
Reborn as Issei [ DxD ]

A guy dies and reincarnates into the friendly neighbourhood super pervert. Read about his journey to become the strongest being in the world. (AN: This is going to be a slight AU of DxD universe and I am a new writer so watch out.) Disclaimer: I don't own DxD and all the characters belongs to the creater except my original characters The cover image does not belong to me, I got it from Pinterest and I just edited the original and if you want the original here's the link : https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/805159239602077323/

KuroHyoudou · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Publishing A Book and Hello Red Dragon Emperors

{Issei's POV Past}

I have decided to start writing the Harry potter series but not with too much detail on the magic parts so that anyone in the magical world could get stronger due to the ideas in the book. I have decided against drawing the Naruto manga as there are ideas of using chakra that could backfire against me and I prefer my enemies not getting stronger due to the ideas in the future and also there is a lot of similarities of Naruto and the Yōkai faction in this world which would raise suspicion as I am supposed to be a normal human in terms of the mythological side.

I have decided to draw mangas such as "Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo" or as it is known in english "This is the Police Station in Front of Kameari Park in Katsushika Ward" which is a really popular manga and has sold a lot of copies so it would make me a lot of money. I have also decided to draw Detective Conan which is a equally famous manga and does not have any ideas that could strengthen the enemies in the future. Unfortunately I could not draw Dragon Ball as there is a terrible rip-off at this world called Drag-So-Ball which is embarrassing to watch as I used to watch Dragon Ball as a kid and this is so much worse than the original. Perhaps in the future I could buy the rights to the show and redo the series following the original which would make me a hell a lot of money.

Issei: "Mom, recently I wrote this book and I wanted to hear your opinions about it" I decided to show my mom the book JK Rowling wrote but for the sake of it I wrote it. I've decided to show my mom just incase this world has different taste in literature and I rather not waste my time trying to publish it if no one actually read this fabulous book.

Miki: "Sure sweetheart" My mother was happy as I wrote a book which is a huge accomplishment and she wanted to read her my book.

While I was in my thoughts, my mom was already engrossed in the book that she already read few pages which gives me a clear idea that she likes the book which makes me happy as I use to love the book as a child and it makes me happy that somebody likes this book as well.

I decided to give her some time to read finish the book as she should take some time reading it even with her fast reading speed as she is a fan of books and literature.

After waiting for around 70 minutes which is a fast speed to read a 309 page book I decided to ask her opinion about the book before I publish it as she good at criticizing books since she used to study literature at university

Miki: "I love this book, although there is some problems here and there but overall it's the best book I have read in a long time. Aah my baby boy is such a genius to be able to write such a good book at such young age. Anyways how did you get the ideas to write this book and also the names."

Issei: "Well the idea of the book came from a dream and the names I have heard in one of the shows I have watched a few years ago" I quickly came up with a excuses for the reason he write the book.

Miki: "Okay I believe you. What are you planning to do with the book sweety." Miki wanted to know what Issei had planned for the book. I was relieved that she didn't ask to many questions regarding the book.

Issei: "Mom I was planning to publish it using dad" I age my reasons for what I'm planning to do with the book.

Miki: "Are you sure dear" My mom might be worried about the fans and the stress that might come along with it.

Issei: "Yes I am mom" I knew what my mother might be worried about so replied with confidence and happiness

Miki: "Okay dear, we'll go tommorow since it is Saturday tommorow and also we'll go with your dad since it is his day off"

Issei: "Okay" I replied happily as I was really excited to finally publish the book that I have read as a child and could spread to everyone else as well.

{ Third Person POV}

The next day Issei woke up early than usual an did a light exercise routine instead of the usual routine as he preferred to have the energy for today.

Gorou: "Hurry up Issei, we need set of the house before there is to much traffic." Gorou shouted loudly so that Issei could hear who is currently at his room getting ready.

Issei: "Coming dad" Issei shouted with the same tone while looking at himself in the mirror

Issei: ' Now that I think about it, I am sure really good looking with the face structure and with the long hair tied in a pony tail. From what I have heard I am supposed to be average looking but oh well I guess having a handsome face has some good benefits to it along with bad ones" Issei never really cared about how he looks as he was focused on studying and training. Due to all the training he had done most of his baby fats burned leaving a face that clearly showed that he is going to be really handsome in the future.

Issei grabbed his bag which had his book with him which he had made by himself and also the illustrations was also done buy him.

Issei quickly went downstairs and went inside the car with his mom to go to the publishing studio which was an hour away by using a car.

After an hour ride in the cast are they finally reached a huge building which was the publishing studio which was an international company and was really famous for publishing good books so they asked the receptionist where the meeting is.

They reached the room which the interview for the publishing was which made Issei excited as this was the moment when he can finally read the book

Once they had opened the door they saw a middle aged Japanese man who seems to be relaxed and calm.

???: "Welcome to the studio and my name is Haruto Suzuki, it's a pleasure meeting you" The man welcomed the family and introduced himself with good manners which he seems to be used to doing.

Gorou: "Thank you for having us hear Suzuki-san, my name is Gorou Hyoudou and this is my wife Miki Hyoudou and finally my son Issei Hyoudou who is the person that wrote the book that we want to publish" Gorou spoke out first and thanked him for letting them come to the studio.

Haruto: "So this is the child that wrote the book that you want to publish" Haruto assessed looked at Issei and spoke out.

Haruto: "That's a big accomplishment there, Issei" Haruto praised Issei as it was a big accomplishment to write a book at such a young age.

Issei: "Thank you" Issei replied to the compliment.

Haruto: "Can I read the book that you want to publish"

Issei: "Sure" Issei took the book out of the bag and gave it to Haruto

When Haruto saw the front of the book he was impressed as the from cover which was a hardback looked professional and alluring.

He began reading the book which took around less than an hour and was faster that Miki's speed as he must have been used to reading books since that's is his profession

After waiting for an hour, which the family was patient and endured the one hour silence that followed with the reading.

Haruto: That's one of the most exciting book that I have read so far in my life and this would be a great book for children and even I want to read it so adults will love it as well." Haruto praised Issei for writing a book that good and also wanted to know if there was another book coming out.

(AN: The opinions of the books are purely based on my opinions so don't take it to heart when I said that those books where one of the best book since everyone has their own opinions and may find other books their favourite and the best. No one is a perfect writer so there is no perfect book that's going to be the best)

Haruto: "I want to know if you are going to release anymore of these books for the series" Haruto asked desperately since he really wanted to know what happens next in the story.

Issei: "Yes I plan to write seven books including this one in the next five years" Issei confirmed him that he is going to write six more books.

Haruto: "Then I'm looking forward to that. Anyways about your royalties for the book we need to discuss with the head as he is the one who decides on how much royalties an author can get" After Haruto spoke his words, he lead the family to the top floor where the head was.

Upon entering the large room, the first thing that came on there sight was a large expensive looking desk with a expensive chair where an old man who seems to be in the mid 50s was sitting at.

The man spoke out at first before anyone else could talk.

???: "Hello my name is Takeshi Sato, it's a pleasure to meet you"with good manners that seemed a bit off to Issei so he decided to be cautious.

Gorou: "It's a pleasure to meet you too Takeshi-san" Gorou replied with good manners.

Takeshi: "It seems that you want to publish a book using our company"

Gorou: "No it's not me but actually my child who wants to publish the book that he wrote"

Takeshi: "Interesting, may I read the book" Takeshi asked to read the book just like Haruto and so the family and Haruto waited another hour until he finished reading.

Takeshi: 'This book is really good and is perfect for both children and adults. Now let me think of a way to get the most profit while giving them the least amount of money possible. Let's see which is the easiest way and the most believable way to fool them. Haha the poor fools won't even know what's coming to them' Takeshi thought in his head joyfully of the ways he could cheat the Hyoudou's without it being suspicious.

While Takeshi thought of his cruel plans of robbing them, Issei already read his mind and just smiled at the monkey in front of him who's thinking of the ways to fool him and rob his money that he would gain from the books. He decided to mind control him to give him the maximum amount of royalties for the book which would be around 30%-40% of profit going to him. He decided to rob the old man of all his money later but leave enough to live the rest of his life without suffering from poverty otherwise it would be too cruel just for trying to rob him but since he incurred a future dragon's wrath, he will lose most of his money later.

After Issei mind controlled Takeshi, he gave spoke out of the royalties that Issei was going to receive.

Takeshi: "For this amazing book, I believe that 15% of the royalties would be perfect at the start which would increase after more books of yours and it could reach up to 35%"

Haruto was surprised by the amount of royalties that they got but soon accepted it as it was a really good book and the company wouldn't want to lose such a book which would bring it huge amounts of money.

Mr Hyoudou and Mrs Hyoudou was also surprised by the amount of royalties they have received as it was a high amount while Issei was not surprised but acted surprised so it's not too suspicious to his parents.

After they finalized the deal, Mr Hyoudou shaked Takeshi's hand who also returned the gesture and then Gorou left the company with his family and drove back to their house. As soon as they reached their house they cheered and also celebrated for their sons success as they were happy that their son was successful in publishing his book. The money would go to Gorou's account since Issei is not old enough yet but once he reaches the age it will transfer to his account. Issei didn't mind his parents spending his money so he told them that they could spend the money if he gets it which made him receive a tight hug from his parents.

Issei decided to ask his parents to combine their bank accounts so that they could all spend the money which Gorou did the next day at the bank. Unfortunately he couldn't do with Issei's account as he couldn't have an account yet. He decided not to publish the manga yet as one he gains the money he can create his own publishing company which would publish all sorts of mangas and books and world be really rich.

{Third Person POV}

Issei decided to go back to my mindscape on the night after his dad had linked the accounts so that he can start training again as he had a good and long rest from training. Since the quality of the entertainment and literature of this world is bad, Issei hypothesised that he will probably gain a lot more money than JK Rowling did and also gain it faster than her.

Issei: "Ddraig is there a way for me to access the previous Red Dragon Emperors knowledge" Issei asked Ddraig who gave a yawn as an answer since he woke up from a long sleep as Issei was resting so he also decided to take a rest.

Ddraig: "There is a way for you to train with the other previous Red Dragon Emperors but you should also get some battle experience since you haven't had a proper fight yet"

Issei: "I'll do that after I finish training with the previous Red Dragon Emperors which by the time I should reach up to a ultimate class devil in terms of body strength and also is there a way to learn runes and enchantment"

Ddraig: "If I remember correctly there was a host who was an expert in runes so you should be able to learn from them and I myself are a master enchanter so I'll be teaching you enchantment."

Ddraig: "Out of curiosity why do you want to learn runes and enchantment"

Issei : "Well I watched this show where a guy invented a teleporting technique using seals embedded with his own energy which allowed him to teleport to the seal he created so I wanted to see if I can recreate it using magic instead"

Ddraig: "That sure is an interesting technique and would be a advantage for you in a fight if you can recreate it but why do you wanna learn enchantment"

Issei:"Well since I wrote the book, I'm sure I'm gonna get fans so I wanted to enchant my house to keep away people when necessary so I don't get horde of people outside my house for any autograph or something like that." Issei didn't want paparazzi or fans outside his house because of his fame which would ruin his peaceful life.

Ddraig: "Hahaha that's the first time someone gave me this kind of reason to learn enchantment by the way you do know that you can do many more amazing things with the power of enchanting things." Ddraig was amused as this was there first time someone gave him such a bizarre reason to learn a type of magic.

Issei: "Yeah I know, I also wanted to enchant any weapons that I may have in the future."

Ddraig: "Alright let's begin your training in enchantment now but you should also training your body with a vigorous training method so that your body can reach ultimate class devil level"

(AN: I'm not going to be describing the most of the training method since I have no clue on how the training goes)

At first Issei struggled a bit but after a month he got in the hang of using enchantments on small objects but it still took him some time in enchanting the object. The next few months he progressed really quickly as it like he adapted to the type of magic which impressed Ddraig as this was the first time someone for good at enchantment that quickly. Issei learned non verbal enchantment in about around 6 months which was really big feat but since enchanting mostly requires memorisation, Issei got that down very easily as he had a perfect memory and could remember everything.

As soon as Issei finished mastering enchanting, he decided to start training with the previous Red Dragon Emperors to expand his skill in magic and also his fighting skills in hand to hand combat and in weapons.

Issei had met Belzard and also Elsha who he found very beautiful and had complimented her when he saw her which earned him a hug from her where his face landed in her heavenly valleys which Issei enjoyed every moment of and didn't resist a single bit like a true man of culture unlike those pussies in those harem anime he saw.

He had started prioritising runes first as he wanted to learn that first so he went to Zhang Wei who was a handsome mid 20's chinese man with long black hair and a trimmed moustache.

Zhang Wei was considered a prodigy in runes and he wanted to share his knowledge with his disciple but never got the chance as he died in battle with a dragon so he decided to make Issei his new disciple and teach him all he can.

Zhang: "Issei are you ready to learn runes

Issei: "Yes sensei" Issei spoke out with unyielding determination which satisfied and pleased Zhang.

Zhang: Good, let's begin your training"

Just like that Issei spent reading runes but also trained with other Red Dragon Emperors to improved his strengths. Issei told Zhang about his ideanto create the Flying Thunder God which impressed him and also he was excited to create the move with Issei. Now you may be asking how Issei got the time to train with a lot of Red Dragon Emperors with having to go to school and waste his time there when he could have been training.

Well Issei asked his mom and dad that he wanted to graduate early so that he can concentrate on writing the books which was already making quite some money even if it had been only three weeks. His parents happily accepted after he showed that he knows everything about the semester. His parents applied for an early graduation all the way up to middle school and with a bit of help with mind control he got an early graduation so that he could spend time training instead.

Issei learned the things that were taught by the Red Dragon Emperors in a fast paced which earned him a lot of praise and some hugs from Elsha which he enjoyed the most.

Belzard who was known to be the strongest Red Dragon Emperor so far taught him hand to hand combat until Issei was a master at it and also taught him a few tips on using magic to enhance his body while fighting.

Elsha on the other hand taught him magical spells and how to do them non verbally without the need of a chant or a magic circle like most do which he enjoyed the most since he loved learning magic and also she was fun to be around with. Elsha tried to tease him a lot but to get demise it didn't work so she reluctantly have up.

The other Red Dragon Emperors taught him alchemy, magic control so he doesn't waste mana on spells, using different type of weapons to a master level and also their original spells.

During the training, Issei had gained a lot of affinities to magic like Dark and Holy element which surprised Issei but he hypothesised that since he is a human he probably gained the holy element from that since humans contain holy element since priests are used to slay devils which holy element is required.

Issei trained all his elemental magic to a high proficient level and also his mastery over weapons was at a master level.

While in the human world Harry Potter became a sensation and his fame had gone up drastically along with his money. In three years he had already made around 500 million dollars in terms of US currency which Issei asked his parents if they want to move houses in which his parents reluctantly agreed after all the annoying neighbours.

They had moved to a city near Kyoto but didn't sell their previous house as it was their first house that they t bought. Issei told his parents to buy a large mansion which they didn't want to at first but soon gave in. The mansion they had bought was very large and had cost around 30 million dollars. It had 12 large luxury rooms with a huge garden with a large swimming pool.

Just like that it was time to say good bye to the previous Red Dragon Emperors which Issei was sad about but soon got over it as they wouldn't want him to be sad about it.

Belzard: " Issei and old friend, I guess this is good bye" Belzard spoke out first to Issei and Ddraig

Issei: "Yeah I guess this is it" Issei smile sadly which was followed by everyone else

Issei: " I'll miss you Elsha" Issei teased to lighten the mood which worked as everyone had a annoyed expression and shouted "What about us"

Issei: "I'm just kidding guys. I'll miss you guys."

Soon everyone gave hugs and handshakes to Issei while he got a kiss and the best hug from Elesha but where the kiss was, it's up your imagination.

Everyone: "Goodbye Issei and Ddraig, hope you have a successful life" They all said in unison to which Issei replied with.

Issei: I'll miss you guys, it was a pleasure spending time with you guys."

With that they all had disappeared and it was silent until Ddraig spoke out.

Ddraig: "Did you have a good time training with them"

Issei: "I sure did, it was a blast and one of the best time of my life"

Ddraig: "I'm glad you enjoyed training with them as they are good people before they got into juggernaut drive which you removed the curse from them"

Ddraig: "Are you ready to fight your first opponent and with your strength right now you should be able to defeat a ultimate class devil."

Issei: "I sure am Ddraig as I finally can kick some ass." Issei was hyped to finally have a real fight with an opponent but the problem was who he was going to fight but hopefully he can find some devil or fallen angel to fight with.

Well this is the biggest chapter yet so hope you enjoy it and if there is any grammar mistakes you can blame autocorrect which has been losing me of lately. Anyways I have used runes to recreate flying thunder god and some other contraptions. If any of you guys find any theories wrong remember its a fanfiction so anything goes. Next chapter will be the chapter where he finally fights someone but who you'll have to wait to find out.

KuroHyoudoucreators' thoughts