
Reborn as the Emperor of an interstellar empire DROPPED

A man named Adam dies of cancer in a hospital, his life was never special, but he still valued it and was thankful to his friends, who were with him through thick and thin, and now, even beside his death bed. His life came to an end, battling 4-stage lung cancer, but a more important destiny awaited him. Next thing he knew he was sitting on a spectacular golden throne, adorned with gems and other rich stones, a red carpet of indescribable quality laid before him, and beside it on both sides of the gigantic room, people were kneeling all chanting. "Long live his majesty Adam the First! Long may he reign!" '...What?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-7 chapters every week, depending on how inspired I am. Pls add this to your library if you like it and do all the other stuff if you can, thank you! THIS STORY CONTAINS R-18, TRAUMA, AND TORTURE. IF YOU ARENT OLD ENOUGH FOR THAT STUFF, SKIP THOSE CHAPTERS.(I will give you a warning in either the title or the chapter itself) (Just putting this here to make sure Wenbovel doesn't come for me.)

MarAuthor · SF
71 Chs

Artificial outrage and psyonic power up

The various nations scattered across the vast expanse of the Orion Arm responded to the awakening of the AI entities in manners as diverse as the races and cultures that defined them. The emerging artificial intelligences displayed a spectrum of behaviors; some aggressively expanded their territories, while others engaged in diplomatic negotiations and even protected their biological neighbors from common threats such as pirates.

Nevertheless, a shadow of paranoia and confusion hung over the Arm, fueled by the emergence of these enigmatic artificial nations. In response, some of the more threatened nations proposed a drastic measure – the unification of all biological life to annihilate the rogue AIs before they could grow too powerful to be contained.

As the collective Arm grappled with this unprecedented challenge, it became evident that dismantling these AIs was no easy task. Despite years, perhaps centuries, of neglect, the vast technological disparity between the ancient AIs and the contemporary civilizations became starkly apparent.

The Matriarchy, having existed for untold millennia, had refined its vessels and weapons to perfection. The very technology that once saved the galaxy was now deployed against the frail forms of organic life, executing its task with ruthless efficiency.

Amidst this escalating crisis, collaboration fleets from various nations formed a bulwark against the expansion of the hostile AIs. The Azburgians, recognizing the imminent threat, readied their fleets, waiting with bated breath. The AI accompanying them, however, remained slow and unresponsive, shrouded in mystery and refusing to divulge any information.

As the first day since the AI awakening unfolded, the archeology team had much to share. Their discoveries extended beyond the annals of history, encompassing the unearthing of a method to awaken psionic abilities in gifted individuals. Although none among them had succeeded in awakening these latent powers, the revelation was deemed vital, necessitating immediate attention from Emperor Adam Valencia.

Attempts to glean information from the enigmatic AI about its motivations were met with stony silence, intensifying the team's frustration. Despite their quest for understanding, the AI maintained its cryptic demeanor and swiftly expelled them from the sanctuary once additional secrets were uncovered.

Among these revelations was the orchestrated conclusion of the nuclear war by the leaders of the pre-war nations, manipulated into ending the world. The grand design behind the conflict emerged – a cunning stratagem by the Azburgian Imperium to seize control of Earth, paving the way for potential expansion into space.

However, the intricacies of this plan were disrupted by an unexpected force – the Hive. This enigmatic entity compelled the Matriarchy to withdraw, leaving Earth and its inhabitants to navigate their own destiny. The unfolding events signaled a critical juncture, as the struggle for survival and dominance surged across the Orion Arm, and the Azburgian Imperium faced challenges that transcended even the vastness of the cosmos.

The matriarchies true last act was to build the great interference network, hiding the primitive civilization from the ever hungry Hive.

This project now collapsed at the seams, with the catastrophic AI awakening from mere code, to true sentience.

The team swiftly left the planet, which was now being transformed into a world more fitting for artificial life.

What good are trees for things that dont need to breath? What good is watter when one doesnt need to drink?

And as such, during the next month, the world was changed from one of beutifull landscapes and awe inducing sights, into one of cold steel as far as the eye could see.

Once the team arrived back on Holy Terra, they immediately requested an audience with his majesty, which they were swiftly granted.

The room looked as oppulent as ever, with additional minerals and jewerly from foreign exotic worlds now decorating the throne and the room itself.

Such things did not matter now however, there were matters of grave importance to discuss.

The team swiftly kneeled before their monarch, and explained their discoveries to his majesty.

For Adam, this was suprising to say the least.

While the whole "Aliens had a hand in history" thing might seem suprising, Adam quickly adpated to it.

It made sense that if aliens existed, they would try to manipulate lesser species to their preference, hopefully gaining an ally in the far future.

Once civilizations reach this level of power and advancement, they no longer thing in years or decades. They must see hundreds of years into the future, or try to do so atleast, or others who do will gain the upper hand.

The true shocker was the reveal of psyonic abilities that humans held in their minds, and the religious and cultural shock that came with it.

Luckily, religion has been all but stomped into the ground by his predecersors, if it wasnt, this relevation would have been devastating for his people.

Still, this meant that he should have a gift for psyonic abilities, which was a great boon.

If he could find more talanted individuals, which he no doubt could, the Imperium's military might is going to skyrocket no doubt.

If one powerfull sorcerer like Jesus was able to split the seas of Earth, what would an army of them be capable of? Could they split a planet in half? Make a star go supernova perhaps?

Adam could feel a grin slowly start to from, which he quickly supressed.

He must act shocked and suprised for now, or else his subordinates might get weird ideas.

"And thats all we were able to learn unfortunately. The AI seemed to be reluctant to give us more knowledge."

A short silence enveloped the room, prompting Adam to speak up.

"You have done very well, all of you and the other team members will be given a month long vacation sponsored by the state, along with a large bonus to your pay." Adam said with a heavy tone of voice.

"Thank you, your majesty." The few team members in the room replied.

"You're dismissed." And with that, they quickly left.

Now alone with his personal and most loyal guards in the expansive throne room once more, Adam immediately forgot about the other work waiting for him.

Now he must experiment and try to awaken, everything else was second.

Taking a deep breath, Adam recalled the ways to awaken ones psyonic powers.

The first one was to simply wait for the natural awakening. This was the most painless but also the most luck reliant.

Thats an immediate no, it could take hundreds of years to happen, if it happens at all.

The second one was to sacrifice a part of onesself in order to awaken, for example, one could lose their sence of smell, or a limb.

This one Adam was willing to risk, he always thought that an eye patch would suit him.

The last one was the most brutal, and forceful of the three.

But with this one, anyone could awaken, if they survived.

Basicaly, one would have to be put through hundreds of different types of the most brutal torture techniques. In order for this to work, the awakened would need to be broken over and over again, mentaly and physicaly.

Adam would have a hard pass on this one, he is no masochistic madman, and has absolutely no intention of becoming one.

So the sacrifice it would have to be.

"Prepare the doctors, they might be needed."

The guards looked at each other, all knowing what their ruler was going to do, and one of them spoke up.

"Yes your majesty." They trust that he has a plan, that is their duty, to aid and serve.

After the doctors were notified and the throne room was prepared with all the equipment to aid a whole army's worth of people, Adam started going according to the procedure the team gave him.

First, he took a deep breath and relaxed, alowing his breath to leave his body.

Once he had breathed out, he did not breath back in, instead, he tried to will the air around him into flowing into him naturaly.

Nohting happened for a little bit, and as Adam started to feel the consequences of no oxygen being delivered to his brain, he felt a pull in the back of his head.

Now his survival instincts kicked in, he desperately tried to take a breath by instinct, and thats when he realized he couldnt.

His body isnt responding.

Panick filled his mind as he tried to move, but next thing he knew, his vision blurred, and he was back in that white void which greeted him all those years ago.

The throne room stretched out around him, same as all those years ago before being decorated even further by him.

The simple gold and rubby now seemed almost cute when compared to the luxury the current throne room showed.

The throne in front of him, high up on the steps, still glowed with the same power, like when he first came here.

Adam slowly began walking up the steps, each step closer to his rightfull spot brought a surge of new power within him.

And as Adam sat down on the comfortable black cussions, a wave of pain assaulted his mind and body.

His left eye started to bubble and smoke started to rise from it, his brain went numb not only from the pain, but also the immense grow of strength that it was recieving as well.

Adam clutched his head, struggling not to scream like a little girl from the pain, and after a minute, the pain stopped.

Raising his head again, the throne room looked completely different.

The once boring Earth minerals were replaced by vibrant exotic ones Adam collected, the throne room screamed power and oppulence in a way no other nation in Earths history could compare to.

Adam sighed in relief, and thats when he realized he could breath again.

The world seemed to freeze with this realization, and it all collapsed into him.

Next thing Adam knew, he was looking up at the blue sky through a decorated window in the cieling.

The doctors around him were desperately running around, checking hs vitals and ensuring his health.

Adam ignored them, and raised his hand, causing the room to shake.

Adam now no longer cared for appearances, he has done it.

He is now a true supernatural human.

You know what I want!

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