A man gets transmigrated in the MCU with the mother of all the superpowers REALITY WARPING English is not my first language so read accordantly I do not own anything except my OC
When I was little, I saw the figure of Superman as that of an invincible man who always fights for justice and always beats the villain.
And as much as I found it fantastic as a kid, growing up I began to think that such a character was "boring" and without a real personality.
I understand that I was wrong when a friend of mine in university discovering that I once loved the character of Superman, recommend me some comics of it
Since in that time of my life, I was introverted and shy, and he was one of my few friends I had, I accepted even though I didn't want to.
And thanks to those few comics again I start to adore the Superman character again, but this time I understood an important concept of Superman
Superman is not invincible
And not because he has Kryptonite or magic or the red sun as a weakness,
But because he is human
Yes, I know that Superman is an alien, but of all the DC characters that I have read Superman is the most human, because he is not perfect sometimes he is wrong and he makes mistakes that he has to live with,
So no Superman is not invincible
But despite this, even when he faces enemies stronger than him, he never gives up
For example, the first time Superman died facing Doomsday
That was one of the best Superman comics and not because the fight was one of the best fights of all the history of comics, but because in that comic Superman even though he didn't know if he could beat Doomsday didn't run or give up and in the end this led to his death. and the most inspiring thing of all is that he would have done it even if had knew he was going to die
Compared to him, I am pathetic
It's been two hours since the opening of the portal, and I still can't have enough courage to walk through it
I am just a coward who plays the role of a hero but when a danger arises that could kill him, he freezes with fear
I don't deserve to be called Superman
Ahhh maybe I should give up and forget this story of being a hero
Yes, I give up
March 30, 2009
Boar bar
It's been about a week since I gave up on being a hero, and I have to say I'm just fine now
Because I don't have to worry about any interdimensional entity or secret Nazi agencies, and finally I don't have to always watch my back for fear of being attacked
My life is great now
Thanks to my new life, this week I have done a myriad of things that in my old world I would have only dreamed of
Like moving from the hotel to a luxury home that belonged to a movie star
In addition to this, I started to visit and see the most beautiful places in New York for example the Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, Central Park
These are just some of the most beautiful places to visit in New York,, and there are still many places I must visit
But the place that beats them all in my opinion is this bar
The Boar bar
If you are wondering if it is a luxury bar or is it famous then the answer I will give you will be no
The Boar is one of those bars that you might see everywhere, the bar has nothing special apart from the owner of this bar
Jimmy Jackson
Jimmy is a middle-aged man about 1.70 to 1.75 tall with hair showing signs of aging and finally, a normal face that is neither ugly nor beautiful.
But although he has nothing special, for me instead he is an important person because the fact that he is my first friend that I made in this universe
"Hey Jim I would like the usual"
Jim turns to my side and says
"You know that I like it when you spend money in my bar, but don't you have a job or something"
Jim says sounding exasperated and sarcastic at the same time
"Oh, but taking into consideration that I'm your best customer and that I'm also a good company I don't understand your complain "
I reply with an offended tone
"Boy, good company for me is a woman, not a man"
Jim said, and then resumed serving other customers
"Well, what sane woman would want to spend time with you if she's not paid to do it"
I said amused
"You don't know what you're talking about, when I was young I made girls fall in love with me with just a look"
Jim said digging up the past
But I know that all a lie, because even if Jim is not ugly he is not even what you could define as handsome
"Really all that's missing is that you tell me that in reality, you are a superhero who runs a bar by day and fights crime by night"
Jim suddenly became serious and said
"Listen, boy, I don't know what happened to you, but I spent enough time in this job to know that there is something troubling you"
Wow so this is the legendary bartender who listens to his customers' problems while cleaning glass and always end up giving wise advice of life
"Don't worry about me, I'm fine"
I said trying to sound convincing
For some reason, it doesn't seem to work as Jim sighed and said
"If by chance you wanted to talk, I'm always here"
If only I could
Trying to change the conversation, I said
"If you really want to help me tell me some nice places that I can visit today, I'm almost running out of ideas"
Jim understanding my attempt to change the subject humors me by saying
"If you want, I can make you a list of the best places to visit in New York"
After I finished spending time with Jim, I went home
But first I passed by a pizzeria I had found during my visit to the city, that made the best pizza I have ever eaten.
After finishing ordering my pizza to take home, I waited for it to be prepared at one of the tables in the pizzeria
While I was waiting, a blind man entered the pizzeria using a blind cane to walk
I recognized who is it this blind man immediately thanks to Kang's memoirs
The one who entered the restaurant is now one of a group of heroes that will be formed in the future by the name of Defenders
Matt Murdock better known in the future as Daredevil