
Reborn as Mira in Dragon Ball

Hiroto, the kid with perfect grades from his class, was surrounded with girls. His life was perfect, until graduation. Even with his grades and talent, he was shunned by all the rich kids of his University, who were jealous of him. He earned money for food and shelter through small works, until a street thug was hired by someone to kill him. He wasn't unlucky though, as after dying, he was reborn as Mira. I don't own the cover page or the images used. The owner can ask me to take it off. If someone doesn't know who the lady from the cover photo is, she is Towa, the woman who made Mira, who created Mira. (Before I get thrashed by readers as to why the story is different from the original, it is because I made changes to the plot a little and changed the nature of characters a little.) I might use some characters from other animes, that I know I won't watch, or don't remember anything from them. Also, I plan on having my MC travel to other worlds. This is more of a wish fulfilment, so there might be some BS.

komega · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 7

I slowly analysed myself and the thirst for women slowly made sense. I had the dna of both Majin Buu and Saiyans, who had something they went crazy for. Majin Buu was crazy for food while Saiyans went crazy for battle.

It is similar in my case, just that I lust after women more than before. I don't think that's a bad thing, as women are one of the greatest creations.

Now that I was strong, I didn't know what to do besides having sex. I thought for a while and smiled when I remembered someone who can get rid of my boredom.

I immediately teleported to Maria's room and it was dimly lit as usual. I looked around and saw that the crime scene from before was cleaned and the hole in the wall was also temporarily blocked by some metal sheets. I found Maria stripping before the mirror before taking out her pajamas from her closet.

She had a concerned look on her face and was so lost in thoughts that she didn't even notice my presence in the room.

I walked closer to her and as soon as she heard my footsteps, she looked at me and jumped at me with teary eyes.

"Mira...are you fine....did something happen.....are you hurt.... sorry Mira.....I didn't mean to drag you into this mess." she said between her cries as she burried my face in her busts.

I patted her back and moved her back. I said to her with a smirk on my face "Never felt better. How can he hurt me."

Maria didn't say anything as she knows that I have the power to back up my arrogance. She still said "Mira, I am glad that you are ok. I was worried when you suddenly left without saying anything.

Mira, I know you are strong, but you still have to leave this planet. Ahitel is one of the strongest criminals in the galaxy and the Galactic patrol has tried various methods to capture him, but they lost everytime.

He has a small army and is currently ruling three galaxies. You shouldn't have killed his son." and I completely ignored whatever she said, as she was still changing and I was also naked when I teleported.

I caught her bubbly but and said "Maria, I know you have a lot to say, but why don't we talk after we both clear our minds."

Maria understood what I meant and she sighed before smiling and said "I really need to calm myself down."

I lifted her and threw her on the bed, making her squeak. I jumped onto her and we immediately got into the main course.

After many intense battles, I was laying on the bed, with Maira near my dragon, licking it occassionally. She said in an amazed tone "Wow Mira....I have never seen your dragon getting tired out. Which race do you belong to?"

"We can talk about my dragon later, for now, I want to know if that so called ruler of galaxies Ahitel has received information about his son's death." I asked and she said "He might have already received the information, as Ahitel's son has two bodyguards with him.

They were waiting outside today and when they saw your energy blast, they came running in. They saw you and were terrified after seeing the destruction you caused.

After you teleported, they said "You will never be able to survive after this" and left. I tried to stop them, but they were his bodyguards and were obviously stronger than me.

He might have already sent someone to capture you. You are lucky that he himself won't come here. Ahitel is too arrogant and he only fights when he feels that his generals can't handle the enemy."

I smiled when I heard this. I was itching for entertainment and needed someone to test my new powers. I think Ahitel would himself come here if he loves his son. It would be a fight I am looking forward to. I don't want to deal with his weak underlings.

The last time I wanted to battle someone and test my powers, I found Maria and a daughter. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, well I would happily accept another womam into my harem, but I also need a battle.

I stayed with Maria the whole night and played with Mina the next day. This girl was so cute and charming that I can't get myself to hate her anymore.

I was sitting on the bed, watching a movie in the holographic theatre, with Mina sitting on my lap and Maria sitting beside me, hugging my arm and placing her head on my head due to height problems.

These days, movies are made only by the rich planets, which are under the protection of the Galactic patrol. So, the whole movie was about a Galactic patrol officer trying to single handedly save a planet from some invader.

I patted Mina's head as I played with her ears and her fluffy tail. "Papa, that tickles" Mina said and I continued when suddenly, there was another hole in the wall and a figure entered the room.

Since we were watching a movie, the lights were off, but I could see a figure. I could make out from the figure that she was a woman. She was as tall as Maria and she also had small horn like things on her head like Maria.

The figure walked inside and I turned on the lamps near the bed. When she got closer, I could see her body completely. She had small horns, light blue staight hair and small glasses.

She only wore a bikni that was black and white, like that of a cow. She was dressed as a cow girl and looked like a cosplayer.

I saw the reaction of Maria and she was trembling with rage. I called Mina and said "Mina, me and mama have some work here. Why don't you go to your room. We will be back."

Mina didn't know what was happening, but she still smiled brightly and nodded her head. She jumped down from the bed and left the room. Her bright smile was probably the thing that got me to accept her as my daughter.

I then turned to the two women in the room. The cow girl cosplayer said to Mina with a smile "Oh Maria, did I disturb your happy time. I am so sorry."

"You bitch. I didn't expect Ahitel to send you." Maria shouted. I was confused, as I couldn't tell anything from the conversation, except that they both knew each other.

Seeing my confused face, the cosplayer looked at me and said "How rude of me to not introduce myself, I am Anna. I am Maria's sister."

"Oh, a family reunion then. I won't interrupt you guys then." I said before Maria shouted "How dare you call yourself my sister." and I could already guess a family drama was going to start.

I wanted to escape, but I heard another voice say "Hey bitch, I don't care about your family reunion. Just get that man and this bitch to Ahitel."

I looked at another bulky figure enter the room from the hole Anna made. He had a bulky body, green skin, strange facial features and two antennas above his head.

He also had some weird fin like things on his forearms, legs and his back. As to how I am able to understand their language is that, a device was created which is worn as earrings.

This is a universal translator, which translates the languages of almost all the registered languages.

Anna turned to the bulky man and said "Fufufu...I know what I should do. I was just catching up with my sister I haven't seen for a while." in a playful tone, but she was glaring at the alien.

Now that I think about it, all the women I met were playful with men while hiding their emotions. This Anna was also the same.

I turned to Maria and said "It looks like you have some grudges, so I will leave this cosplayer to you while I play with this cockroach."

Maria immediately rushed towards Anna and they both started exchanging punches and kicks.

Maria was still naked, so I looked at the alien and said "Let's move to some other place." and moved to him, appearing before him.

His eyes couldn't even follow my movements. I punched him in the gut, with controlled force, enough to send him flying away from the room.

Anna stopped to look at me with amazed eyes. Maria shouted "Worry more about yourself than your friend." as she landed a punch on Anna's face.

I saw them exchange moves and after making sure that Maria could handle her, I left the place and flew towards my toy for the day.

He balanced himself in the air after flying for a while. He was glaring at me when I appeared before him, but I could tell that it was just a cover for his fear.

He shouted "How dare you strike me?" and he powered up by shouting.

The power of shouting is phenomenal. That's the reason I think that, a Saiyan baby who cries more loudly is believed to become stronger.

I waited for him to power up and I could feel his energy flaring. After he was done, he said "You must be mad to wait till I powered up. Don't regret it later. I am Klech, remember the name of your killer."

I was amazed at his arrogance. How is he arrogant even after seeing my power?

He then swung his arm towards me with everything he got and from his fin looking thing on his arm, a slash made of energy originated as it travelled towards me.

I stretched out my hand and the slash connected with my palm, causing a mini explosion. It was the same explosion you would expect from an Anti-tank landmine.

I felt my hand burning, but the pain immediately faded as my wounds started healing immediately and when the smoke cleared, I was without a scratch.

"I knew it wasn't enough to take you down." Klech said with a serious look, without hiding his shock or fear.

He then raised his hands up. "Try stopping this" he said before he did a 360 spin in the air. My sight had been greatly improved and I could see and register images faster.

The fins on his hands legs and back, all released a slash, which converged into a single one. I could tell he gave it his all, as I felt his ki decrease significantly.

The slash was huge and it had the power to wipe out the whole city. I still didn't move from my spot and just reinforced my body with dark force.

The slash made contact with my body and it exploded. The explosion this time was huge. I felt the cut from the slash on my body while the whole body was burning a lot.

Thought the pain was just for an instant, it was still all over my body and it hurt a lot. I made sure to reinforce my dragon with a lot of energy, to keep it out of the battle.

Now, I wasn't a masochist and wasn't enjoying this. The purpose of taking these attacks head on, was to test the durability of both my body and my armour.

I made it thin, so that it won't interrupt me with the Zenkai boost, which I receive from my wounds. That's why I was talking all the damage and I would say, it is holding on pretty well.

As for my body, although it is healing pretty quickly, the pain is still felt and I had to do something about it.

The smoke from the explosion cleared up and Klech was amazed to see his most powerful attack being powerless against me.

He had visible fear on his face. I said "It looks like you are out of moves and you don't have anything to entertain me. I will give you anlast chance. We will engage in a close combat and that will be your last chance to survive."

Immediately when I finished saying that, he had a smile on his face. He said "I didn't get into a physical fight, as even if I tried, you can easily escape. Now that you have offered your neck yourself, regret doing this in hel." and he flew towards me.

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