
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · SF
376 Chs

The Moon of the Dark Gods

(General POV)

Location the Nethervoid-Shi'lanorai Territory, within the Mountain of Dark Winter, Agrah'mohtn Queendom

Laharl entered the once glorious frost eldar kingdom now turned into a dark place of desacration and dark worship to him.

All former altars, shrines, statues, and depictions of the former king and the Alderi Pantheon, have been desecrated and destroyed now all those altars, shrines and more are fully dedicated to him, and him alone.

All the shi'lanorai have willingly submitted to Crystallyl, and they've forsake all former worship or weakness, especially after the purge done by Crystallyl's Bloodstained Snow Beasts and his daemons, all over the weak and defiant have been either publicly executed by bounding and leaving their bodies over the tallest walls or used as sacrifices to him.

Speaking of which his daemons are are still roaming the queendom, he saw knightmares, void wraiths, and even some succubi have made the mountain their domain under Crystallyl's blessing.

This the Queendom of Agrah'mohtn which translated from eldar means, "Beasts of Shadows" Crystallyl and her people have fully forsaken everything that the alderi...drukhari...and even future ynnari, embracing Chaos fully and willingly, while Jar Zera'val of the C'hartari, will be the Carnage Champion, and Chaos Aspect of Carnage, Crystallyl shall be the Chaos Eldar Goddess that rules and empowers the eldar Chaos Aspect, alongside Khorne, and Tzeentch's chosen as Slaanesh will most likely chose either a Dark Eldar from their world or a Dark Elf from Old World his money is most likely on Morathi being Slaanesh chosen...while Nurgle will puck Isha and with a little help from the Dark One that choice will come true, as the Dark One was wickedly grinning at his thoughts.

When the Dark Harbinger, finally made hid way through the Agrah'mohtn streets all daemons and shi'lanorai kneeled in respect and reverence to him as he passed through the streets heading towards Crystallyl's throne chamber.

Location the Queendom of Agrah'mohtn-The Cold Bloodsoak Throne of the Winter Queen

Upon a glorious and dark throne of shi'lanorai silver, corrupted wraithbone, and ice was the light brown skinned beauty and queen of the enlighten shi'lanorai, Crystallyl Shik'Adammine.

Her right arm on the ice made armrest, while her other arm was petting her beloved saberhorn beast, Frostfang who has greatly mutated and grown in size hidden away in the shadows, with his three lined light violet eyes glowing in the dark.

Crystallyl looks exactly the same beautiful long silver hair, shi'lanorai silver chestplate, right gauntlet and tight high greaves, replacing her former blue clothing with royal dark purple colors.

Still she wears the Ymirian Bear pelt over her right shoulder now it was black and violet instead of pure white and the emble that clipped her pelt and held it on was a silver buckle in the sacred shape of the Mark of Carnage.

Beside the right side was her weapon, the corrupted great ice-axe, Skathi the Bringer of Dark Winters, she was bored a bit sad her dark master has won the battle against the latest Chaos God, and has brought great power and corruption to her Queendom, when that mysterious wave struck everything in the Nethervoid, as she defended the realm of her God, from daemonic invasions from the Plague God, and said defense was quite simple with the natural defenses already established in the Nethervoid...while it was a glorious battle, but still meager compared to battle she had with the one she once called father...

Just remembering the man infuriated her, as frost and ice began to spread and manifest around her dark chamber, as the temperature drastically dropped all around the chamber that's when she heard, "Being upset by dead things...is beneath you my Winter Queen..." the voice sounded, powerful...majestic...dark...and divine as the being showed himself to her.

Emerging from the dark, was Laharl upon seeing him, Crystallyl stood from her throne and kneeled and so came out Frostfang, upon the Dark One witnessing the two time larger mulberry purple furred sabertooth alien feline.

With the increased size and fur color aside the loyal companion and beast of the Winter Queen, has several chaotic mutation it had a row three eyes of each side of his head, the razor-sharp blade horn grew in length, and sharpness resembling an a Egyptian scimitar in Laharl's opinion, it gained thick ram horns and three varied long length curved spikes on its hump.

Observing the saberhorn beast in all honesty reminded him of Panthor from He-man 2002 version with a more eldritch twist to him, pretty awesome in the Dark One's opinion.

Laharl once done inspecting the now fully daemonic saberhorn beast, he focused all his attention on the kneeling, beautiful she-frost eldar before him.

He approached her, making Crystallyl tense as she felt her Dark God come closer to her.

That's when she felt the clawed hand of the Void Lord, gently placed and rising her chin so her now turquoise and periwinkle colored eyes can look directly onto his own black eyes with red irises.

She was mesmerized by the handsome face, and dark black and red voids that her dark master calls eyes...

She has never felt this...utter attraction and devotion to a man...none could compare to the Dark One, his avatar that she fought under in the shi'lanorai Civil War did do him justice.

That's when Crystallyl heard him, "A queen of your strength, and beauty should not be kneeling to no one...not even me. My Winter Queen, you've done so much for me, and the my realm it's time for me to reward you." hearing his dark, powerful, and authority filled voice made Crystallyl's heart flutter and a bright red blush now adorn her beautiful light brown face.

She tried to deny the reward, claiming she has no need for it all she needs is his appreciation and her devotion to him.

This made Laharl chuckle, his robust warrior queen acting like a shy love smitten princess, shaking his head he said to her, "Don't. This isn't the bloodsoaked, authority/destiny defying, predator of a queen I know. Your Carnage, Darkness, Rebelliousness, Fury, and more draw me to you, I trusted you to protect my realm, and you achieve that with little loss against Nurgle's forces. I want you, completely my Winter Queen, Crystallyl Shik'Adammine, so show me your power, strength and beauty." all his words were resonating in Crystallyl's mind and heart.

As he helped her to stand and he even opened his six wings to bring her closer to him, and wrap said wings around him as they embrace in the cold, snowy darkness...

(Khorne/Blood God POV)

Location the Blood Lands-The Cracked Land/Spawning Pits of the Goristros

I stood there, as my newest high daemons climb up, and crawl out the hole that is the Cracked Land.

Hundreds of red furred, brass collar wearing goristros emerged before me, the former tanar'ri all kneeled in reverence to me, as my legion has gained powerful new daemons into their ranks.

Possessing unbridled strength and ferocity, plus some special additions I gave them to better serve in the bloody massacrers, I set them loose upon.

One of these newer abilities are slight sentience and higher intellect that their D&D counterparts, plus I gave them greater physical strength and hellfire breathe making them a deadly infernal adversary against any that dare stand against my legions.

That along with their natural resistance to cold, fire, lightning, and weaker bludgeoning and slashing attack would give great advantage against the weak space elves, but the greenskins, and my future enemies or worshippers amongst humanity the Astartes, shall be especially deadly against if they fight a few of my improved goristros.

But eight of them together Space Marine and even creatures from other world wouldn't be able to match my newest daemons.

Will I originally intended to test my newest savage daemons on this alternative world, called the Old World, I decide against it...for now.

Even if the possibility is minuscule, I can't risk my weaker counterpart, to take claim of my goristros, as I thought of this I heard one of my goristros speak to me, it's voice was greatly beastial like and filled with loyalty and bloodlust, as it said, "My Lord. Master of Battlefields! Lord of Skulls!! We swear to bath the galaxy in blood, naw at the bones of the vanquished, and offer all lives and skulls, in your honor!!!!" as he went silent, they all said in unison, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!"

All my goristros had gave the utter alligance, and absolute loyalty to me, this made me laugh with a boisterous sounding, coated pleased joy.

I laughed for some time...I must be being influenced by Nurgle.

Shaking off this thought I instructed my newest high-daemons to spread around the Blood Lands, and that the Cracked Land shall be their main territory and spawning area, I told them that in the upcoming future I'll shall summon them to battle, were they can get their fill in bloodshed, flesh, and brutality as they roared and banged their chest like apes.

Now I have not only the Blood Valkyries, Balrogs, and Goristros all apart of my legion and domain, I can focus on preparing for the upcoming world-jump, in the I decide it would be best to settle with lesser daemons in the invading army to the Old World.

One-hundred bloodletters shall do, as began summoning these lesser daemons and wait for Laharl to be finished what whatever he has planned...that's when I got a message from him, telling me he has already gathered his chosen forces to strike the Old World, and that he'll soon finish...an avatar?

I was confused and asked, "What do mean an Avatar? Are you planning to unleash, the Infernal Destroyer on such a weak world!!?" then I heard my brother respond to me, "NO. That will be to much overkill...and quite honestly, not as enjoyable to use my avatar brother. No, what I plan to create is another Avatar for all of us to enjoy the slaughter and conquest personally. All I need from you is to bring a hellblade, and come so I can create this avatar, that all three of us will pilot."

When I heard this from my brother, I was utterly shocked but in this hundreds of years we've been together as Gods of the Immaterium, I've come to...trust...in him, so I'll shall do as he says, and promise to bring the hellblade he request.

As he cuts off the connection, I now wait for him to call for me, to see this new avatar that appears to be from what little my brother, explained an Avatar for all Chaos Gods.

Things are getting very interesting, I'm quite looking forwards to this upcoming slaughter, and surprisingly fighting alongside my brother, Laharl as well.

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the Nethervoid's Open Skies

After I embraced and spent some time with my dearest Crystallyl, I left the mountain and took flight I remembered, that I felt her overflowing emotions and desires directed to me.

Needless to say she has started to fell in love with me, and I swore that once I return from another world, I would officially make her my newest queen...and lover, immediately after saying that to her, she brought her hands over her mouth, and her emotions of love, joy, happiness, excitement, desire, and lust were drastically increased.

When spent time talking, to each other and I told her about the multiverse, seeing as I needed a starting invasion force Crystallyl, she willingly presented me with 200 in total, Bloodstained Snow Beasts under my command, from 100 Ice Warriors, 50 Cryowitches, 24 Shadow Hunters, 1 Dark Wendigo acting as lieutenant in my forces, and lastly 25 Crystal Wraiths.

Plus my new daemons, the mortfinis have already reached the five hundreds in overall amount in my legion, I'm taking 100 of them to the Old World, 25 guillotine wielders, 25 dual sword wielders, 25 dual sawdisk wielders which will be the range varients amongst my finis and greatly aid my Crystal Wraiths in battle, and lastly 25 harbert wielders while in DMC2 they were basically a non-armed varient I decided to give these varient a pole weapon which will serve me greatly in the upcoming battles across the multiverse.

Lastly I also will take one infernal with me to the Old World, to act as my "giant/monster unit" capable of causing untold damage to the various races and factions in that world.

Once I've organized all my forces that I chosen for this Chaos Undivided Army, that me, Khorne and Nurgle will personally command as we wreck havoc, mayhem, ruin, and Chaos in this alternative Old World were all name characters are alive and in the same moment in time.

I personally want to face the famed Dragon Emperor's children and army, as I corrupt and snatch Kathey away from Tzeentch, plus I also want to take Lustria from the Lizardmen cause...I want dinosaurs for myself, I mean who wouldn't well my stalkers are based off the cold ones/raptors of Warhammer Fantasy.

That also gives me the opportunity to fight and kill Nakai the Wanderer and Mazdamundi, and while corrupting and slaughtering everything I'll gain untold amount of power from the devastation, carnage, and slaughter I wrought to that world.

But before I can enjoy that Chaos, and reign catastrophe on those mortals especially the Empire of Man, as I'll not only kill the Emperor Karl Franz, I'll claim Ghal Maraz for myself cause not only will I want as a trophy, I'll use it to crust Sigmar head personally...he'll serve as a fine substitute for anger towards the Anathema, I'm sure Khorne will agree with me once we invade the Empire.

I'm done thinking about everything I'll do once me and my brothers go to Old World, I still have some final business to finish.

Such as making my newest, Undivided Avatar, for us to pilot I plan to make an atlar outside of all of our domain so I'm heading upward, flying outside the limits of the Nethervoid going straight toward the Warp, as I started to enter the vast eldritch, multi-colored realm of the Immaterium.

As I search, and senses for a suitable place to create a altar similar to the one I have for the Infernal Destroyer, for this new avatar, when I had a thought that made me stop flying through the Warp...

I contacted Aillia as I had a question for her, she quickly replied to me, (Yes, my Lord.) I asked her, "Aillia, when I finish this avatar. Would, Khorne and Nurgle be able to hear and sense you with us in the avatar?" Aillia stayed silent for a second, before responding to me, "Regretfully my Lord. Yes. Your brothers, Khorne and Nurgle will be able to sense and listen to me, cause like the Infernal Destroyer, you and the other Gods are placing their separate consciousness and essences. I'm loyal, to you, and you alone, my Lord! (>w<)) I never doubted her, she is the most adorable and loyal little advisor any deity can ask.< p>

My compliment, made her squeek cutely...it's been a while since I teased her, but I can do that later as I heard her yell, (Hey!) in my head.

Now I need a way to explain Aillia to Khorne and Nurgle, without revealing my system or that I always had her as an assistant and advisor...that's when I had an idea!!!

I contacted Aillia again and said her, "Aillia!! I know of the Advisor, from the TWW-series, Aillia you can be our version of that character, tricking them into believing your a guide I implanted into the avatar." Aillia cheered and responded, (That's a great idea, my Lord!!! (☆u☆) But I promise, your are my Lord, over the others I'll be sure to prioritize things that might prove more beneficial for you!!!!) sighing, I told her to do as she wants, but make sure to help my brothers, and provide the same service...in a lesser, capacity...to them.

As I was about to continue my search for the perfect place for the avatar, a blue transparent screen appeared before my eyes as Aillia said to me, (My Lord, check out your latest stats!!! I noticed that they've gain a boost since then, and I know you don't want to see them onless your very close to reaching a billion. But I thought, you'll like to see how the progress is going.)

My how considerate, and it has been some years since I inspect them so might as well...


Name: Laharl

Other Aliases-Na'nag Othah, Adrak'Maal, Alka'lkarnak, Valboga, the Dark One, the Dark Harbinger, the One that Dwells in the Void

Titles-Warp Bender, Keeper of Oaths, Breacher of Realities, Cultor of the Universe, the Great Seductor, the Void Lord of the Shi'lanorai, the Defiler of Reality, the Dark Creator, the Sacred Creator, the Father of the Neverborn, the Arch-Daemon of Chaos, the First of the Chaos Gods of the Immaterium, the Force Within the Void

Major Divinities: Carnage, Infernals, Creator, Lust & Love

Dark Divinities-Greater: Void, Desacration, & Devastation

Lesser: Horrors, Madness & Punishment

Noble Divinities-Greater: Promises & Domination.

Sacred Number # 13

Chaos Colors-Dark Purple, Maroon, Burgundy & Black

God-Tier: Primordial Force of Creation (Mid-High)

FON: The Void

Army Size-4.2B

Soul Collection-1.94B

Strength: 290M

Durability: 285M

Psychic: 200M

Resistance: 185M

Domination: 179M

Worship: 205M

[For those that haven't been keeping up with the Axillary Chapter, here are Laharl's current stats.]

I've seriously had a boost of my stats with the latest events, I'm quite pleased as I swipe away the blue screen from my sight, and continue my search for a perfect spot to create and hide this new avatar of the Gods.

Location the Warp-Nameless Moon swallowed by the Immaterium

After a while flying through the Warp, I found a massive blue moon...

As I stopped to inspect this moon, I noticed that it doesn't have any sort of corruption from any of the three Dark Gods currently in the Warp.

It must have been a random moon that has been pulled into the Warp, like many other planets, planetoids, and more that have been pull and spit out from Immaterium like lore has described, just like Acheron from Dawn of War 3, or Grey Knights' homeworld Titan when the planet banished into the Warp, then came out with the most broken Space Marine Chapter in lore...as I said out loud, "Warp...I hate Grey Knight Players soo much...even now..." but regardless, this moon shall be the perfect resting and hiding place of this new avatar, as I spread my wings and flew towards it.

[Author: There's a axillary chapter, with the worlds that my MC and the other Chaos Gods are going confirmed for the third Doom. Please vote your favorites from the two list one an action/game genre the other anime the top one from both list shall be the worlds that come after the Tzeentch 40k Saga. The most votes will become the fourth world between the two winners.]