
Chapter 101- Revolution

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The God of Guardian slowly put Liu Guanyi on the ground as he looked around. It seemed that he was inside the massive cone-like platform as the guardian called it "Rice Pot", yet, it wasn't anything similar to a rice pot at all.

"It really has been a very long time since I've met someone like you, even until I lose the track of time. It's probably has been more than thousands of years since those kids and Zahard." Said the Guardian as he touched his chin and stared at Liu Guanyi.

"You have really met king Zahard and the leaders of the ten great families?" Hearing the God of Guardians' words, Liu Guanyi was extremely surprised, the implication of what he said was extremely big.

"Indeed, I have met them, those similar beings like you, the ones who carried great fate. In fact, I was the one who trained them at this place." Said the guardian casually.

Liu Guanyi nodded in understanding. "So, the legend is true then. Anyway, what is this place that you call the Rice Pot?"

The guardian scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm… the Rice Pot was a place that used to be used by a master of the Workshop to train Zahard and the ten great families' leaders."

"I trained those who had opened the gate by themselves at this place. Actually, this train and its guardians were made all made for their training. That's why my master called this place the Revolution Road."

Listening to the God of Guardians' explanation, realization dawned on Liu Guanyi.

This made everything about the Hell Train make more sense.

From the train design, lodgings, and guardians, they were all built to train the irregulars, showing that the master of the Workshop really valued them and didn't have a negative stance against the irregulars, at least at that time period.

Maybe this was the reason why the Royal family and nobles respected them and gave them a free reign and monopoly on a lot of things?

"You speak of "Revolution Road", what do you exactly mean about that? Is it related to the rumor that the leaders of the ten great families obtained their true powers here and changed the entire structure of the tower?" Liu Guanyi asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Indeed, you are right, the rice pot and I exist to give people with fate and power like you the opportunity of conducting "Revolution"." Answered the guardian.

"Revolution?" Liu Guanyi asked in wonder.

"Yes, Revolution. To find one's true self that has nothing related to society, ideologies, sentiments, or what people established as the rights and wrongs." The guardian nodded.

"This place is where you discover yourself that you weren't able to find out while being surrounded by false notions and boundaries that come from others. It's a process for anyone who opened the gate to realize their true fate." The guardian calmly explained.

The God of Guardians pointed his gigantic finger at Liu Guanyi. "In the Rice Pot, you must discover your true self, instead of a false self."

'True self, huh?' Liu Guanyi pondered.

For many others, they might doubt their true self and whether what they were doing was right or wrong, but for Liu Guanyi, this wasn't the case.

As a martial warrior who had reached what was considered as the peak of the Martial Way, he never once doubted himself.

If he did, he would never be able to reach that realm, for reaching that realm, one must have an absolute confidence in themselves.

Liu Guanyi always lived in his own ways, whether it would be considered ethical or unethical by the societies or considered heretical, he never cared about them.

He had killed many people, saved many creatures, manipulated others, caused great chaos, and even created peace with his own hands. Whether it was "good" or "evil", he never truly cared.

Everything what Liu Guanyi did was by his own will and for himself.

He always walked on the Martial Way and strived to seek out the answer that lied beyond his reach.

Even after being reincarnated in the tower and being exposed to many ideologies, cultures, and others which were far different from what was in his world, Liu Guanyi didn't change, he was always someone who walked on the Martial Way with his every fiber being to the end.

He was always himself, Liu Guanyi, a seeker of the Martial Way.

Because Liu Guanyi had understood a single fact with his past achievement and experience that when one had achieved absolute power, even if he did nothing, everything would bend to him completely on their own.

Ideologies, notions, and politics all were worthless in front of absolute power. Just like what had happened to Liu Guanyi in his previous life.

Liu Guanyi calmly looked at the God of Guardians in the eye and spoke with an unshakable confidence in his words. "If what you call as Revolution is only the means to realize my "true self", then I don't need it."

"Also, I don't need somebody to tell me my "true fate", how can someone who didn't know anything about me decides my fate? Even if you know me better than myself, I will still follow my own path and decide my own fate."

The calm eyes of the God of Guardians widened slightly as he was taken aback by Liu Guanyi's declaration, he didn't expect that his explanation would be responded to by such a determined response.

None of the irregulars he met had been like this.

To him, Liu Guanyi seemed pretty sure of himself that he already found his "true self" even without conducting Revolution, thus rejecting it since accepting it would taint his confidence of his oneself.

The Guardian looked at the little human properly once again, whether this was a mere arrogance or actual confidence on his part, only time would tell.

"I see, so you don't want to go through Revolution because you have found your own true self even though Zahard and his companions all did so? Interesting, what's your name, kid?" The Guardian asked him with a hint of curiosity that wasn't present before.

"Liu Guanyi, not really, I still want to do Revolution as long as it's true that the irregulars before me achieved their true powers after doing it." Stated Liu Guanyi with a smile.

"Then, let me ask you, Liu Guanyi, what will you do after you've achieved that power?" The God of Guardians stared at him intently as he asked with a solemn voice.

Your powerstones, please?

Heavenly_Ravencreators' thoughts