

Do you want to lose your freedom for your biggest dream come true? Is that what you want? Choose wisely because what you chose can not be forgotten. « For all who are going to come here and traveling through time with me, standing by my side doesn't matter what happens. »

3 Chs


»All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.«

One day I asked myself what my biggest dream would be. The conclusion: I wanna live a life which I won't regret at the end. I wanna be someone who encourages the weak people, who lost their hold in life. But how do I want to get there? Through art, music or is there something else?

Music, I would like to make my own music. Producing the beats and writing the lyrics. It is something I discovered for myself through the past months. But I am also sure, that I won't be abled to be a celebrity. I am good in singing, but not the perfect singer. I am good at creating music, but not the perfect producer. Dance would be the second option, but is it what I really want to?

Do I really want to make my life essence and love to what I wanna be in the future?

I am unsure and afraid of losing my life essence, when it come to stressful workdays. I do not want to lose my work-life balance, but I am sure about the fact I want to help others with my experience

I know that everything of the mentioned is healing and helping me. So I can recommend everyone who is in a hard, confusing and trouble-making situation to find something what you really wanna do.