
Ten Millennium Spatial Array

Ning'er and Ziyun both looked at each other and smiled. They knew it was hard on Itachi every time they had some intimate time, he always fought against his urges for their sake. If it wasn't for Lanruo becoming one of them, maybe that fool would have tried to fight back for who knows how long. They both walked back to Ziyun's courtyard.

Inside Itachi's Courtyard, Itachi kissed Lanruo gently with passion, he put one of his hands around her waist while the other roamed on her upper body. Lanruo could feel his tongue inside her mouth, she followed his lead and brought her tongue towards his and intertwined with it.

After a few minutes one could moans coming from Itachi's courtyard. Itachi's father and mother were surprised to find out that the sounds were coming from their son's room.

Next day, Itachi woke up and looked at the girl sleeping in his arms. He caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead. He saw the girl pouting her lips with her eyes still closed, he smiled gently and kissed her on her lips. Lanruo woke up and looked at the handsome face in front of her and couldn't help but recall their actions last night and she blushed. Itachi noticed she opened her eyes and said "Good morning love."

"Good morning, Itachi." Lanruo said softly.

"Well we better get off the bed, if not Ning'er and Ziyun won't stop teasing you if you go to their courtyard late." Said Itachi while he kissed her.

Lanruo nodded her head, after which she got off the bed. She went to the door and turned back as if she remembered something. She ran towards Itachi and hugged him, she said "Itachi, you shouldn't hold back your urges anymore. If you feel like having sex, you can do it with me. In future after Ziyun and Ning'er grow up, I might not get to have much of the time with you alone."

"What are you talking about Yan Ruo? You're also my women, if you need to have some time alone with me, you can always have it. It's the same for Ning'er and Ziyun too. I'll never let the three of you down." Itachi said slowly while patting her back.

Lanruo nodded her head and left the courtyard. Before she left, Itachi reminded her to gather the girls so that he could share his intentions.

After which the girls came to his courtyard. Itachi explained them that he needed to go to the dark ruins located in the Glory City and also asked them if they wanted to come with him.

The girls were pretty excited to go with Itachi, they agreed almost immediately. Seeing them Itachi smiled while shaking his head, he told them to get the things they want to bring for the journey and told them to wait for him to come back.

He went to Ye Zong and informed that he would be taking the girls with him to the ruins. Ye Zong was shocked he didn't realize that there was a ruin in Glory City behind his mansion. But he agreed with Itachi and let him explore it. Ye Zong also mentioned that there will be a tournament organised by the Snow Wind family for the younger generation in a few days and asked Itachi if he wants to participate. Itachi declined and said "Even if my girls enter the tournament, they'll be the ones to win and I don't want to see them fight against each other, so they won't participate either."

The border of the City Lord's Mansion

Here stands an old construct. The erosion from the rain, left mottled traces on the walls here.

These huge dome-like constructs don't go well with the constructs of Glory City.

In the Age of Darkness, Glory City once had many inhabitants. However, during the mad frenzy by the demon beasts, many of them were killed. Even their corpses were missing, no one knows exactly what kind of history Glory City has.

The five Legend rank ancestors brought hundreds of thousands of people here as they battled and retreated into the St. Ancestral Mountains. They retreated into Glory City and from there, they began to rebuild the city.

Thereafter, Glory City experienced countless destruction. However, the ancestors rebuilt it again and again, which is why many families managed to pass down till now.

However, the original history of Glory City has been destroyed in the long passage of time. The majority of Glory City's constructs were all rebuilt, only these constructs remained till today. These dome-like constructs were enveloped in a faint white luster, even Legend rank Demon Spiritualists are unable to penetrate through it.

This should be a giant ancient array, filled with mystery.

On the walls of those dome-like constructs, there are many profound inscriptions carved on them that would occasionally emit a lustrous shine.

Itachi brought the girls to enter the ancient array. The moment they stepped into the ancient array, everyone could feel a bizarre spatial distortion.

Time and space are the most mysterious natural laws in the world. Living beings that are able to grasp of these two laws are extremely low in numbers. Furthermore, many of the mysterious natural laws have failed to be inherited.

The moment Itachi stepped into the Ten Millennium Spatial Array, he felt that the remnant page of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book was under some induction. It was emitting a buzzing sound and then lit up. Waves of mysterious energy circulated around the remnant page.

It's as if it had some sort of resonance with the Ten Millennium Spatial Array.

As they moved forward, they could feel that gentle yet tyrannical barrier up ahead and, eventually, came in contact with the barrier. The surface of the barrier is soft and smooth. The texture was similar to a silk brocade. When Itachi stretched his hands out to test it, they were repelled by the barrier.

Itachi thought 'So this is the Ten Millennium Spatial Array huh? It's definitely worth the name, it can repel people who are at legend rank too.'

Itachi entered the Library of Heavens in his mind and went through the book related to the Ten Millennium Spatial Array, which appeared in his library when he was in contact with the barrier. The girls were eyeing the surroundings curiously.

Beside this ancient array, there are sixteen dome-like towers. Every one of them are at least six meters tall. Every pillar is carved with extremely complicated inscription patterns. Between every inscription pattern, there seems to be some sort of unique link.

In ancient times, there were tens of thousands of inscription patterns passed down from generation to generation. Everyone knew that each inscription pattern contained its own unique power. When some inscription patterns are combined together, an unimaginable power is unleashed.

Itachi walked to one of the pillars. He slowly touched every inscription pattern with his right hand and eventually stopped at one of the slightly bulged inscription patterns. He injected a little soul force into it.

Suddenly, this particular inscription pattern burst with a dazzling light.

This is the one!

Itachi was a little excited. He was able to find one of the sixteen inscription patterns to solve this barrier.

The light on the inscription slowly gathered to a point and shot towards the barrier.


The barrier slightly trembled.

"What happened?!"

The girls were slightly shocked when they saw a light emitting from the inscription and looked towards Itachi.

They were filled with anticipation because Itachi was really able to figure out the method to open the barrier. They all grew up in Glory City, and many people came here before. However, no one was able to unlock this barrier, enter and see what's inside.

Itachi lightly smiled and retracted his hand. He then moved to the second dome-like tower.


The second inscription pattern was also found by Itachi.

Thereafter, the third, fourth and fifth were also found.

Each inscription pattern lit up one after another, unleashing beams of light that settled on the barrier. Once the final light settled onto the barrier, it emitted a mysterious shine and formed into brightly coloured light spots, like an endless nebula.

"Come, we're going inside." Itachi waved his hands towards the girls.

As he was talking, the barrier slowly diminished and then disappeared.

Itachi stepped into the barrier first, and was quickly followed by the girls.

A moment later, the barrier reformed and turned bright again.

It was as though they had entered into an endless space.

Woosh! Woosh! Woosh!

Rays of light flashed all around them and then appeared in the middle of a worn out ancient array. The middle part looked similar to a teleportation array. The surroundings are covered with stone pillars and carved with mysterious inscription patterns.

A cold rain was dripping onto the ground. Ahead of them is an endlessly dark wilderness. The distant mountains were vaguely seen. Above them was an infinite sky.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The sounds of monsters could be faintly heard from far away.

"Where are we?" Ziyun shockingly asked. A moment ago, they were at Glory City. How did they arrive to such a location in just a flash?
