
Reborn as a God in a Fictional Multiverse

Rebirth is often a thing of wonder and beauty, for Alexander Burrick, this couldn't be more true. Why others were reincarnating with wishes, powers, or systems, he got something much sweeter... Godhood.

AtlasGamerTV · 映画
2 Chs

Birth of a God

A soldier, spy, and assassin, Alexander was by far his era's greatest soldier but he was never religious nor was he kind, he grew up and lives his life looking out for only himself.

Despite this, he was never cold-hearted or unnecessarily cruel, maybe that is why the omniverse chose him as their next ruler.

After dying a thankfully quick death, he wasn't summoned by a god nor was he met by any R.O.B. No, his soul floated through the many universes for what seemed like years before his attention was peaked by an old, feeble, and raspy voice.

"Hello Youngling, I apologize for my tardiness, I'm not as young as i used to be", Looking around, Alex tries to see the origin of the voice but nothing appears.

"My powers have dwindled alongside my physical appearance, I apologize for this but i don't have much time left", the voice lets out a violent series of coughs.

"I am the god and ruler of a different omniverse, the god of this one has given you to me as a candidate for my throne"

"An omniverse consists of ten multiverse's, my one is the home of all fiction and myth, I'm sure you have read books, seen movies, or glimpsed at anime before, all of them are real"

"They are just different realities from your own, i wish to make you the ruler and lord of everything that is mine"

"I know you have many questions but i frankly don't have time, I'm sorry"

"In the next few minutes, you shall receive my power bit by bit, your body is not strong enough to take all of it at one"

"But I've decided to let you become a fully-fledged god in the same way that i did"

"You will be given the body of a High Human and become a reincarnator, every ten years you will receive a powerful ability, perk, or power"

"The reason we do things this way is it helps us grow as a person before having unlimited power"

"But i will let you choose your first world, everything after that will be random"

"The choices you have are these", as he finishes his words, multiple screens pop in front of Alexander's face.

[Harry Potter] [Star Wars] [Fallout] [Mass Effect] [The Witcher] [Lord of the Rings] [Naruto] [Hunter x Hunter] [Marvel] [DC] [Stargate Atlantis] [The Vampire Diaries & The Originals] [Dragon Age] [My Hero Academia] [The Walking Dead] [Diablo]

AUTHOR'S NOTES: You guys can decide on what world you want to see, I'm fine with writing any of them, I will hopefully be updating once every the or four days.