
reborn as a goblin

my name is Kevin I been reincarnated in a magic fantasy world but why am I a evil goblin

Yeet_Ter · Fantasy
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15 Chs


It was late at night as I walked through the streets. I had ran out of chips and soda during my gaming session and needed to go to the store to get more. as I left the store I was walking across the street when I heard a screeching noise them everything whent dark as I looked around I saw nothing but endless darkness everywhere I looked. as i stealed the fear in my heart in walked though the darkness until I saw a bright light cutting through the darkness. I made my way to the light as i approached I saw a white room empty with only a desk and chairs i sat down on one of the chairs. As I got comfortable on one of the chairs a man appeared on the chair behind the desk. The man was covered in a white robe he looked familiar a mixture of all the people I ever met in my life. He stared a me it was like he was looking through me that my secrets and thoughts were exposed to the man it made me feel uncomfortable. soon I heard the man speak and the feeling vanished. You hade a pretty uneventful life huh. The man words upset me but deep down I know he was right I didn't do much with my life but play strategie and build games. The man stared at me again as I got the nerve to ask the question I had sense I meet the man. Who are you and were am I. The man listened and spoke his voice came out like that of a elder that had experience Many things in his many years. You are in the end or for some the start. As the words hit me I froze I really died what else could the man mean but that I'm in the afterlife I thought of my friend and family but soon I completely calmed down I looked at the old man and he had a knowing smile on his face. I calmed you down I would not do to have you have a mental breakdown right now. Know calmed down I asked the man what know what I need to know what we're my options if I had any.The old man chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, the eternal question," he mused, leaning back in his chair. "You have several options, young Kevin, but ultimately, the choice is yours."

He gestured toward a door that materialized beside the desk, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow. "Behind that door lies the realm of reincarnation," he explained. "You may choose to be reborn into a new life, with all the possibilities and challenges that entails."

My mind raced with the implications of such a decision. A chance to start fresh, to experience life anew—it was both exhilarating and daunting.

"Alternatively," the old man continued, "you may choose to remain here in the void, where time holds no sway and the possibilities are endless. Here, you may explore the depths of your own consciousness, unraveling the mysteries of existence at your own pace."

The idea of eternal contemplation intrigued me, but a part of me yearned for the vibrancy and unpredictability of mortal life.

"And finally," the old man said, his voice taking on a solemn tone, "there is the option to move on—to transcend the bounds of this realm and journey to whatever lies beyond."

The notion of venturing into the great unknown filled me with both excitement and trepidation. What awaited me on the other side? Was there truly something beyond the veil of death?

As I pondered my options, the old man watched me with a patient gaze, allowing me the time I needed to come to a decision.

After what felt like an eternity of contemplation, I finally spoke, my voice steady with resolve. "I choose to be reborn," I declared, the words carrying a weight of certainty that surprised even me.

The old man nodded approvingly, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "Very well," he said, rising from his chair. "May your next life be filled with adventure, growth, and fulfillment."

With a sense of anticipation coursing through me, I stepped toward the door, ready to embark on a new journey—one that would shape the course of my destiny for eternity. And as I crossed the threshold into the unknown, I felt a sense of excitement and possibility wash over me, eager to embrace whatever lay ahead in the boundless expanse of existence.