
Reborn in Game of thrones with LOHP as Arya Stark (DROPPED)

This is my Third life but it is the first time being a girl. I woke up in this cold place surrounded by loving parents and kind people but i know the future of this family and it is a TRAGEDY. My name is Arya Stark

Schooldean · TV
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 12.

Caitlyn Tully married well, she can not bring herself to dispute this conjecture by the people around her especially her dear father as he insistently writes to her urging her to encourage the development of her home town for the sole purpose of benefiting her family and assisting her home to improve their current state of wealth.

She had to admit that watching her husband and daughter work hard together to bring all the changes in the North had surprised her and made her whole being to be filled with pride and joy as she look for the future. She had realized when Arya was eight and wanted to flog a maid to death that her daughter is different from other children with her own values and beliefs regardless of how much she along with the Septa tried to influence her. Their efforts were instead met with hard questions and harsher conclusions of her own. One particular event she remembers is when she and the Septa had her cornered as a means to really push their beliefs into her.

She smiled at the Septa and then as soon as she looks at her mother the smile disappeared and got replaced by a pitying expression. She asked "Do you truly believe in what the Septa has just said to me?"

Caitlyn had become unsure because the Septa had just named her a sinner and condemned her young soul for associating with her bastard brother and other things she was committed to that the church did not approve of such as training her body and practices of swords and bows, she was called violent and savage.

"The day of the challenge between my uncle Brandon and your childhood friend young lord Baelish, do you remember why it took place?" Arya had looked at her mother with an empty expression that scared her into long silence before she answered her with a weak answer Caitlyn Tully can not even remember.

Her daughter said "That duel should not have happened but it happened because you misled the ambitious lord into fantasies of mutual affection between the two of you." Arya said looking at her mother's eyes without wavering. While Caitlyn remained shocked and confused at her possible deception Arya continued without holding back.

"Growing up you were taught to be ladylike and do ladylike things such as all these things you had been teaching us but they were not enough to fill your time. Most of your days were spend daydreaming of nights in shining armors and sewing but all these things did not bring you enough self fulfillment so you entertained yourself and ended up making a young man fall head over heels for you but those were just dreams which sadly you did not share but continued on as if you did not notice he had grown an obsession over you." Caitlyn closes her eyes remembering her childhood and her child does not speak lies.

She had an incredibly dull time in the lessons though she had excelled in them. However it was apparent to her that she was being undervalued and her talents could make for better professions such as politics which is a subject she excelled in.

Her father was too busy to commit himself to teaching her anything of substantial value and the tutors always taught them the bare minimum so they know the houses and other basic knowledge but they were never taught the 'game' as her friend Patyr called it which is why she would spend hours listening to the workings of his mind as he devised strategies to deal with various problems a territory would face as they play make believes as children.

Perhaps that is why her friend would believe she loves him because she would even seek him out at times so he can help her pass the time but now she realizes what her actions had done. Had Patyr not believed she holds affection for him she would not had gone ahead and risk injury to challenge her intended.

"That is not even the worst part as this man has managed to gain influence significant enough for him to hurt us. He believes that the two of you are in love and that society and its hierarchy prevent your love. It would be fine if he was any one else but his ambition knows no bound. He is obsessed with you a d wants to kill all of us especially father and 'rescue' you from this place to be by his side as he dominates the world." Arya says making her mother stumble in horror as he looks at her child to see if she is making these things up.

"Tell me mother should I fill my time with things I love that do not include confusing other people with my interest but things that will save my life and maybe yours too? What do you say are my options?" She asked looking at her mother with a stern expression.

Caitlyn comes out of the memory as she decides to use the power her husband and daughter bestowed upon her as they both leave to continued with the development of the North at the time they were each occupied as the storm had just ended. Arya was going to build roads while improving the soil and completing the construction of the three cities of the North. Apparently Arya had not just trained the people who would work in various positions in the North inside the cities and the towers and gates of the wall surrounding the North.

She had created a squad of loyal soldiers dedicated towards her. She can command them to do whatever her heart desired as long as it doesn't harm the interest of the North in any shape or form.

The number of these soldiers is 50 they further divide into several specialties which Arya called them departments and Caitlyn was moved to tears upon realizing they are from the North and the Riverlands which meant a lot knowing how her daughter feels about the south. She then decided to use some of them as her daughter had used her people.

She gave her personal wealth which she had to those who are adaptable to business and sent them to improve her home lands businesses. She wanted to start small and send two groups. One would go straight to her home and improve the army of her father and the other will acquire land and build a business that will provide abit of everything that the people need and she can access.

She will help her people improve farming just as it has happened in the North. She will just copy her daughter and grow all that can be grown in muddy lands. Profits from this endeavor will go towards improving and developing the trade between Riverlands and other lords which will be facilitated by her daughter's bridge which she got authority to construct without her husband.

Arya had sent people to speak to her grandfather and got him to agree building a bridge that the Tully house will be responsible to guard alongside the Starks as they are already in an alliance and the Starks will build it with their own wealth. The Freys are disliked to the extent that their bridge is about to be one of the options to go South. Many people are waiting to see how they will react to this blatant insult.

Arya had said the future is going to be chaotic house Stark does not want to rely on the people such as Frey should they need to go South and aid their allies or go to war. They need to be assured they are able to gain passage without any problems.

It made a lot of sense Caitlyn and her husband had no reason to refuse this gesture from their daughter especially Caitlyn since if her house faced a threat from the South but help get delayed because the Freys are demanding a marriage the same way her father had done to Ned during Robert's rebellion.

Months later her father sent her a letter expressing his gratitude towards his daughter for her assistance both in military and business operations. He admits he was skeptical at first about allowing foreign men temper with his men. He is aware most are from his lands but he was still skeptical but now his men are stronger than before, not to mention healthy and faster than before.

The market place in Fair Market will be improved after the bridge is done. Like the Twins two identical towers, the new bridge will have two towers on each end the size will be the same as that of the twins but will not take three generations to build according to the team in charge and true to their words they are already many times ahead of what would have happened otherwise.

He thanked her for the tonics she had been sending to him so he can improve his declining health. He assures her he is as healthy as a horse now he is even thinking of marriage again. If the tower is under their protection they would need to find her uncle to take charge of one tower while the other is managed by the Starks. No one but family should be in charge of such a monumental structure which will be in the way of the Freys. The level of danger is high.

However the towers will not just be under the authority of house Tully one tower will belong to the Starks. while the other belongs to the Tully family. This is a good way to ensure the North has control while being magnanimous to it's allies.

Caitlyn Tully has been thinking of her own children and what to do with their marriages. But the news about her own father's health improving has made her very happy untill she read the part about finding another wife. She however is no longer a child and must think about the future of her house.

Her uncle's actions had reduced the allies they could have should another war insue. Now that her father is healthy she is happy about the news and hope her house will be blessed with many riches. House Frey is supposed to be sworn to house Tully but they see themselves above their lord and probably want to be the warden of those lands.

She is well aware of this and have always been on edge about this but now, she has hope. At the very least they will cut the wealth of house Frey by half and empower their lands and people with the resources. She continues to read her father describing the farming improvements that has revolutionized the many lives in the Riverlands.

The rice came out beautifully and now they have also used the available space to increase the variety of meat. The most noticable change is the Fair market increase in size now including the inn that seemed to have been built in a week. The inn has internal plumbing system which became a sensation among the people. The new Castles on both parts of the Green fork river also include these bathrooms and taps which access water and release waste into the sea. Hoster Tull is anticipating the reaches.

Caitlyn is aware that her household is very rich because of the rivers an as they guard the lands against the Lannisters they are not a poor people but still he assistance especially with regards to increase in the coins and the quality of the soldiers. Caitlyn had asked the squad if they know the method used by Arya to ensure loyalty and to fish out the spies from other houses.

She was amazed when they promised to leave her home clean of all the spies and the existing people will be very loyal to her house. She was ecstatic especially since she is against the lions and the Reach both known for having many ways to dispose of their enemies. The guards who are responsible for various strategic places are those who have been cleared of all possible influence from other houses.

The reports confirm the growth of the business operations and the prosperity of the Riverlands which have had good impact on the lives of the small folks.

The North has been peaceful during this time Robert is in charge and the proceedings with the three cities have been going smoothly. They network provides information about what is happening inside each city and the handling of the funds. Reports come to Robert and his mother has been assisting him. She was still in shock when she realised how much control the Starks have over the North now.

There are families being closely watched and many other reports that will find Robert when he is alone so his mother doesn't know about them. These reports have sensitive information about personal and private information about all the houses in the North and those outside the North.

There is a book with magic inside. Only the Warden of the North can see the contents of this book. It changes after being read. A person inside a certain house will write down their reports for the months or week depending on what information they need to convert. They will write and the words will also appear on the book inside Winterfell. This is how Robert has been up to date with sensitive information from all over the network.

Ned in Kingslanding also has another one of these books whenever he needs to talk to his son. Lately the king has been in bad shape. It does seem he will be coming back soon. Robert can feel his father's sadness as he reads the words. On a different note Sansa ca read people's minds now and all the information she gets she gives to her father who in turn sends it to his son where it matters.

She found the hiding spots of Little finger and Ned took the money since it was discovered he had stolen it from the crown. But now he doesn't know how to give it back to the crown so he said he will borrow the crown money. Ned doesn't know what to do as he doesn't want Bealish to continue handling the crowns finances. But since he can take back the money he decides to let this go for the time being while he finds a way for Sansa to get along with the queen.

The father and son have also discussed the possibility of Tywin retaliating on them for what happened to his daughter and the only way he can that is fast and effective would be through the Riverlands. Which is why Ned sent his father in law a messege and got a reply that he will be on guard.

During this time the soldiers under house Tully has increased by 5000. Still under training but stronger than normal soldiers in raw strength and speed whichever delighted the old Tully family head to no end. Sometimes soldiers training would see him looking at them but they won't know he is shocked so he started going through the process with the medicinal baths and then a few months later he was ready for the elixir. The amount of the elixir is so limited that only half of their men is able to take it.

Hoster is still very grateful this is enough but his daughter continues to help develop their lands and now they are one of the largest trading cities in the seven kingdoms. After the bridge was finished everything else fell into place. People can not stand the Freys.

The Tully family took full control of the Fair market and enlarged it. Buildings with products from all over the seven kingdoms can be found here and the new inn from the North has more than enough space for travelers. The warden of these lands however has put more emphasis on increasing the army since the Riverlands are notorious for being involved in wars.


Sansa looks at her reflection on the mirror that is palm size designed by her family's all purpose business that Arya started but would only just design an item them push all the other processes towards her workers who are usually always happy to get a fresh item to design and then sell.

The little girl who came to the South with dreams has grown up but mostly because of the dreams she had been having ever since she gained the ability to read into people's minds. She would go to sleep and then live another life. In this life Arya is normal and not as special, this would normally make her laugh at her sister but it is what follows that bothers her.

One by one her family dies under schemes and she is tortured by the royal family especially that Jeffrey. So when she heard Cersei's inner voice all the frustration and fear that she was holding back came out raging like a silent storm.

She couldn't let it go, so she allowed her impulse and gave into her darkness. The important part is that she doesn't feel guilty at all, infact she is wondering if she ended it too soon and the vicious queen wouldn't have learnt her lesson yet.

Her father always told her to be honorable but he dies in the dream. So why should she listen to his advice when it only brings death and carnage for house Stark. Her father doesn't even suspect that she is responsible for what happened to the queen. He is blind to the darkened soul beside him but she will try and curve her impulses in the future so she doesn't give him a heartache.

She had a nightmare where she changed places with the queen and was brutally raped. The odd thing is that he was being abused by a single man from the day of their wedding night he started hurting her, abusing her and marking her while enjoying himself immensely. She woke up with a start, sweating bead sized sweat.

She opens the bed covers to check if the scars in her dream are real but only found her sheet red with blood stains. That doesn't bother her much because it has been almost 4 years since she first bled. The day before they had returned the queen from the depths of Kingslanding and the King was not very supportive to his wife making Ned Stark very disappointed at his friend.

The odd thing is that one of the people passing by went to the guards and informed them of the queen's location. Luckily she had just been cleansed so she can entertain the 'customers' she was lucky to be rescued from just being tied up. The truth of the night before and the entire day which she spent on the streets getting in sexual relations with a number of people was kept under raps.

The people in close cycle knows the truth though, this is enough to make the queen grind her teeth in anger not to mention the Measter Parcel reported that her lower body is destroyed from having too much coitus she is not expected to ever have children. Mobility will be possible after many months of rest.

Without realizing it Sansa made an opening that Little finger was looking for to spread bad rumors about the queen and smear the stain on Ned Stark. Apparently Ned Stark paid many strong men to rape the queen because she cuckold the queen and made him raise bastard children. It did not take long for all these to reach the old lion who has been racking his brain about the current location of Deanarys.

All reports stops at her being pregnant. The last time Robert sent an assassination order for the girl and offered lordship to whomever Carrie's it out successfully but no news came back and now there is no more news. The old lion hates to admit it but the yound Stark's painting got to him, so much so that he remembers it to vivid detail. A shame he can't paint to save his life.

He is currently in a meeting to choose one son who is going to go across the narrow seas and kill the girl, they don't have to do it themselves just get it done while keeping tabs on the location of the Targaryen girl and her activities. He wants to send Jaime so he will not go to Kingslanding to aid his sister as she goes through this tuff time. He wants her to learn something from this and she will not do so if she is being nursed by her brother.

He knows his daughter well enough to know this is probably the result of one of her plans backfired on her after she designed someone but whomever it was he will make sure they suffer worse fate. However his daughter doesn't need to know that he is looking to pay revenge for her. She should feel isolated and alone so she will curve her worst instincts.

"I'm guessing you want Jaime to go?" Tyrion says already figured out his father's facade. They get along okay but they still have a long way to go now that Tywin knows the person who poisoned his mother and looking at how Tyrion turned out, there is no doubt they are related by blood so he has no reason to hate his child and yet....

"Yes your brother is better at protecting himself so he can keep a low profile while keeping us updated on the where about of the Targaryen."

"No. I should be out there headed for Kingslanding to support Cersei did you hear what they did to her? She must feel all alone right now. Brother back me up." Jaime tries to plead his case with his father but only received a blank expression.

"Jaime if you go. She will still hate you just as much, She is probably thinking had you not left on the first place she wouldn't have been in that type of situation. Because you were there for her ever since the two of you were young she feels that your place is by her side. She will find a way to make you feel horrible as if you were directly responsible for what happened to her."

Tyrion says without any filter surprising Tywin and Jaime.

"Jeffrey...he is not adjusting at all. Perhaps a trip could help him."



Both Jaime and Tywin say the same time to Tyrion's proposal. Tyrion raises his hands in mock surrender.

"Let him be." Tywin says with displeasure at the mention of his grandson. "Have your friend contacted you lately?" Tywin asks his youngest son who has gotten more handsome as he continues to grow tall.

"By my friend you mean Arya? No. She has probably forgotten all about her little project now that it doesn't need her personal touch to complete." Tyrion says with some obvious resentment towards Arya whom he doesn't know the current whereabouts.

"You seem upset. Is it because she hasn't written to you yet or that you are afraid she has forgotten about you?" Jaime jokes trying not to focus on his twin sister hating him.

"Sending Jaime to the narrow seas is a bad idea by the way." His father sends him a glare.

"He will end up a slave or something worse." Jaime was relieved his brother was speaking on his behalf but the rest of his statement made him frown.

"You have spent your entire life saying 'My father will pay you' or 'a Lannister always pays his debts' all of which will make you a target out there where people eat people for sports." Tyrion says without mercy his father's response to that statement was silence and an empty expression but inside he is proud.

"Are you saying I'm a house flower?" Jaime doesn't know whether to be amused or offended at this.

"Yes. You will be in trouble where you can't use the Lannister name, and if you use the Lannister name Deanarys may find you." Tyrion says and Tywin has a contemplating expression. Then he stands up leaving the table.

"I have made my decision. Tyrion you will leave fist thing Tomorrow a group of men and a disguise have been set aside for you. Good luck and try not to die." The two brothers look at each other in surprise. They know there's no debating now that the old lion said this.

Tyrion frowns by figured it's fine this way he can use this time to look for Arya, last time she said she was going that way too. He still doesn't know why he wants to see her again so much. He would go to the North but he knew she isn't there so going there is futal. Perhaps when he sees her again he will know why.

"You don't seem angry with his decision."

"Why should I bother, I am not you brother. I am the un wanted son so I don't argue with him afraid he will cast me out some day." Tyrion rambles making Jaime frown.

"I haven't seen you bring any whore to accompany you these few months its almost a year since coming back from the North."

"I am waiting for my body to start growing at a normal pace. Besides I have been too distracted lately I haven't even felt the need." Tyrion says making his brother smile at realizing that his little brother may be growing up.

"I already knew she might hate me but I have to go and comfort her." Jaime says.

"Well I'm sure deep down she knows you are not to blame. But if you go there, she will make you do things to innocent people and I am warning you right now if you do something to the Northmen and Arya finds out about it, your end will not be painless or fast. She is a master of medicine and you know how those people are like with torture."

"Would you let me suffer?"

"I won't look." Tyrion says leaving Jaime by himself on the table. He has been feeling off lately after finding out about Cersei and the cousins affair which Cersei didn't even feel she did a wrong thing but then he realized it was to be expected from a woman who would lay with her own brother and pass off her bastard children as royal children with her chin raised.

He doesn't want to be with her like that anymore but now it would be like he is refusing her that because of the incidence. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Many moons later

In the dead of the night a group of well armed men with no house colors ride towards the territory of house Tully the middle child of Westeros. These men are ruthless and look forward to releasing their inner most darkness and unleashing all of it to the innocents of these lands. These people who had come performed several highly organized activities as if they are a disciplined army.

Later in the morning the soldiers responsible for guarding several points of entry into the lands were still oblivious to the horrors that had befell the small folks of the Riverlands. Hundreds of innocents have been imprisoned inside their homes and several young people have gone missing.

A small house of the River run has a maid who is very good at her job. She would always be on time to work and will come even when sick unless the sickness is infectious. This has earned her a reputation in the minor noble house she work at as a diligent worker. When Marry did not show up for work that morning and the hours passed by without even her sending her niece she would normally send to report the reason for her absent at work.

The past few months the house has been steadily increasing its income as a direct result of the many developments the Warden has put in place which includes renting land, coins and space in the marketplace for the many previously impoverished homes to grow, make or sell something they can to gain more income. These were the suggestions lady Caitlyn Tully had sent to her father as the means to improve the lives of the people without giving them jobs. This way they become self made and successful people able to employ the small folks.

This has made the house Wode whose closest to the crown land open restuarant with the increase in the variety of ingredients they are able to source from the North the business is doing very good and the response from the customers has been mostly positive especially the innovative furnishings in the restaurant which include comfort furniture. The sanitation has increased and the soaps in the wash rooms to encourage customers to wash hands before eating is a fresh idea and well received.

The mission maid is a big part of the daily tasks as they are to take care of the household while the lady of the house goes to manage the restaurant. Her absence is therefore instantly apparent and the lady sent a group of well trained soldiers to retrieve her or atleast find out what is happening.

Then the soldiers got to the house they could hear wailing of agony and grief accompanied by groans of a man and a loud pounding sound of flesh against flesh. The soldiers realize what is happening but the loud sound of their arrival had alert the other bandits in the nearby houses. A battle ensued and soon all the solders were slain, not without casualties.

Meanwhile the lady of the Wode house realized that soldiers would not just disappear without reporting back so she sent a message to the house she is sworn to and soon the Riverlands Warden remembered the messege from his son in law. He quickly mobilized the soldiers into several groups of 500.

Is there is a group of men inside his lands without his knowing about it then it means they had help coming in. This is because the All the people guarding sevel entrances are alive and know nothing of this occurrence which means one of them had let them in.

The obvious to do such a this is the house of Frey out of spite because of the development and not to mention the new bridge which will replace their own bridge and reduce the significance of their bridge also reducing the wealth.

Angered beyond reason, Hoster Tully wanted to cut down the intruders but is aware they are running out of time since the enemy will know they are coming for them after the group of soldiers fail to return. He took of the map of the territory and put it open on the table and sent out orders pointing at strategic locations a d sending out groups of soldiers to root out the invaders and rescue the citizens.

"These people have likely infiltrated the homes of our people, only the gods knows the horrible atrocities they are inflicting on the innocents. We need to be careful and move quickly and most importantly we must find those pretending to be from our land.

The reason I am not having a full scale battle is the safety of the missing citizens. we leave at once. Remember to be casual. We want them focusing their attention on those soldiers we send to ask questions in the villages while they plot to have the soldiers killed we would be already upon them from the Alie of faces.

The groups will attack at the signal which will be this loud thing from my grand daughter. She calls it fire works. I want each group to be aware of which people are to be eliminate. The lions have probably colluded with Walder Frey in order to stanch the second bridge and all the wealth we have accumulated in these months." The men around the room gasp but the more one thinks about it the more it makes sense. Walder is a weasel who is despicable he would never stand for such blockage to his coffers.

The Warden of these lands is in excellent health now and all the doubts from the minor lords who had thought the house Tully may perish were silenced when the lord himself lead a group of men to investigate the nearest towns trying to confuse the bandits into thinking they still have time before the soldiers and the lord arrive.

The lord realized that young people be it women or men are all missing in the towns as well as the young ones. The bandits did come to the nearest town but not the Fair market which has most guards from the warden. Hoster Tully has not panicked so much in a long time. All those people gone as if on a magic show.

The only way they could pull this off is if Walder gave them access to them access to Seagard by subduing the Mallisters or co operating with them he needs to know. which is happening so he sends one of the young people his daughter had sent him.

He continues to investigate to play his role as he will garner more attention than any night under his house. When he got out of talking with a group of drinkers in the tarven in a small town down the river road. He is soon surrounded by a group of strong men under disguise of bandits.

"Look here, is seems we got ourselves a Warden." One says and he must not even be trying to hide his Western accent. Hoster looks around he is surrounded by six battle hardened soldiers so he decides they all die here. He is a lord so ofcourse he has a group of knights tailing him.

He moves without warning or saying anything and a soldier drops with a blade inserted in his chest armor plate. The seemingly unsuspecting knife can cut armor as if it were butter. They all move together some stab, some slash some attempt to decapitate. The Lord jumps back and sends blades with commendable precision towards their necks. Only one end up on someone's armor on the shoulder.

He then realises he needs to take the initiatives there are still five strong enemy warriors coming for his life. He uses the sword that was nested nicely sheathed a moment ago. with quick reflexes he slash on one of their necks and head stays hanging half way to the side.

The slash was indeed powerful but it seems not powerful enough to cut the head completely. Then there's the panic because the blood from their friend gushed out and sprayed all his companions making them momentarily distracted.

Although the sight of a man with a head hanging to the other side and the open cut wound gushing out sprayed of blood is a little disturbing, Hoster went for the kill and inserted the sword through one of their necks. It's official, he's a neck guy.

"Then there were three. I think I have had enough exercise today." As the words fell, his knights sprang up from gods know where and started cutting the bandits. As they finish up a fast rider approaches and presents a letter to the Lord Hoster Tully.

"Not enough fish is coming ashore. Let's bring the party to them then." Hostor crumbles the letter destroying its contents. Hoster take more than half of the remaining army to surround the bandits as their main hideout has been found. Hoster rides while having an odd feeling. Halfway through he is ambushed.

They leave one person in each village and is to report if there is any changes. The new plan is to divide the men to go find these intruder while the Lord goes to see the hideout.

In an inn east of the Isle of faces men set around the table eating and drinking what seems to be quality food. "It a shame we have to take every young body to those fuck'n Green Fork, i could use a good fresh maiden tonight but I'm stuck with these old women."

One of the bandits says while pulling an old woman by her hair towards the bedroom where he started pulling off her under garments careful not to reveal her wrinkled body and proceeded to take off his own trousers with one hand, while pressing the old woman with the other hand. The irritating thing is that this woman is not struggling or crying she is looking at him in the eyes without saying a word.

He goes on to continue but is disturbed by a noise of fighting outside. He left the old woman and went to join the fight, outside the inn he saw his brothers engaging in combat with several men wearing armor with a various sigils on their armor. The ones of great concern were those of house Tully with the silver trout they seem faster he can barely follow their movements as they cut down all his brothers atleast those who are not struck dumb with fear like him.

The more he watches the more he feels coming here in the lands of water, where only those able to swim has a schance to survive the silver trout, by the gods what is this he is witnessing with his own eyes? Men cutting other men as if in a frenzy, as though their weapons weigh more than their conterparts. The battlefield soon became a scene from the a nightmare where almost all the men who invaded the riverlands laid bleeding iether dead or missing limbs.

The time went by and the battle prolonged the sound started blending and the smell of the area changed to the thick smell of blood and dedication from the fallen. It is a scene men dread when people speak of war, they never speak of the smell, the blood staining the ground and the cries of men.

By the time Lord paramount of the trident came with his nights and sworn shields, only those who stood by the side and those who surrendered were spared. The ground litered with corpses and limbs as if the God of death had come and many perished. Those who were captured or had surrendered started convulsing and then they dropped to the ground with foem coming from their months.

It happened right infront of the Lord paramount there was o denying or punishing his soldiers for carelessness because these people were supposed to be bandits not assassins so who would expect such a trick and for them to be so cruel to themselves to this extent?

They hadn't had investigation and no information was this obtained about their origins or the whereabouts of the rest of the people abducted from nearly the third of the entire Riverlands. The minor lords are not happy but soon there were rumors that these people were being held captive in the dungeons of The twins.

According to the rumors the Freys had brokered a deal to sell these people to the slavers so they can recover the wealth lost by them from the existence of the new bridge. Ofcourse the Tull house had started this rumor do they can search the dungeons since the coasts of all Riverlands have been under strict control as of late to ensure no humans were being sold off.

A small portion of the Tully's new blood was sent to the Iron Ilands to check if these missing people would show up there and others were sent to the seven cities looking for the Riverlands missing people and so far they have not been found.