
Reborn from the Dungeon

Bliss was your everyday boring otaku therapist until he got reincarnated as a monster of a dungeon. Follow him as he tries to escape and tries to build a kingdom as comfortable as back home while fighting for his life to stay alive.

Brightshadow · ファンタジー
120 Chs


The four armored demons stood in awe, feeling the tremendous power radiating from Bliss. He looked like a King among men forcing them to reconsider every step.

"Idiots, what are you doing? transform already!"

Lily's sharp command jolted the two ranged attackers into action, but before they could complete their demonic transformation, Bliss moved with lightning speed. In an instant, he appeared behind them and tapped their necks, rendering them unconscious.

Meanwhile, Lily and Disreal had just completed their transformations. Lily's crimson skin had shifted to a gray hue, her wings unfurling menacingly as her thin tail swayed. Disreal had grown substantially in size, his armor struggling to contain his increased bulk.

Bliss paid little attention to their transformations and lunged at Lily, his sword poised for the strike.


Just like before Lily and Disreal switched places with Disreal ready to block Bliss's attack. 

But Bliss, seeing this strategy so many times had already been prepared, he teleported behind Lily. 

Lily sensing danger swang her sword around with an uncanny force. The strength of the attack was powerful enough to send a strong gust of wind in that direction. Unfortunately, Bliss that she was aiming to counter was nowhere to be seen. 

When Lily turned around, her body froze as all her danger senses screamed warnings. But it was too late. Bliss was already before her, his blade aimed at her neck.

Lily gulped realizing she had lost. She had to acknowledge his skill at tact after seeing him effortlessly contend with her. She paid her respect and walked off the stage. 

Bliss turned his attention to Disreal, preparing to confront him next. However, before Bliss could make a move, Disreal dropped his shield.

"I surrender."

Disreal declared, his expression downcast. Unlike the crowd's perception, Disreal understood his lack of offensive power compared to Bliss. He recognized himself as primarily a shielder, unable to deal significant damage to his opponent.

The crowd dejectedly erupted in boos and dissatisfaction. They wanted a spectacle and Disreal had stolen that opportunity from them. The audience began to rile up until the announcer began to speak. 

"Are there really no challengers left?"

Diablo played the part of an announcer a little too well and egged on the challengers. 

"Is he our new D-"

Before Diablo could complete his thought, two loud thuds echoed through the arena, and two demons landed with purpose. Slaygon, a giant with blood-red skin, and Slaygor, a humanoid demon with gray skin and suave black hair, made their entrance.

"Give it up for our senior demons- Slaygor and Slaygon!"

With a new vigor the crowd erupted in cheers. 

"I was wondering how long you two would take."

Bliss remarked, his confident demeanor unwavering. He put away his sword in his spatial pocket and adopted an empty handed stance. 

Slaygor and Slaygon exchanged nods and crouched into battle-ready postures.

"Do you really think you can take both of us down without your blade?"

Slaygon challenged Bliss, noting his usual preference for armed combat. For him to accept their challenge without a weapon was like a fish deciding to fight an eagle in the air. 

"Don't worry, I've been practicing something new I want to try out."

Bliss reassured them with a slight smirk. 

"Ladies and Gentle demons let the next round begin!" Diablo's voice boomed through the arena.

In an instant, Bliss disappeared from his spot and materialized between the two senior demons. He landed a powerful strike on Slaygor, catching him off guard and propelling him backward.

Slaygon, realizing the predicament, turned around to attack Bliss with a fist engulfed in hellfire. But Bliss's feet emitted a white glow, allowing him to elegantly sidestep the attack. In response, he drove a knee charged with white energy into Slaygon's lower jaw.

Slaygon was sent momentarily airborne by the force of the blow. Bliss would have savored the success of that move, but Slaygor had already recovered and retaliated with a ferocious punch.

Bliss, lacking sufficient time to evade, used his palm infused with a white aura to block the attack. Even so, the sheer force sent him flying several meters back.

Bliss looked at his palm that was smoking and then looked back at Slaygor. 

'Slaygor despite his size packs the heavier hit.'

Bliss thought inwardly as he went back into the frey. 

The two brothers fought with great synergy. Bliss had his teleport ability but they covered each other's back.

Despite Bliss's mastery of his self assurance skill, he only managed to level the playing field between them. Regardless, the two brothers matched him blow for blow. 

The power behind each of their blows was enough to rock the arena to the core. But seeing the brazen display of strength made the arena forget Disreal;s transgressions. They erupted in excitement. 

Out of nowhere the three demons separated everyone visibly tattered and breathing heavily. 

"Enough, playing around, why don't we all transform already?"

Slaygor was the one to suggest realizing they really were at a standstill. 

Bliss, his breathing ragged smile while puffing his chest. 

"Fine by me."

In an instant three powerful auras exploded in the arena shaking the entire gathering once more.