
Reborn As An Internecion Cube In Tensura[Hiatus]

As he was walking to his home Kayle got shot from behind and was, reincarnated into the world of tensura as an internecion cube follow as he assimilates everything. follow Liam Vickers Animation channel on YouTube and watch his other animations. And yes If you don’t know he worked in making murder drones. (PS: There is gore in this story)

Ender_Child · その他
4 Chs

Forest and Adventurers.

Icon and the others arrived to the village, Rimuru gave icon a house and the three girls live near him.

"prompt:what are you trying to do" Icon said im his cube form."

"heheh just, look Rimur transform" rimuru said doing a strange slime pose and then turned into a wolf.

"Note:Chanting was irrelevant"icon said.

"Aw come on have some fun a little" rimuru said in his Wolf Form.

"Look at this skill, Black Lightning" he said firing of black electricity at the lake making a small whirlpool the water droplets touched them.

"Note: i see…i shall try too" icon said turning back into his human form, but now it seemed a bit robotic a mixture of flesh and machine.

"Initiate:Magicule Burst" icon said turning his hand into a blaster and shot a ball of multicolored energy into the lake, making it create a huge tsunami. Thankfully it didn't reach their place..

"Wow thats soo cool" Rimuru said with excitement.

"Prompt, it's nothing too interesting" icon replied

"its been a few weeks since we got here and you helped us alot, we appreciate that icon" he thanked him.

"Note: just doing a favor for naming me"he said his voice less mechanical than usual.

"Note: it is a peaceful town, You were reborn like me i assume"icon asked a question.

"…yeah i was i got stabbed trying to save my friend…how about you" he asked.

"Answee:i was shot behind the neck. in the front of my head" he said.

"seriously…wow thats a bit harsh" he said.

"Note:its nothing atleast i get to live a new life"icon said genuinely while not showing it he did feel genuine.

"yeah i guess we do" rimuru said.

"prompt: your magicules increased when you named all those goblins…but mine is still lower than yours by 10 points"icon said.

"why don't you get some subordinates" rimuru asked.

"Answer:there are two ways for me to get subordinates, firstly i can name them secondly i infect them turning them into a de evolved version of me. or in other words i found none that's to my taste." icon replied.

"oh i see" rimuru answered.

after going dow to observe gobta and the other goblins, the two saw some adventurous having some trouble with some giant ants.

"Note:Help the girl with the maske, ill help the rest." i con said turning both of his arms into sharp curved blades.

"ok im on it" rimur said. icon ran there in supersonic speed cutting the ants into pieces, while rimuru hit the other one with black lightning.

Note: Hellow there strangers My name is icon" icon said both his hands strangely clean, and the body of the ants he killed all disappeared.

"uhm thanks for saving us" the blonde haired girl said.

"Note:Thank my friend instead he did the most work" icon said his hands turning back to Normal.

"huh a slime" everyone said looking at rimuru

"Yeah got a problem with slimes"he said in an annoyed tone.

"uh no i just never knew slimes could talk and you what are you" the blonde haired man said.

"i cant believe it"the blond haired girl said.

"you saved me thank you" the black haired girl said thanking them.

"Analysis:Your body temperature seems too high for a human." icon asked tilting his head.

"…." Shizuwe stayed silent.

"Notice:Sorry if i brought up something personal" he said.

"it's nothing don't apologize"She said then rimuru and icon took them to a nearby tent.

"This is our master the Great Rimuru" Righurd said. when he said that the adventurors gulped in suprise.

"Master?"the three asked excluding shizuwe"

"Got a problem with that"Rimur asked.

"uh no" they all said.

"we knew you were no ordinary slime,but we had no idea" the blonde haired girl said.

"Notice:Understandable he may look like a slime but he is strong." icon said.

"Nice to meet you im rimuru the slime, im not a bad slime" he said.

"pfftt" Shizuwe chuckled.

"Prompt:if i had emotions i would have laughed, My names is Icon, im a Sentient cube, Nice to meet you" icon said monotonously.

"uhm…a cube?" the blonde haired asked. but icon refused to repeat himself.

"if you need me im goint to go kill some monsters" icon said standing up.

"ah ok see you later bro" Rimuru said waving his hand.

As icon left he went deep into the forest, on his way he encountered a few snakes…

"Note:Experiment #01 Darkness Corruption, using the skill infect and parasite and combining it with dark magic, i can corrupt any organic living being, you are victim #129" icon said as his hands glowed an ominous darkness and then used the, it was a forming a small black ball which immediately shot into the snake.

it thrashed on the ground for a few minutes. then its whole body started changing to black and when it did, it broke apart into tiny black cubes which dispersed the second they were created.

"Note:Experiment failed, Cell destruction is too fast, moving on to Experiment#02 Collapsing blade." Icon said turning his hand into a long sharp blade. "Note:using magicules to make the blade vibrate to its upmost limit, then follow the movement of the air slashing in front of you creating a giant wave of enhanced air capable of cutting even strong metals" he said as he swiped his hand blade making all the trees in front of him fall, there.

"Analysis: Experiment Successfull, moving on to the next, Experiment#03-1 Magicule Burst Canon. Compressing magicules and making the magicule in the air get absorbed by the the canon, then release creating a giant blast that goes in a front line destroying everything in its parh." icon said creating a blaster on his left arm which had glowing multicolored lines on it reaching his left eye. He released the blast destroying the land in fromt of him.

"Analysis:Experiment Successfull" icon said then went back to his house when it was getting dark, icon couldnt sleep so he stayed in his human form and then slept after a few minutes of being awake…

[ Skill [Collapsing Blade] has been created]

[Skill [Magicule Burst/Canon] Created]

[Skill [Darkness Corruption] has been created].

…The next day he woke up he changed his clothes into a t-shirt and short trousers. When he went out Maylen Was there.

"prompt:Hello Maylen good morning" icon said while his lips moved a little.

"huuuh tou smiled yay!" Maylen said in excitement.

"prompt:Maybe whay are you here?" icon asked tilting his head.

"oh yeah rimuru was looking for you" she said happily holding icons hands.

"lets go" she said as she walked while icon became her victim. as they were walking Maylen asked icon some questions and he answered them the beat he could.

"ok were here, ill be going icon see you later" i said while seeing shizuwe and the rest here.

"propt:you are going already?" icon asked.

"yeah we have to go back" the blonde haired man said.

"prompt:its a shame i wanted to fight you guys four on 1" icon said.

"prompt:if you come back next time ill take that as a yes" he continued.

"hahahha sure why not we will meet next time" the blonde haired man said.

Shizuwe and the other girl came out but….

"Warning: high amounts of fire magicules detected…Danger:Foreign entity detected" icon said while pointing at shizuwe.

"what are yo- Shizuwe are you okay" Rimuru said but soon saw shizuwes condition.

"Action:Entering Frozen battle mode" icon said as his hair turned white an his eyes turned blue. now his arms have become two long sharp blades.

shizuwes mask cracked a bit then was engulfed in flames, ifrit has appeared.

"Prompt:her lifespan is decreasing rapidly"icon said Analyzing it.

"Magicule Canon:ice Mode" Icon said his arm shooting a huge ray of ice energy at ifrit it froze the landscape around him but didnt extinguish his flames.

"Prompt:Rimuru i'll distract him find a way ro seperate them both" icon said while turning both his arms into blades.

"Collapsing Blade:Ice mode" he said slashing his arm at the ifrit cutting and freezing the ground. the ifrit gor cut in half and became frozen and then shattered into the ground, but that was a clone, instead the ifrit attacked icon from behind he dodged.

"Darkness Corruption:Multi strike." icon said creating five orbs of dark and ominous energy. it hit the clone ifrits taking out five of them at once.

"Warning: high intensity of energy countermeasures: Glaciel Shield" icon said covering himself and the rest leaving rimuru to deal with the threat. After it got weakened rimuru finally sealed the ifrit.

Icon could be seen leaning on a tree near the house. Icon knew shizuwe will die, he was weak and he knew it…but soon that will be over maybe not now but soon…..