
Reborn as a Goblin!? - Goblin System

Enter a world of endless possibilities and intertwining destinies, where tragedy befalls Garu, the protagonist. Suddenly reborn as a feeble level 1 goblin in a Western Fantasy realm, he stumbles upon the fascinating Goblin System—a portal to quests, rewards, and evolution. Determined to redeem himself, Garu embarks on an enthralling journey of growth and self-discovery, unlocking the enigmas of this new world.

SnoozePanda · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Side Chapter: Master Erebos’ Day Off

Amidst the heart of the shadow realm lay a sprawling fortress, enshrouded in an impenetrable darkness—a place where the air itself seemed to hold its breath. This was the lair of Master Erebos, the feared and revered leader of the Crimson Circle.

With the first light of dawn filtering through the shadowy curtains, Erebos stirred from his ancient throne. For today, he had a plan quite uncharacteristic of him—a day of... relaxation.

"Ah, the perfect day for some peace," he whispered, his voice echoing through the cavernous chambers.

However, the silence was instantly shattered by the high-pitched voice of Lumina, his unlikely fairy companion. "Morning, Erebos! Ready for another adventurous day in your dark, moody lair?"

He shot her a withering glance, regretting for the umpteenth time the ancient pact that had bound this chirpy fairy to his side.

Clearing his throat, he declared, "Today, I shall partake in some... culinary arts."

His first task was seemingly simple: bake bread. With a snap of his fingers, ingredients appeared before him. Yet, when he tried to infuse magic into the dough, it animated, sprouting tiny legs and darting away.

"What in the shadows...?" Erebos mumbled, chasing the loaf around, his dark robes flapping comically. Lumina hovered above, giggling as she witnessed the mighty sorcerer being outwitted by his breakfast.

Suddenly, a flashback illuminated the scene—Erebos, in his prime, taming colossal shadow beasts, his aura intimidating and his control, impeccable. The contrast between that memory and the current bread fiasco was stark and humorously jarring.

Resigned to his fate, Erebos decided he needed to purchase ingredients from the market. Upon arrival, the aura of the place engulfed him. Strange creatures peddling wares, magical artifacts glittering—this was Elysium's bustling Grand Bazaar.

One particular stall caught his eye: a vendor selling peculiar fruits. Wanting to barter, he approached the seller. "You there! I require your finest fruits."

His deep voice and intense demeanor unintentionally terrified the poor vendor, who hastily dumped a basket of fruit into Erebos's arms. "O-on the house!" he stammered.

Erebos, oblivious to the fearful impression he made, turned to leave when a bucket of water inexplicably drenched him. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a mischievous halfling—Mia—dissolving into fits of laughter.

"Darned halflings," he muttered, squeezing water from his robes.

Seeking solace, he ventured to an ancient ruin nearby. He barely stepped inside when Lumina excitedly flew over to a mystical stone, tapping it. Suddenly, the gravity within the ruins reversed, causing Erebos to float, robes and all, in a most undignified manner. He glared at the giggling fairy, swearing that one day, he'd get even.

Night had begun its descent when a sodden and frustrated Erebos returned to his lair. Lumina, still buoyant, chatted away, seemingly not noticing his gloomy aura.

Yet, as Erebos sank back into his throne, he found himself... chuckling. The events of the day, however comical and unexpected, had brought a rare lightness to his heart.

"Perhaps," he mused aloud, "every once in a while, a day off isn't so bad."

Lumina floated down to him, her glow dimming to a soft shimmer. "See? It's good to let loose every now and then."

With a smirk, Erebos snapped his fingers, casting a small spell. Lumina's wings sparkled brighter for a moment, causing her to shoot upwards like a firework.

"Oh, Erebos!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the caverns, "I'll get you for this!"

In his shadowy realm, with the sounds of a protesting fairy fading in the distance, Master Erebos, for the first time in centuries, laughed heartily.

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