
Serolia Awaits

"You're already awake?"

"Of course," Rea answered with a yawn. "I always wake up when I say I will, unlike you." 

"Yeah, well…" Raya scratched her head. "Your room is always turned upside down, so it's surprising to see you able to do something that requires some willpower."

"The room just gets messed up again anyways." Rea rubbed her tired eyes. "I don't have control over the room, but I have control over myself, and when I wake up."

"That makes… No sense."

"Anyways, we can't see Serolia yet, but our scanners can probably detect it. I have to check the atmospheric conditions and all." Rea stretched her arms up, before heading towards the command room. 

The rest of the crewmates followed her. 

As soon as Rea entered the room, the Commander sighed and stood up.

"How is it?"

"Stressful." Roka answered honestly. "I only know the basics, so anything out of the ordinary happening would have been a problem."