
Reborn as a Goblin!? - Goblin System

Enter a world of endless possibilities and intertwining destinies, where tragedy befalls Garu, the protagonist. Suddenly reborn as a feeble level 1 goblin in a Western Fantasy realm, he stumbles upon the fascinating Goblin System—a portal to quests, rewards, and evolution. Determined to redeem himself, Garu embarks on an enthralling journey of growth and self-discovery, unlocking the enigmas of this new world.

SnoozePanda · ファンタジー
41 Chs

The Reincarnation Nexus


**Chapter 38: The Reincarnation Nexus**

Following their celestial transformation, Garu and his allies stood at the precipice of a realm they had never seen before: The Reincarnation Nexus. The very ground they stood upon was a translucent crystal, reflecting fragmented images of countless past lives, each a unique story. Above, galaxies swirled, showing myriad paths souls take through their journey of existence.

Garu, his new celestial aura pulsating, felt a strange connection to the realm. "Each step here resonates with the weight of eons," he murmured, taking in the vastness around him.

Elara, summoning a gust of wind to get a bird's-eye view, marveled at the labyrinthine paths beneath them. "It's like a maze," she commented, her celestial archer form agile as a falcon in flight. "Each path must represent a story, a destiny."

Selene, the high elf with unparalleled beauty, closed her eyes, feeling the essence of the Nexus. She whispered, "It's more than a maze, Elara. It's the collective memory of Elysium. Memories, regrets, love, loss—it's all here."

As they continued, the team came across a series of glowing orbs. Mia, her form shimmering with stardust, approached one. As she touched it, a barrage of images filled her mind—a warrior bidding farewell to his love, a mother cradling her child for the last time, a young mage discovering magic. "These orbs... they're memories," she gasped, overwhelmed.

Lena, the celestial protector, tested a hypothesis by touching one of the orbs, only to be greeted by the joyous laughter of children playing under the twilight of an ancient Elysium. "Not just memories," she concluded, "but the emotions attached to them."

Upon reaching the heart of the Nexus, they found an ancient stone pedestal. Inscribed upon it were the words: "To navigate the Nexus, one must understand the heart of Elysium."

Garu pondered the meaning. "It's not just about the quests. We need to connect, to feel, to understand these memories to move forward."

Mia, her curiosity piqued, activated an orb. An ethereal apparition of a maiden appeared, her plea echoing with heartbreak. "Help me," she whispered, her story unfolding before them—a tale of love, separation, and a quest for reunion.

Understanding the gravity of their task, Garu and his team prepared to delve deep into the stories of Elysium, helping souls find closure and ensuring stories reached their rightful conclusions.

Each quest would be a lesson, each memory a reflection of their own journey. The Goblin System was no mere game—it was the very essence of Elysium, and they were its guardians.

**Sub-event: Mia's Mishap**

As the group ventured deeper into the Nexus, Garu's celestial senses alerted him to a peculiar energy emanating from a side path. Curious, he led the group towards it, finding themselves before a series of orbs that looked quite different from the rest. They were vibrant, almost comically so, pulsating with a mischievous energy.

Selene raised an eyebrow, "I sense... humor? That's unexpected."

Lena chuckled, "Well, not every memory is heavy with drama or tragedy. Some are just plain funny."

Unable to contain her curiosity, Mia, the starlight rogue, immediately approached the most vibrant orb of all. As her fingers made contact, she was sucked into it! The group watched in surprise as a projection of Mia's image appeared, acting out the memory contained within.

The scene showed a bustling marketplace in ancient Elysium. Mia was a fruit vendor, dealing with a particularly stubborn goose that seemed insistent on stealing her apples. Each time she shooed it away, the goose returned with even more of its feathery friends. It became an epic showdown: Mia versus the geese.

With each attempt to retrieve her apples, the rogue's actions became more and more comical. At one point, Mia tried sneaking up on them, only to slip on a banana peel, causing the geese to honk in what seemed like laughter. Then, she set up a trap with breadcrumbs, but it backfired spectacularly, attracting even more geese!

The projection ended with Mia, covered head to toe in feathers, shaking her fist at the retreating birds, an apple on her head. The real Mia popped out of the orb, looking flustered.

The group erupted in laughter, with Garu chuckling, "I never knew you had such a history with geese, Mia!"

Mia pouted, her cheeks flushed. "It's not funny! And for the record, I'm certain that wasn't one of my past lives!"

Elara grinned, "Are you sure? That did look a lot like your sneaking technique!"

Mia groaned, "Let's just move on, okay? And no more touching random orbs!"

As they continued on their journey, every now and then, a goose's honk echoed in the distance, making Mia jump and the rest of the group burst into giggles.
