
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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214 Chs

Colosseum of the test: Valrics tunier

A silver portal suddenly opened next to Mortis and his women, from which stepped a young beauty named Primus. She wore unfamiliar clothing, more reminiscent of a fan's outfit for a soccer game. Her T-shirt had the children's names printed on it, and in her hand, instead of her usual weapon, she held a flag of Bamberg, her son's city. Mortis could hardly believe what he was seeing, but before he could react, Primus hugged him tightly.

"Straight from the arena, ready for the tournament!" she shouted as she clutched Mortis tightly. Mortis was confused and asked, "Arena? Preparations? What are you guys up to again?" At that moment, his father patted him on the shoulder and explained, "In your world, when athletes competed against each other every four years, it was called the Olympics. That's what we're up to here now. A tournament that's all about the kids trying to prove themselves. It's the forerunner, other gods are watching it too. If it is exciting and to their liking, they could also think of tournaments to find candidates they like. It will last a few days, and everyone, from rich to poor, will be able to participate. Peasants and others will get the opportunity to become adventurers. Not only that, but all races will be represented. It will be fun."

Mortis wondered if his parents were bored or if they simply enjoyed having the gods of this world do their bidding. But he could not deny that this offered many the chance to receive a divine blessing and become adventurers. This could help make the cities and the country safer.

But before Mortis had a chance to think about further developments, other nobles and high-ranking beings were already rushing over, attracted by Primus' appearance. Although she took on human forms, her flamboyant appearance could not hide the fact that she was no ordinary goddess. Queen Shiva and Elara were shocked when they realized what was going on. They rushed with their servants to Mortis as quickly as possible to receive Primus. But suddenly, lightning struck in the middle of the training grounds, and two more gods appeared. They were two male gods, one dressed like a blacksmith while the other wore shining armor.

The god in the armor roared across the square, "Where is Count Nikolai of the Adamite people?" Count Nikolai, addressed by a god at the sound of his name, flinched and raised his hand slightly. Almost whispering, he replied, "Here I am, Your Holiness." The god of war fixed the count and beckoned him to him. The count hurried to the god. "I understand it was your idea to have the younger ones compete in a tournament?" the god asked. The count replied, "Yes, Your Holiness. It was to show how well the children are prepared for the life ahead of them."

The god of war nodded in agreement. "Good, it was not a bad idea, and we gods have taken this tournament to heart. Today's tournament is to be the precursor to a much larger tournament in which all the peoples of the world will participate. From rich to poor, everyone will be able to prove their worth. For this purpose, a separate realm has been created, with many small arenas and a large colosseum where the final battles will take place. Today your tournament shall inaugurate this coliseum, with demanding and challenging battles."

The God of War continued, "Food and refreshments will be provided. All those who wish to participate in this tournament today should sign in. Then they will be sent to the Coliseum. Fight fair and hard, and don't be afraid, children. Nothing serious can happen to you, we have taken care of that. The values and forces will be adjusted to a certain base to ensure fairness. See you in the coliseum of testing. See you then."

With these words, the god disappeared along with the other. In their place, a woman appeared holding papers and shouting loudly across the training ground, "Please line up, all those who wish to enter themselves or their children in the tournament."

Amidst the commotion, all the parents rushed to the lady to get a form and register their children for the tournament. Mortis, on the other hand, remained calm at his side and looked at his father, who seemed a bit displeased. "What have you done again?" asked Mortis with a skeptical look. His father laughed lightly and replied, "Me? Nothing in particular. When the arrogant war god wouldn't listen, I just sent him to your brother, another war god in another world. But from the looks of it, he still seems to be fine - at least he still has his head on his shoulders."

Mortis' father laughed in amusement, snapped his fingers, and teleported Mortis, his wives, the children, the queen, and Elara to the Coliseum. There they found themselves in a large room furnished with first-class seats and a magnificent view of the venue. Suddenly, a startled cry was heard from a woman. It was Elysia, wondering why she was suddenly not in her room. Edna, who had just been talking to Gwinvia, also wondered, but kept her composure.

Elara looked at Elysia and remarked, "I was wondering where you were. A rarity to see you in such fine clothes and even made up. I was beginning to worry that you had escaped again. But it seems you're up to no good." Elysia replied with a mischievous smile, "Of course, or do you think I would lose to a barbarian? After all, I know that curves seduce a man more than a sharpened spear."

Mortis and the others ignored the two gods and got ready instead. Helga and Lumina took the girls and accompanied them downstairs to stand by their side. Hrafnstríðr took Johannes and followed the women, for after all, he was here for the little guy and would stay by his side.

The grandstand for the spectators continued to fill as citizens from all the towns were allowed to be spectators. This realm was specially designed for such a big event and had room for two million people. And if that wasn't enough, it was possible to trigger a dimensional shift and expand the seats to infinity so that truly everyone could have a seat.

The gods had even divided the cities and provided them with flags of their city so that everyone could cheer on their baron, count or whatever. The atmosphere grew more and more excited and the anticipation for the tournament was palpable.

When the Coliseum was full and the citizens saw their young nobles, they were on fire. The nobles were also proud of their citizens for having so much backing and eagerly waved to their citizens. Nora and Zara were cheered on fiercely by the people of Bamberg, as was Johannes, whose mother sat far in front, happy to see her son safe and sound, as Hrafnstríðr scratched himself sheepishly and called him over. Then suddenly loud drums beat, and music rang out in the Coliseum. After a great flash of lightning, all the gods, from good to evil, appeared to watch this tournament and not to miss it. The people were beside themselves with joy and with fear, but the mood did not give way, on the contrary, the people and other races who were there welcomed all the gods with loud cheers and clapping. Thereupon the gods separated and took their seats in their high boxes except for Valric....

alric, the mighty god of war, looked out over the packed coliseum, enjoying the loud cheers and applause of the people and the various races. The excitement and energy were palpable in the air, and he truly felt at that moment that he was the ruler of the martial arts and the challenges of life.

With a lofty gesture, he asked for silence, and gradually the noise died down until finally there was an expectant silence. Valric came to the fore and began to speak in a powerful voice that reached to the farthest ranks of the audience:

"My brave warriors, ladies and gentlemen, children of this world! Today we are here to witness an event that fills hearts and ignites the spirit of competition. The young blossoms of this world are bravely competing to show off their skills and abilities. In this venerable Coliseum, a place of trials and triumphs, they will prove themselves and grow - not only as fighters, but as individuals."

His words echoed around the arena, and his gaze pierced the crowd as if he were addressing each and every spectator.

"The gods and goddesses of this world are gathered today to share this moment with you. We look, we cheer, we witness your determination and your zeal. But remember that within each of you resides an inner strength that will guide you through these struggles. May victory be your goal, but the process is the true treasure."

Valric raised his arms, and a golden glow surrounded him as he continued his words, "May this tournament not only reveal your skills, but also uplift your spirit. May you realize the value of friendship, courage, and fairness. And may your actions always remind us and your world that the battle is not just in the arena, but in every decision you make and every step you take."

His speech ended with an impressive applause from the gods and the audience alike. Valric lowered his arms and smiled before turning to the other gods to enjoy the tournament and witness the aspirations of the young warriors.

The arena was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement, and the fighters stood ready to prove their courage and strength.