragons have made obvious groups of two.

Arya took one room and used it to make medicine for the baby dragons. The important thing is that there are cultivation techniques for beasts in the library of heaven path but Arya is hesitating. She doesn't want to create a species that will end up enslaving the humans which is why she chose medicine. This world is not so dangerous as to cultivate powerful beasts. Those kinds of actions will backfire and give birth to a greater evil in the world, or the Night king will end up having more powers and wisdom.

The medicine she is making is to help the dragons to be wiser than their counterpart. Also not be in pain whenever they transform their size and still be able go grow while being in the small size. The door opens and three small but already larger than before dragons got in followed by a beautiful Khalisi, the place is very hot and full of smoke since Arya has been making strong medicine. Luckily Arya is done for the time being so she got out taking her visitors with her.

"We have arrived, we will camp outside the city and Jonah will go to investigate, would you like to camp with me?" Deanarys looks at Arya who should be embarassed with her current look a face full of ash and skin full of sweat clothes wet the combination of these making for a woman covered in blood, but she still manages to be pretty. Deanarys wants to be bitter but this woman has helped her and allowed her to keep her dignity in front of

Arya knows that this young woman is using pretty words to explain that she wants an update on the current events of Westeros and she wants Arya to erect her cool tent. "I will take this time to clean myself before we dock." Arya says ignoring the tone of command the silver haired just used on her. A few minutes later the lady of winterfell came out in long light pants and a dress top but with a small cover over the shoulders.

Deanarys look at this with a sigh. Always covering up all of her skin, she attributed to the cold North having her used to wearing warm. The heat is not forgiving in these parts however Arya always manages to look cool without showing much skin. "Don't drool Khalisi, I gave the honor of choosing my husband to mother." They both laugh as they move to the shores.

Something has been eating away at her conscience, the many lives in the true North in the hands of night walkers and the night king. It is also true that these people are ruthless and without mercy for the innocent. Should she get involved? The solution she came out with is to take them away from the North altogether bringing them across the seas. She can sponsor them to start a company as fighters they will be fierce in battle. She also thought of the children and the old, but who would allow people they have been to war with for generations to take good care of their children? Most importantly, should she bother?

Arya decided to sent Stefan who is closest to Winterfell to talk with the free forlk so they can avoid becoming the walking dead. See how this is going to pen up.


The reach. High Garden

Dear little brother

You know you were always my favorite sibling. I am sad to see you are not here to send me off, I understand perfectly. The Tyrells fancy themselves the master of the game, they have probably been feeding your ego so you will delude yourself. Know this, If anything happens to you they will move on to the next would be king.

I did not write this to put you down, I know about Cersei and her brother. What i wrote to you for is to work together with the stern face. If you defy him he will kill you and this is not me belittling you It is shameful to use father's legacy to kill his son. They will all be laughing at the two of you.

I know my failures to the both of you, I have sent him a letter too. I should have never made you head of the family I was petty and upset. Well, I also favored you too much but you are my little brother, Whats there to despise?

I love you Little brother.

Renly let his grief show only a minute. The thought of riding to see his brother crossed his mind but he looked at the gorgeous young man lying on his chest. Maybe after a few more rounds.


Stannis read his brothers letter and threw it inside the fire place burning it to ashes.

"News from the king your grace?" A beautiful woman wearing red clothes gives him a glance but he doesn't speak. He takes his wine cup and start drinking.

"Is there nothing you can do about my daughter's plight?" Stannis looks at this woman who showed up singing sweet words of destiny in his ear. He believed it, There has to be a reason for all the shit he's been through. This must be divine justice because his brother sent him to this land of stone in spite but he was unknowingly acknowledging him as heir. The Targarians always sent their heir to live in dragon stone.

"Don't fight your own people?" He scoffs at the words of a dying man. These people who were pare of the reason it was easy for Renly to take what was rightfully his, they move with the current and swore oaths to someone who should have never been Lord Paramount of Stormlands, that was his birth right, they had no right to take it from him and divide it from themselves.

It goes without saying that Stannis Baratheon is a man who has been suffering in silence. The humiliation of that year has been festering inside his heart like a wound. all it took was a red priestess with words of destiny, being a chosen one for all that pent up anger to explode and demand retribution. Renly is his little brother too but he has used every chance he got to rub salt in his wounds. It would be better if Renly declares himself king so he can crush him and reduce him to a failure. The role he has been given all these years.