
reborn as a goblin

my name is Kevin I been reincarnated in a magic fantasy world but why am I a evil goblin

Yeet_Ter · ファンタジー
16 Chs

the woods

As I awoke in a grassy field surrounded by trees, confusion clouded my mind as I tried to grasp my new reality. My once towering height had diminished, replaced by a small, compact frame covered in vibrant green skin. Examining my body, I noticed the meager muscles and the simple cloth that barely covered my form.

Realization dawned upon me like a sudden storm - I had been reborn as a goblin, a creature often relegated to the lowest rungs of fantasy games, a mere tutorial monster. As I lamented my unfortunate fate, a strange sensation drew my attention to a peculiar button in my vision, accessible only to me, now known as Kevin, the newly minted goblin.

Without hesitation, I mentally commanded to activate the button, revealing my basic stats in a familiar RPG-style screen: Name - Kevin, Race - Goblin, Level - 1. The grim tale of my rebirth unfolded before me - the original goblin tribe I was a part of had been decimated by a group of formidable adventurers, and miraculously, I had escaped with my life.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, I delved deeper into the intricacies of my race. Goblins, it seemed, were a race of malevolent creatures, often dwelling in tribes within dense forests. Despite their diminutive stature, goblins possessed a cunning intelligence that surpassed many other monsters in the world. They were proficient in wielding tools such as bows and other weapons, which elevated their status among their monstrous brethren.

However, goblins were notorious for their raids on villages, pillaging for supplies and women. Their ability to procreate with any race was both a boon and a curse, as the chance of birthing a female goblin was exceedingly rare. Such occurrences were revered, with goblin girls often being handed over to the leader of the tribe due to their scarcity.

As I absorbed this information, a sense of determination welled within me. Despite my humble beginnings as a goblin, I resolve myself to be the strongest being in this world.