
Kuroka and The Fight

{Issei's POV}

I had reached the billionaire status and that kept increasing which made my life difficult but with a little bit of magic I could change the appearance of my body which made it easy for me to go to the shops without getting recognised which made my life easy. All the celebrities from my previous life and also the life would probably curse me as I don't have paparazzi following me every time I go to somewhere. I used legilimency which I had recreated and perfected to get a lot more profit for the books I wrote and by the time I had released all seven books I had already got over a billion dollars and that will be increasing as I get my money from Takeshi who is my publisher.

Issei: 'I guess I should stroll around the city to see if there is any stray devils for me to kill.' Issei thought of a way to find some opponent to fight with him and decided on a steady devil as he won't make enemy of out of the underworld if he kills them as he doesn't want the underworld as a enemy since he is not strong enough.

After strolling around a bit around the city I came across a few devils fighting a young girl who seems to be around 13 and was really cute and I'm sure she will be beautiful when she grows up. She had cat ears and two tails which means that she is a Nekomata and the most beautiful thing about her was her eyes which was golden hazel with cat like pupils. She also had quite big breasts for someone her age and I'm sure they are going to be much larger as she grows up.

Issei: 'I guess I should help her and from the looks of it she seems to be tired from fighting and I would also get some fighting experience' I thought of helping her since she was cute and it also was quite pitiful to just leave her fighting alone by herself and from the looks of it it seems that she is going to win the fight.

She uses illusions to throw her opponents off which is a good strategy but what was surprising is her space manipulation which wasn't too advanced but she seems to be able to lock her opponents in a barrier which is in another space and is a good technique. If I put her strength overall then I would reckon that she is at least an ultimate class from the way she is battling the opponents who seems to be equal that to a high class devil and there is 20 of them which means she should be able to defeat them with some difficulty but the problem would be her mana which seems to be low right now which is probably from fighting or she might have fought someone or escaped without rest or recovery of the mana.

As soon as she defeats the last high class devil, some devil snuck behind her and was ready to attack her as her guard was down which showed his cowardice as he was charging his attack with magic.

???: "Kuroka, you have let your guard down and now you will die by my hands for killing a member of the Naberius House" The coward spoke behind her and was ready to fire his attack which I presume is his strongest. It was a condensed short ranged attack fire attack that is focused on killing a single person which similar to me but mine is more of a long range as my attack covers a long range but has the deadliness of a short and focused attack.

Issei: 'I guess this is my moment to shine.' Issei thought jokingly as he took out a 2 kunai from the inventory of the boosted gear and dropped one of the kunai on the floor and flicked the other beside Kuroka at a fast speed and due to the streamlined shape, it cut through the air like scissors would a paper

Issei: 'Lights, Camera and Action' As soon as Issei thought the last word he vanished from his place.

{ Kuroka's POV }

I escaped after killing my former master who was a member of the branch House of Naberius after I found out that he wanted to experiment on my innocent little sister Shirone. Unfortunately I had to abandon Shirone to protect her and hopefully someone can adopt or protect her in my stead. As soon as I escaped after killing that filthy devil, I was branded with the title of a SS Class Stray Devil and was chased by 20 High Class strength devils which I managed to defeat with some difficulty but since I also killed my former master and also escaping the territory took a lot of my energy and so I was getting tired after fighting those devils.

I defeated all the devils they had sent and then relaxed as there were no more devils left but didn't know that there was still a devil left that I didn't count for. I heard someone speak from behind while charging for a powerful spell and soon as I turned around the spell was fully charged and was ready to fire.

The spell fired and it was a really powerful fire based attack that would kill me if it were to attack me and it was almost about to reach me. I was ready to accept my fate as I watched that sick grin on his face that the devil had.

Kuroka: 'Sorry Shirone' I thought while tears formed in my eyes and the powerful fireball coming right towards me in a rapid speed.

Suddenly a kunai flew right past my face which surprised me.

Kuroka: 'What was that' I looked at the kunai which had some weird kind of markings which probably is runes that I heard about in the filthy Naberius House.

{ Issei's POV }

Issei: 'Lights, Camera and Action' I vanished from my spot and appeared just behind the girl and holded her in a princess carry and disappeared from the second kunai to my first kunai on my original spot.

The girl realised that she was teleported a few moments later and the look on her face seemed to show hope, probably because she wanted to survive really badly for herself or someone else.

The devil also realized that she disappeared from her spot a few moments later as well and the look on his face showed that he was surprised and then looked around and saw us and the facial expression he showed clearly conveyed his anger and frustration.

Anyways the girl looked around and noticed that she was being carried by someone and looked up at my face with a bit of blush on her face even though she was nearly died before and also looked a bit dazed which probably is due to the instantaneous movement which can cause dizziness for people.

Issei: "Hello there" I spoke out similar to Obi Wan just for the sake of it.

Issei: 'Aah, I always wanted to use the Flying Raijin like this' I excitedly screamed as I always wanted to use the Flying Raijin when I saw Minato use it.

Kuroka: "…" The girl didn't even reply to my words, how rude of her but she probably was confused about the situation.

???: "Who are you, you filthy human" The devil shouted with disgust and anger that I saved the girl who new was supposed to save.

I let go of the girl who is called Kuroka and took out a Kunai from the inventory which is then best as it could store almost anything.

Issei: "Catch" I said which he clearly heard and then flicked the kunai with my wrists.

The devil caught it just like I had expected and also gave me a smirk showing his confidence and cockiness.

???: "Is that all you got" The devil spoke like an traditional rubbish villain.

In response I teleported right in front of him and gave a side kick in mid air to his jaw which definitely dislocated his jaw. As soon as I finished the kick, I gave a front kick using the heels of my foot to his chin and did a back flip which disoriented him and definitely broke his jaw even further. I then did the muay Thai sweep and dropped him to the floor and put a mark on his shoulder just like how Minato did on Killer Bee.

The devil in return showed a extremely furiated face and got up and charged all the magic he had left into a large and condensed fireball which was the size of a house which would destroy the area that we were in and fortunately it was remote otherwise some humans would have dies due to the fireball.

I in return dropped a kunai to the ground which he didn't notice but the girl most likely noticed and got the plan. I waited for the last moment for the fireball to come towards me and I could see the grin on the the dumbass's face as he thought that I was going to die.

Right then I teleported right to him and grabbed him by the shoulder and brought him back to the kunai where the fireball was heading towards and was just a few inches away from contact.

Issei: 'Mwahahaha look at that face as he is almost about be burnt to a crisp' I laughed like an typical villain who is about conquer the world.

???: "Aaaaaaaaaaah" The devil gave a long and painful scream due to the pain he was experiencing from getting burned alive and when I looked around the girl also shivered due the scream, probably trying to imagine the pain. The area was also burned around including the surrounding trees, how unfortunate. Teamtrees would probably be cursing me right now for letting all the trees burn.

Issei: 'How unfortunate, I didn't even get to know my victim's name' I thought in my head as I didn't even know the name of the first enemy I fought even though it wasn't technically a fight as I basically played with him and killed him . Surprisingly I didn't feel any sympathy or any guilt for killing the devil as he was trying to kill me so it's his fault for attacking those stronger them and also its probably also from the occulumency that I recreated when I was training with the previous Red Dragon Emperors.

I walk towards the girl who flinched since she probably thought that I was going to attack her as well.

Issei: "My name is Issei Hyoudou, what's yours" I did the basic introduction with a smile to show I'm not a danger to her. She also had a surprised expression which I'm

Kuroka: "My name is Kuroka, nya" The girls voice was melodious and sounded a bit feline which was probably because she is a Nekomata.

Issei: "Nice to meet you Kuroka" I spoke with my usual smile which made her blush a bit which is probably an anime thing.

We talked for a bit and she talked about her sister and how she killed her previous master to protect her and how she is a stray devil in terms of the underworld. It was surprising that she talked about her life and also some personal stuff which probably is because I saved her so she trusts me a bit to let me know about the situation.

I should help her in someway so that she does not get hunted by some devils but that may increase my problems which would be a bummer but I could avoid that by using runes and enchantment which could hide her devil energy and also hide her ki. I would also have someone to talk to as I nearly even go outside and that sometimes get boring and since she is a Nekomata she could transform into a cat and my parents won't find out or should I just tell my parents which would save a lot of problems such as hiding her from them.

While I was in my thoughts I noticed Kuroka staring at me and boy does she look beautiful as fuck and with those golden hazel eyes she looked cute and would soon be very attractive when she grows up.

Issei: "If you don't have anywhere to go then you can come to my house which is close to Kyoto and I could help you find your sister" I told Kuroka that she could live in my house if she has no where to live.

Kuroka: "If it's not a bother, nya" She asked worriedly, I guess she did not want to intrude in my house if it bothers my family

Issei: "Of course not and I'm sure my parents would love to have you at our house" I said to her which in return she gave me a tight hug, I guess she must have been a bit desperate and had no where to go to after killing her previous master.

{ Third Person POV }

Issei took Kuroka to his house which surprised Kuroka as she thought that he wasn't kidding when he said that he had plenty of rooms.

Issei told his parents about Kuroka's situation but without including details about the devils and her being a criminal to which they immediately agreed to let her stay without any hesitation as they felt sorry for her for what she had been through.

Miki was got emotional and hugged Kuroka which made Kuroka happy as Miki have her a motherly feeling which she used to get from her own mother which made her cry a bit.

Miki: "Sweety, you should take a bath and for your room you can choose any room that's available. Since you don't have any clothes you can borrow Issei's clothes which should be able to fit you and tommorow we can get you new clothes to wear" Miki told Kuroka to have a shower as she was covered with a bit of dirt from fighting all the devils.

Kuroka decided to choose the room next to Issei which had a king size bed with a mini shower in the room. Issei showed her around the mansion and all rooms including the hymn and the sauna. Kuroka decided to use the family bath which included a large hot tub and a shower so that she could relax and release the tension she had.

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