
Reborn As An Internecion Cube In Tensura[Hiatus]

As he was walking to his home Kayle got shot from behind and was, reincarnated into the world of tensura as an internecion cube follow as he assimilates everything. follow Liam Vickers Animation channel on YouTube and watch his other animations. And yes If you don’t know he worked in making murder drones. (PS: There is gore in this story)

Ender_Child · Others
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Naming a Subordinate and Training

after the adveturors heard shizuwe died and rimuru ate her, they were given som armor and weapons.

icon was currently in his cube form while floating im the air.

"Prompt:Danger detected" icon said looking at a giant wall of blue flames in the distance, he looked at it and then decided to go there…

"Prompt:Why are you attacking my friends people" icon asked looking at the oni.

"Note:Hello Rimuru do you need some help" i asked.

"No not really me and ragna got this" he said.

"Prompt; i'll leave you to your own then" Icon said dashing back into the first. Icon went back to his house, he found maylen and Lia sitting on the bench he made a few days ago.

"oh hello icon" Lia said waving her hands.

"Prompt:Hello girls how was your day" icon asked waving his hands.

"it was fine but are you going somewhere or staying." Maylen asked.

"Aswer:i'm here to take something and then return."icon said as he entered the house. he went into his room and carried a sword with a small spinning orb with neon blue lines in it. it was black in color and was sometimes seen flashing with black lightning, it was chained to the floor by white chains.

icon created this sword using almost all his energy, due to his unique ability: origin cube the sword gained sentient, but the chains appeared with the sword, as a sort of unique ability, the sword hasn't responded since then maybe because icon didn't give it a name.

"Action: Your New name Is Erebus"

A dark swirl of energy covered the blade, the chains linked with the handle and wrapped around the orb, the white of the chains tainted a breaking black in it.

[Subordinate Erebus has been named:

Unique Skill: Personification of Darkness


unique Skill:Wave.


Skill:Soul bond.


Unique Skill: Chains of Madness.]

"…Hello Master….I'm at your service" A voice a mixture of screams and whispers said.

"Prompt:Welcome Erebus you shall be my Blade from now on,"

"I am grateful" he said, then he floated near icon, icon walked outside as his blade followed him. he saw maylen and lia still sitting there.

"icon come on sit with us" they looked at him with sparkling eyes and their tales wagging with excitement.

"prompt:i have something to do" icon said looking at them blankly, but the two didn't give up.

"icon come on, you need to rest" Lia said appearing near icon's left hand and then locked it with hers.

"yeah you've been awake for days" Maylen said holding his other hand.

"prompt:….Fine"icon said after a few seconds of silence, icon was dragged to the bench and now was in the middle of both of them, Erebu's was embedded in the ground in front of icon.

"so icon how was your day today"maylen asked looking at him.

"Answer:It wasn't bad, how was your day" icon asked stopping his plans to talk to them.

"it's a good day actually, Rain got into fighting and now she usually trains in the forest alone, but she says we're still to young to follow her…and too weak" Maylen said dejected.

"Answe: You are too weak but fighting isn't that fun, you could lose your life but in this world it is needed, you're still young enjoy your youth and don't worry about fighting not now atleast." Icon said putting both his hands on their heads.

"but…i want to learn how to protect myself and lia though" maylen said.

"me too i want to learn how to get maylan from doing anything reckless" Lia said pumping her fist to the air.

"Prompt: i will think about that, now you girls should go play with the other members of the town" icon said while standing.

"ok…bye icon see you later" maylen said waving her hands.

"yeah see you later" lia said and erebus floated behind icon again. icon looked at them then he jumped tree to tree disappearing into the forest.

he went deep in the caves and found a few centipedes and lizards, he killed and assimilated them all, erebus was also killing them. After he hunted them all he went out of the cave to find it was already night, he did dig out some ores in the cave though.

icon saw the others having a pary, so he decided to walk there.

"Oh hey icon where have you been today and is that sword floating" Rimuru said as she asked great sage what that was.

'hey great sage whats up with that sword'

[Answer.it has the same magicule signature as the individual icon, the sword is sentient and has been named]. great sage replied to rimuru.

"Answer:This is Erebus my subordinate or blade" icon said as he sat on the ground.

"Question:You didn't kill the ogres?"icon asked.

"ah yeah it was just a misunderstanding , we've already resolved it" rimuru said as she scratched the back of his head.

The rest of the night was just, them enjoying and talking about some things, maylan and lia were dancing, Rain was talking with the purple ogre. after it ended icon went back with erebus.




the next morning icon could be seen as a cube on the bench, he was currently just staying silent. While on top of erebus.

"Master is this more comfortable or should i adjust" Erebus aked.

"prompt: no don't worry im fine" Icon said as a digital blank faced appeared on the cube.

"ok master" erebus said, staying silent, a while later maylen, lia and rain arrived.

"oh hello icon, hi erebus"maylen said happily. as they walked over to their place.

"Note: hello maylen"icon replied.

"my~ my~ icon you seem to be relaxing today" Rain said.

"Note:Says the one who challenged all the fighters here" icon said.

"sure anyways these two wont let me go unless i bring them with me so i'm gonna take them out for a while" Rain said.

"yeah see you later icon" Lia said.

"Prompt:Make sure to stay safe" he said as they left, icon went back to his human form.

he grabbed erebus and went the opposite way they went. icon reached the clearing in the forest.

he sat on the ground and then summoned a ball of darkness corruption, it was floating on his palm while he made it spin slowly, as he did so he removed small particles from it making them spin too. As he continued that the orb got smaller until it became the size of the particles.

Now arround icon were small spinning particles. he opened his eyes and said.

"Action:Darkness infestation" he said making the particles spread out slowly making their ways towards the wildlife, slowly infecting them their skin becomes dark, and then they become mad and insane rapidly infecting the other animals, making them act in the same behavior.

Erebus watched in silence,exhilaration and respect to his master. Once the wildlife became fooly infected 1. They become cubes then immediately turn to dust. or the second scenario all of them fise and become a non living internicion cube in which icon needs to give it an origin.but sadly there's only a one percent chance of that happening.

icon made the infection disperse by snapping his fingers.

"Master that was Amazing" Erebus said as he floated beside him.

"Note:It's still too weak"Icon said while trying once more. this time the speed of how he did do it earlier increased from 10 seconds to 7.

He continued doing it to the point that now he can summon it in half a second.

"Prompt:Well this should be enough for now" icon said standing up and erebus followed him too.

"Note: erebus can you transform to your other form" icon asked while looking at him.

"Of course Master i shall" he said as he glowed black then in a bright flash of light, he turned into a man with pitch black eyes and slightly purplish eyes. he was wearing a black cloak, a crown was on his head on the middle was the orb, on his hand was the tattoos of white chains.

"Note:Lets goo" icon said as they made their way out of the forest and into the bustling town and then went into rimurus house.

when he did he saw shion and shuna dragging rimuru in his slime form.

"Note:Did i come at a bad time or…." Icon asked.

"uhhm hey icon and is that erebus? also no you are not" he asked a bit

"Note:i see you named the ogres" icon said looking at the two." After some introduction and rimuru sorting out some things.

"So icon what have you been up to, i saw a part of the forest destroyed earlier everything seems to have just turned into dust.

"Answer:Just experimenting for a bit, don't worry about ot i've replanted all the trees there" icon said.

"well i saw what exactly were you experimenting on" he asked curiously.

"Answer:I created a subskill using my other skill" icon replied.

"And this is erebus right, well he looks strong" he said observing him more closely.

"Anyways, As you did hear the orcs may be invading the forest soon, and a demon lord could be behind it so be on the look out" he said.

"Answer:i'll surely be on the lookout Rimuru" Icon answered.

"thanks, sooo what are you doing here" rimuru asked.

"Answer:I may look emotionless but sometimes i do ger bored, i came here just to watch you for my amusement."Icon said blankly

"….Well that Sounds apathetic and a bit evil but i dont mind" he said strangely.

"Note:….Can you blame me though" icon said looking at him.

"uhhm well maybe its a part of your race" rimuru said avoiding eye contact.

"Master is just a bit….Restless lord rimuru" Erebus said while looking away from icons gaze.

"You seem more expressive than him though, didn't he create you" Rimuru asked.

"He did but my soul was complete when he named me, and also i dont have the emotionless trait, bit i do assure he may not seem like it but he does care for others safety" Erebus said.

"Prompt: Being a truly emotionaless being, would make me have no sense of purpose, i can only supress that trait"Icon replied.

"Note:And being too nice to others in this world or any world is suicide, and they would be easier to manipulate and threaten you, if you have strength it is meant to be used" Icon said while looking at rimuru.

"Note:But that all depends on what the person wants and even if they do tolerate it sooner or later they will change their mindset" icon continued.

"Well i think talking before fighting is much more…approachable you never knoe if their gonna listen." rimuru said.

"Prompt:Not if they immediately incinerate you, but they have to be your level of strength if they truly want to so that" Icon replied.

"Masters words are right, but don't compare his mindsets with yours…he is more ruthless if he truly wants to be" erebus said knowing his master to an emotional and spiritual level.

"Note:Anyways your kingdom is growing by the way, im predicting more races will join soon, it's good but it lacks security" icon said.

"Ah that don't worry about it, we may get good security in a few weeks or so" Rimuru said with a smile.

"And plus we have five more powerful people here, so it's not like we lack it that much" he continued.

"Prompt:You are right, Everyone looks happy and that is all that matters, am i right?" icom asked.

"Hahah yes you are right, you are a good friend icon i hope we are friends till the very end" rimuru said with a smile.

"Note:…..Friends huh, i never really had that much friends in my old life bit thank you" he said.

"Lord rimuru I made sime food for you and Lord icon" as shion said thats she dropped two bowl of pois- i mean food was on the table...….