
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · ファンタジー
287 Chs

Warrior Test: John and Bernard's First Round

The tournament of the boys who specialize in fighting began in the knockout system. Each participant was assigned a number, and then the numbers were drawn by a spell to determine who they would face. Excitement was in the air as the young warriors waited excitedly to find out who their first opponent would be.

The girls, who had prepared for physical combat, were to compete next. They had been diligently training and refining their techniques to prove themselves in the upcoming battles.

Last but not least, it was the turn of those who were interested in magic. Bracelets were handed out to them that enabled them to cast spells. Their faces reflected concentration and determination as they prepared to demonstrate their magical abilities.

The various magical classes such as mages, witches, summoners, ether weavers, and destruction elementalists also competed against each other. The arena shone with the light of magic as powerful spells were cast and the participants tried to outdo their opponents.

The healers had a special role as they took care of those who had suffered injuries during the battles. Whether priests, druids, soul priests or blood witches in the case of vampires, they all had the task of supporting and protecting their team members.

The atmosphere in the Coliseum was charged with excitement and anticipation. The young warriors and mages were ready to give their best and prove themselves in the challenging battles. The spectators felt the energy and ambition of the participants and feverishly watched as the tournament was in full swing.

The moment had come when Johannes was to face his first opponent. His heart beat wildly with excitement as he fixed his eyes on his opponent. This son of a count from the south of the country was unknown to him, a spearman of the same age as himself. John felt Hrafnstríðr's hand on his shoulder and listened to the encouraging words whispered in his ear. "Ignore everyone else here. Focus only on defeating your enemy. The first step into the arena is the most important. Go out with your head held high and return the same way, whether as a winner or loser. Even if you can hardly lose after all my training here, make your family and Zara proud."

With these words, Hrafnstríðr turned Johannes around and pushed him forward slightly. Johannes looked at Zara, who smiled kindly at him. Then he turned his gaze back to his opponent. He firmly resolved not to let nervousness get the better of him. He straightened his shoulders, directed his gaze straight ahead, and stepped proudly into the center of the Colosseum. There he stood now, ready to face his first challenger, the adrenaline pulsing in his veins, and his determination growing with every passing moment.

He barely saw the crowd in the stands. All his attention was on his opponent. They faced each other, the tension in the air was palpable. John drew his two one-handed swords from their scabbards, feeling the familiar weight in his hands. The spearman opposite fixed him with a challenging gaze. It was time to get going.

With an energetic shout, his opponent charged at John, the tip of his spear aimed unerringly at him. Johannes' body reacted instinctively. He deftly dodged, parried a well-aimed thrust of the spear with one of his one-handed swords, and countered with a swift slash. The fight was on and Johannes was determined to give everything.

The crowd in the stands went wild, the cheers were deafening. But John heard only the pounding of his own heart, the snorting of his breath and the rhythmic clash of weapons. Time seemed to stand still as he immersed himself in the battle, carefully studying his opponent's every move and matching his own reactions.

Sweat ran down his forehead, his breathing was heavy, but John fought on. Every punch, every dodge was a step closer to victory. And finally, after an intense exchange of blows, Johannes found a gap in his opponent's defense. A swift slash of his one-handed punch hit its target, and the count's son staggered back before falling to the ground.

The crowd exploded with cheers as the referee raised Johannes' arm in the air and announced his victory. John was breathing heavily, feeling the exhaustion, but most of all, he felt the sense of happiness coursing through him. He had won his first battle in the Coliseum of the Test.

As John turned his gaze to the sky, he smiled. His family, Zara and Hrafnstríðr were proud of him. But he knew that this was only the beginning. More struggles lay ahead, and he was ready to face any challenge to find his place in this world.

Next, it was Bernard's turn. He was accompanied by his tutor. Bernard wore leather mittens with iron reinforcements on the top, presumably to ward off or block attacks. He was very nervous, especially when he caught sight of Nora and turned his gaze to the upper stand where he saw Elara and Elysia. But when he noticed them rooting for him and cheering for him, his nervousness disappeared. He didn't want to be in the shadows of the others and straightened up. He checked his mittens and faced his first opponent, a baron's son who was about to turn 15 and was slightly taller than Bernard. This baron's son wielded a sword and a shield as weapons, which could be a challenge for Bernard as a pugilist. Still, he didn't let on.

The baron's son waited tensely, holding his shield in front of him as he waited for Bernard to approach him. Bernard did just that and approached the baron. But no sooner was he in range than the Baron went on the attack, his patience obviously exhausted. Bernard protected himself by holding both hands in front of him to ward off his opponent's sword, which he succeeded in doing. As the baron was about to bring his shield back in front of him and withdraw his sword, Bernard took the opportunity. He grabbed the Baron's wrist tightly, pulled him to him and threw him over his shoulder onto the ground. The baron's heavy armor rendered him almost helpless. Bernard did not let go of the wrist, but even sat on the shield to press it on the Baron's chest. At that moment, the baron's voice rang out, "I give up."